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ALL AGES had the chance to catch up with AF-Records band Much The Same at a hometown show at the Metro in Chicago on June 22, 2003. Every band member participated in the interview backstage (see key below). After the interview Much The Same blasted through their set list with the same fire that is found throughout their debut album “Quitters Never Win.” Check them out as July’s band of the month, and see the review of their latest release on this site!

Dan: I have to poo

Gunner: Start the interview with that.

1. Describe your music for someone that’s never heard you?

G: Mook?

M: That’s not really a description.

G: Take this one

M: Fast

G: Fast, technical

F: aggressive

G: aggressive, melodic

F: kick ass punk

G: Fast, technical, aggressive, melodic, kick ass punk

2. How did A-F Records come about signing you guys?

F: The Code

G: We played with The Code, and Chris #2’s other band Whatever It Takes.

M: We sent A-F a demo when we wanted to try to get signed and they liked it.

Laura: How long have you been together?

G: We’ve been a band for 4 years; 3 ½ before we were signed

3. Are any plans in the works for you to tour with Anti-Flag?

G: probably – We have no definite details, but I’m sure we will within the next few months if all goes as planned.

4. What prompted you to change your name to “Much The Same”?

G: There was another band called Don’t Look Down, and we had to fight for the name and agreed to change it. We are still good friends with them though and they’re playing here (the Metro) on August 13th with Yellowcard.

5. How has the punk scene responded to your debut release?

M: good

F: We are proud of it.

G: Better than expected – people aren’t coming up to us and saying they hate it. Though I guess if they hate it they probably wouldn’t just walk up to us and say so, so I don’t know. Maybe everybody hates it.

6. With all the garage music getting attention, do you think it is more beneficial to being a punk band like your which is different? Why?

F: Let me take this one

G: Frank

F: It is really cool that we are the old mid 90’s punk sound, but the kids today think it’s this new and different sound because they don’t really remember bands like No Use For a Name, Lagwagon, NOFX, so we are king of the segway for them.

Laura: That’s a good answer.

Jeff: That was very well thought out.

M: He has a little card to practice from

G: Yeah, whenever we get asked that we let Frank handle it

Laura: (joking) S how long did it take you to memorize that one?

F: That one took about a week.

G: No more making fun of Frank today.

Jeff: Now for the gay question.

7. Who are your influences?

G: NOFX, No Use For a Name

M: Pansy Division

Jeff: They are coming to town in August.

M: Well, I am going to town with them.

(enter Andy Simon of the band First Class)

M: Any Simon from First Class

F: Face to Face, Rage Against the Machine, Alkaline Trio, MXPX

D: Anything from Led Zepplin to Lagwagon to Slayer

F: The Big Lebowski. I love that movie

8. What do you think it means to sellout?

G: Doing something that you don’t want to do just to achieve commercial success

M: What is the origin of that word?

G: I don’t know but I hope we sell out tonight (the show that is)

9. If you had the opportunity to be the next big things would you take it, why or why not?

M: Hell yes!

F: Yes, if we could further our careers on our terms and agreed with the label

M: put me in front of 10,000 people instead of 600

G: As long as we could still be us, and do what we want to do, then yeah, because that is what every band is striving for, as far as I know. That’s a big reason we like A-F Records. They love our music and support who we are, even when we have our differences.

Laura: What would you be doing if you weren’t in a band?

G: crying…jerkin’ off in my room

D: Jerkin off Gunner in his room

G: I’d be doing nothing and being miserable

M: you do that now

D: My mom said I am an embarrassment to the family, but the whole family will be here tonight

10. What was the first punk song you ever heard?

F: Salvation by Rancid – It’s probably not the first, but it’s the first that hit me.

D: and the video had the close up of the pick scrape and I was just learning how to play guitar so it was like the coolest thing I ever saw.

G: Please Play This Song on the Radio by NOFX in some kid’s car, but when I knew what punk was it was Peaceful Day by Pennywise.

M: Screeching Weasel, Cool Kids

D: I used to practice that pick scrape all the time too, but my guitar was shitty so it sounded like crap.

G: on an acoustic guitar

11. What about the punk scene attracted you to it?

M: The bitches and the money

G: When I got into punk, I didn’t know anything about the scene, I was just trying to befriend the metal kids and they wouldn’t talk to me. Then I heard some punk and it made me realize that I could be myself and be proud of who I was, and if those metal kids or anyone else didn’t want to be my friend then screw those guys, they weren’t worth my time. That is what punk rock has always meant to me, being true to yourself.

F: You know, you’re still trying to be a metal kid.

G: Yes, 7 years later I am still trying to be a metal kid. I guess I’m just a poseur after all.

Laura: Do you think it’s better to be headlining or direct support?

G: Support – Unfortunately, kids like to leave early or come late. Like if the band they want to see is headlining they will come later. I hate when kids leave early without even giving the band a chance.

12. What band do you think will break out of the Chicago scene next?

F: Jinxpack and maybe Starstruck

M: First Class

G: It’s a random shot

D: So many good bands….504 Plan

13. What band, past or present, would you love to play a show with?


M: No Use For a Name

D: Lawagon

F: MXPX, Face to Face

G: You ruined it, we had all Fat Wreck bands going.

F: Face to Face’s first album was on Fat Wreck Chords, “Don’t Turn Away”

G: Ok, ok, I stand corrected.

14. Who is your favorite band to play shows with and why?

D & F: Jinxpack

G: Last Annual – They are funny guys and I love their music.

M: Okay, let me be the dork that says “Bad Religion”.

15. What is your favorite activity to do while on the road between gigs?

M: Hanging out at Wal-Mart

F: Long walks on the beach

D: UNO – we play lots of UNO.

16. Is touring or an album more important to your success?

G: Can’t do one without the other; should say can’t be successful without both.

M: Touring with an album is always better.

G: We did a 2-week tour a year ago without an album and lost like $200 and now on a 2-week tour we come ahead like $1,500, just because we had a CD out.

17. If you could play yourselves on any TV show which would it be?

D: Conan O’Brien

G: Simpsons

F: Yes the Simpsons, I would love to be on them or The Family Guy

M: Elimidate, or what was that one with the couples?

G: Dismissed

M: Yes Dismissed, I want to be on that with Gunner

F: I feel comfortable around you guys now.

(Mook excuses himself from the interview)

(Frank drops his pants and sits in his boxers for the rest of the interview.)

18. How has downloading affected your band?

G: %100 support MP3s because ½ of the bands I listen to in the last 2 years I found with MP3s. But if I like it, I always the CD. If it’s good enough that I want to burn it for my car, I’ll just go buy it.

F: I like having the booklets.

D: I agree, but most people don’t buy CDs anymore. Like the Clubhouse (the record store by the Metro) is closing and I blame downloading for that. I know some of my friends who every CD of theirs is burned.

19. What CD is currently spinning in your CD player?

G: Our friend’s band A Wilhelm Scream just finished their new record which will be out later this year.. it’s amazing.

F: A band called “Over It” on Lobster Records and Alkaline Trio

D: New NOFX and At the Gates

G: Yeah The new NOFX is one of the best CDs I have heard in awhile. What has Mook been listening too?

F: I think the new Atari’s CD.

G: Nevermind, he left, his loss

20. What piece of advice can you give a band trying to get signed?

G: Be patient. It won’t happen in the first three years, unless you were in a band before. It takes years to get good enough and then months or years to get noticed.

F: Just enjoy it and have fun.