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ALL AGES had the chance to catch up with APO's singer Chris Johnson @ Peabody's in Virginia Beach. It is hard to imagine an opening act on a tour with Rufio, Sugarcult, and the Ataris could steal the show, but APO did. They played a half horu set featuring all 5 tracks from their debut EP with major label Island, as well as tracks from their indie releases. Autopilot Off proved to be a glimmer of hope that good punk rock music will be back in the mainstream soon.

1. Are you currently working on a follow-up to the EP?

Yes, We will be recording a full length in the winter of 2003.

2. What are your favorite venues to play?

The Chance in NYC, Valentine’s in Albany, and the Glasshouse in California.

3. Is there a mainstream push planned for your band?

We don’t really know. We are just doing our thing.

4. How has the scene been responding to the latest release?

They have liked it as far as I can tell. Being on the major has made it easier for kids to get the album, so we have a wider audience as a result.

5. What was the first punk song you ever heard?

Ramones – I Wanna Be Sedated

6. How does one become an APO fan of the night?

Josh just snaps photos so I don’t know, I guess find a way to make Josh notice you.

7. How has the change to a major label helped you out?

They give us full support and back everything we do. We have the freedom to run with our ideas and Island doesn’t limit us at all artistically. They have a very indie attitude from the Def Jam philosophy.

Laura – Where did Island take you for dinner when they signed you?

They took us to a steakhouse in New York

8. How would you describe the local Orange County, NY scene?

It’s a good scene but different now. There used to be more shows and more venues. A band called Getaway from there just signed to Epitaph.

9. Which tour has been your favorite tour to be a part of and why?

Been lots of them. New Found Glory was really easy to get along with; Glassjaw/Movielife tour was good cause we are all from NY ; Good Charlotte/Simple Plan tour was good ; and Warped cause we got to see every band we have always wanted to see.

10. What is your definition of a sellout?

When you don’t have your heart into it

11. What cd is currently spinning in your cd player?

New Hot Water Music

12. What about the punk scene attracted you to it?

It had a different sound. I liked Billy Joel, James Taylor, Hip Hop, and then nothing caught my ear except punk. Bands like Fugazi, Green Day, etc.

13. What are your favorite activities to do in the van between gigs?

Sleeping, Listening to music, and reading. Just got finished with the Shipping News, and I am working on a book by Anne Rand called We Are Living-Russian Society people at Communist Revolution.

14. Which band past or present would you love to play a show with?

Green Day, or at a club with Hot Water Music

15. Would you rather play at a club or festival type event?

Festivals are cool, but clubs overall have more of a connection and you can hang out with your fans. Festivals tend to be too big and have too much other stuff than music happening.

16. Which APO song holds special meaning to you?

All have different meanings for different reasons

17. Is an album or a live show more important to the success of your band?

They work hand in hand. A good record can make people want to see you live and vice versa

18. Who do you think will be the next big thing out of NYC?

Anna Divine

19. What do you miss about home the most while you’re on the road?

My house, my friends, girlfriend, it’s hard to write on the road

20. How does it feel to hear from a fan that his band began because of your influence?

It is awesome. Much more inspiring than flattering for me