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After an energetic Warped Tour performance, ALL AGES had the chance to catch up with Trevor Keith (T) and Scott Shiflett(S) in the back of their tour bus. Their set consisted of songs from just about their entire catalog, but on Warped only half hour sets exist, so it was back to back songs. All in All I believe they played 11, closing with the classic “You’ve Done Nothing.” Following their set they hung out at their merch booth and talked with their fans. We cut this interview 5 questions short from the usual 20, so these guys could get some dinner before the buffet closed.

1. How did your Warped Tour contest come about and what does the winner get?

T – We are tight with our label and management and we were all bouncing ideas around for promotion and this one seemed good to everyone. The winner gets two tickets to warped tour in Orlando, Fl and then they get to ride on our bus with us to the Tampa show. They get shuttled back after this.

2. Is your song “Say Uncle” strictly made for Warped Tour or will it be on your next album?

T – It’s hard to say. For now it is just for Warped Tour. We demoed four new songs

S – Yeah and gave Warped Tour the crappiest one (J/K)

3. What can we expect from your next album?

T – No drastic turns

S – Loud guitars, loud bass, loud drums, loud singing

T – Nothing like Ignorance is Bliss

S – Yes, our crazy experimental sides will have to be for side projects.

Jeff – You didn’t play anything off of Ignorance today did you?

T – Nope, we did a whole tour for the album though.

S – I just wasn’t thrilled about Ignorance is Bliss live. It’s probably my second favorite album we’ve made though.

4. When is the next album due out?

T – No one knows

Laura – How long does it take you guys to write a song?

T – hours, minutes, it depends how much we apply ourselves

S – We recorded our last album in a month

5. How did the split with the Bouncing Souls come about?

T – I wish I had a rad, romantic, punk rock story for you, but I don’t. It was mutual managers who were friends.

6. You’re live album sounds better than any other live album I have ever heard. What went into the recording to make it sound like this?

T – Wow, thanx!

S – I’ll take this one.

T – We mic’d the crowd

S – No we didn’t

T – Yes we did

S – No we didn’t. We unintentionally were recorded live by westward one when we were on tour in ’97 and the dat came back to us and sounded great. We said wow we have to release this, so we booked studio time to mix and whatnot. We advertised in magazines and promoted it and everything. Then we got a call to tell us that Westward one caught fire and everything we did was destroyed, but we already had everything planned to release it. So we did two shows in one day at the Roxy in LA and recorded them for the live album.

T – It’s doesn’t sound like we are in an arena because we’re not.

S – yeah, it’s not like Kiss Alive. John (from Vagrant) was so nervous that night and he got wasted.

7. What were the benefits of being on a major label and what made you return to an indie?

S – There were no benefits and that’s why we’re back

T – There were promises, but no benefits. It didn’t really pan out for us.

S – Majors love new bands to mold that don’t know much about the business. We are old and have been around so they don’t like us much.

8. How has the coming and going of band members over the years affected Face to Face?

S – It’s made us better

T – we’ve been building the perfect band over the years

S – Me and Pete have been in the band for 5 years together and he gives us a pleasure that Rob wasn’t able to give us. I think it is the most fun now.

9. You’ve been overlooked when it comes to talking about punk breaking in the mid 90’s. It’s always Green Day, Rancid, Offspring, but what impact do you think you had?

T – It’s hard to know. You’re perception twists and turns every year.

S – I don’t know because sometimes I feel like we’ve one nowhere and are still at square one as far as videos and airplay goes.

T – We get new bands that are starting up now that tell us we were an influence for them, so I guess we inspire kids. We have been kind of a cult band all along.

10. What was the first punk song you ever heard?

S – “Search and Destroy” by Iggy Pop. At least, I consider that to be punk rock

T – I was aware of the punk scene but didn’t really get into it until I was in my early 20’s. I heard Bad Religion’s “No Control” album and was like wow, so this is punk, I like this.

11. What about the punk scene attracted you to it?

S – The chicks man. No, I’m just kidding. It was fun and felt good. It was less high strung

T – The sense of community and being able to do something on your own without being connected. It was for the common man. The common man had a chance to succeed just by working hard. As elitist as the scene can be, there is always a niche.

Laura – How has the scene changed?

T/S – Dramatically

T – I think punk is more mainstream now

S – yeah there have been like 5 phases since I started in the band T – From Green Day to Blink 182, Sum 41, and Good Charlotte, it has changed quite a bit. It’s hard to be a pop punk band today, which is good for us. People usually hear the name Face To Face and know our sound. We don’t really get lumped into a style except our own.

Laura – Where does the name Face to Face come from?

T – Just means no barriers.

12. How has downloading affected Face to Face and the scene itself?

S – Interview over. Nah, I’m just kidding. I’ve always wanted to say that.

T- It has effected every band, but we encourage it. We did a tour to help support Napster. The industry needs this. They need to start this whole industry over.

S – It all balances out really.

13. What has been the best part of the 2003 Warped Tour so far?

S – The great veggie food.

T – All you can think of is the food

S – I am fully wasted right now. The cute chicks (j/k)

T – Everything so far. The last time we played warped was in ’96.

S – I love seeing all my old bros. I love the stage we are on, The Teal stage. Teal is an old friend of ours. I love the crew for our stage. It’s like a family reunion. The tofu is really good too.

14. What band past or present would you love to play a show with?

S – If I play in the band with them that means I would be replacing some of the people I look up to. I would love to play in the Clash, Jam, Beatles, Bob Marley.

T – With Elvis when he had his very first recording band.

15. What CD is currently spinning in your CD player?

S – New Viva Death recordings. It is just demo’s that aren’t mixed of mine and Trevor’s side project. I am figuring out the song order

T- Cursive – The Ugly Word