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Fall Pictures September 8, 2003

These pictures are of the boardwalk and Owl St. Park. Jayme and I had fun taking them.

Tundra Picture

This is a picture of the tundra, you can't really see it very well,but the little tundra leaves are starting to turn red.

Boardwalk walking

There is at least 1 mile of boardwalk in Bethel, I am sure there is more than that though.There is Jayme running ahead of me because we were going to the Park.

Wolfy Poo

There is a picture of a half wolf dog, some people say its more than half,but I don't believe them. Also you can see the water pipes that are above the ground, the reason the water pipes are above ground is that the ground around Bethel shifts to much.

Walking On Pipes

Some kids like to walk on the water pipes.I use to when I was a kid,sometimes I still do.Its fun because it tests how well you can balance.

Owl Street Park

This is owl street park,it's the nices playground in Bethel and Jaymes favorite place to go.It is also the most use park in Bethel.