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This was the first interview that ALL AGES conducted online. We are not to fond of doing interviews this way because we like to see the band play live and get some photos, but I can't complain. Fallout Boy is on of Chicago's hottest rising acts and we wanted to get this interview, and bassist Pete Wentz delivered. This band is on the rise and are beginning to put their stamp on the national scene with their debut release "Take This To Your Grave" on Fueled By Ramen. (see album review in review section)

1. What route did Fallout Boy have to take in order to get noticed by Fueled By Ramen?

we played out as much as possible and got our demo in the hands of anyone we thought could help us out.

2. Were any other labels interested in signing your band, if so which ones?

there were some labels. i'd rather not go into it. definitely some of the bigger labels in the poppunk/hardcore scene and some majors. we met with them all, got some free dinners but in the end to be honest FBR is the best home for us.

3. How would you describe your music for someone who has never heard you?

softcore. alittle melodic punkrock with break downs.

4. What are Fallout Boy's thoughts on the Fox cartoon The Simpsons?

we've enever heard of it, is it a new show?

5. At one point in Chicago it was rumored that Chris Messer (Former Showoff singer) was going to join your band after Showoff broke up, what is the truth behind this rumor?

chris is a good friend of ours. we tried him out on guitar at a point after showoff had broken up and patrick was still a free singer. in the end patrick liked playing guitar and singing though.

6. What made you change directions from playing in the hardcore scene to now being part of a pop punk band?

this band started as a joke. it was just us playing around in our friends basement. we all grew up on punkrock, greenday and the descendents. i was burned out on hardcore in chicago and this band took off. but i mean i think now that we incorporate more elements of hardcore than we ignore.

7. What was the first punk rock song you ever heard?

ahhh, i am a poser probably something something off dookie. but i dunno i can't really remember. possibly minor threat.

8. What attracted you to the punk rock scene?

i loved the energy of it. i loved how it was dangerous. i loved how all the people on the stage were so accessible, like i saw them and knew that i could be them one day if i wanted to. i hope people see this in our band.

9. Do you prefer to play a club or a festival type scene like Warped, and why?

fests are kind of new experiences for us. i like playing clubs to be able to rock with the kids and go insane and be focused on the crowd. but the cool thing about fests is that you get to meet lots of bands and usually get to see/play with bands you wouldn't ordinarily get to.

10. Is a live show or album more important to the advancement of your career in the music industry?

haha. i don't know a thing about the music industry. i personally think both are really important. that a band whose cd writes checks that it's live show can't cash is never gonna get anywhere. personally speaking, we know we are never gonna sound like our cd on stage so we thrash and have a goodtime. put on a show, you know...

11. What is your favorite activity to do in the van while between gigs?

morrissey sing alongs, debate the cost of tourbuses, buy wierd drinks from gas stations, sleep, pee in bottles, hit eachother with either this wiffle bat or this plastic alligator, quote movies... lots of stuff.

12. What is your most memorable experience involving a Fallout Boy fan?

i guess i dunno. almost everytime someone comes up to us and says that our music helps them get by or has changed them sticks out in my mind. the craziest stuff would definitely be people coming by my house and leaving stuff on our van or running into kids at the mall and them being super excited... i dunno i guess we're not really big enough to have super cool stories. i could make one up though probably.

13. How has the Chicago punk scene changed over the years in your eyes?

i dunno it goes in waves like everything else. it will be really good and then hit low points. i think its about to get really big. a bunch of bands are getting national attention and i think chicago is about to blow up.

14. Bands like Knockout and Allister have answered this question with Fallout Boy, so whom does Fallout Boy think will be the next local Chicago band to breakout?

i think maybe this band 504plan- also the new close enough band is really good: One Life, this band Mayfield... i dunno there are so many good ones.

15. If you could play with any band past or present whom would it be?

metallica with burton.

16. What is your definition of selling out?

drinking a beer. haha i'm just kidding. uh i would say selling out is when you do something for money or exposure that you wouldn't do otherwise. it's when you compromise yourself in order to "get big".

17. Are you for against the newest trend of downloading and why?

i dunno. its wierd cause our record has gone up, we made it until like two weeks before the release. and on one hand its flattering cause it means people want your record but at the same time it sucks cause you want to deliver people the record in the package you had planned. i dunno, it wont hurt us cause we are not a big enough band, and i download like crazy the only difference is if i like it enough to download it, i usually buy it. i think it makes bands and labels have to rethink how they go about bussiness. you can't just write a radio single surrounded by crap or its not gonna sell, you got to do everything cheaper but at the same time offer kids a reason to buy the record. i think we did that with the packaging and limited stuff included in the record.

18. What CD is currently spinning in your CD player?

haha speaking of downloading Brandnew "jeja entandu"- the best punk cd of the year.

19. When a kid tells you that it is your inspiration that made them start their band what emotions do you feel?

amazing, is that an emotion? hahaha. i dunno it feels really good. it makes me feel like punkrock is still going.

20. Bart Simpson, Nelson, or Groundskeeper Willie, who is your money on in a fight?

the bald bull, he's super hard to beat.