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You Decide

For the last few months RED has been trashed by another Forums rulers and some of their members. I have sit back and kept my mouth shut because I figured that people could decide what was true and what wasnt. But when I saw some things that one forum head was saying and another was backing up, both of which at one time were supposed to be my friend, I decided to speak to them and see if things could be stopped. Not because I am worried about the rep that my forum may or may not have but because I am sick of the OOC drama that some even pulls into IC.

In the following logs you will see slanderous comments and out and out bald face lies. We even had one person that was a member of both forums admitting that she was trying to ruin RED. This she admitted to the other forums heads. Did they tell her this was wrong? No. I guess they thought it was funny. Anyway, I will hush now and let the logs speak for themself. They have not been altered and if you want to read them for yourself then I will send them in mail.

Log one: -The OOC comments toward the bottom-
Subj: Fwd: here's for Cody
Date: 9/14/2003 6:34:16 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Martyrs Demise
To: Martyrs Desire

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Fwd: here's for Cody
Date: 9/14/2003 6:32:21 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Martyrs Demise
To: Martyrs Demise

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Fwd: here's for Cody
Date: 9/14/2003 1:39:09 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Sands 0f Love
To: Martyrs Death, Martyrs Demise

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Entire Log of the room
Date: 9/14/2003 1:35:34 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Sands 0f Love
To: NocturnaI Death

OnlineHost: *** You are in "yup". ***
DawnBlackCross: ::ic:: alright hun we gotta talk
Shyluv724: ::looks at mommy and tilts head::
Sands 0f Love: She followed eventually after Dawn.
DawnBlackCross: ::signes to her::
Shyluv724: ::signs:: k k
DawnBlackCross: ::she picked her up sitting her on her lap and signed to her:: now, what was that i heard about gideon touching your tush?
Shyluv724: ::signs:: i dont let anyone touch my butt even if its spanking so i bit him for spanking my butt
Sands 0f Love: She looks to Dawn, and speaks. "You have the orb, in which her statement was made pretty evident that she claimed to another that it was not a spanking, but something more vial"
Sands 0f Love: She speaks in latin none the less.
DawnBlackCross: ::she nodded:: yes i do...and it was made quite clear it wasnt a spanking
Shyluv724: ::signs:: it was only a spanking but no one has the right to touch my butt weither it be for disclipine or not
DawnBlackCross: ::signs:: well...why was it you were asing people to kick gideon's ass?
Sands 0f Love: Her hands clasped together infront of her as she watches and waits.
Shyluv724: ::signs:: it was a fight... he wasnt about to get out of it not beaten
Sands 0f Love: "As you also saw in that orb, it was between a fight, and more proof can be given on that."
Sands 0f Love: Still speaking in latin.
DawnBlackCross: ::she signed:: if it was a spar someone would have gotten the on their own, you dont need to go tell people to kick someones ass, and if it was between spars, which was stated in the orb, you shouldnt do that, weather your mad at
DawnBlackCross: him or not
Shyluv724: ::signs:: k k me sowwy
DawnBlackCross: ::signs:: and also... i have to keep you out of SoA rooms. after your incident of peeing on the HC memebers, they dont want you in there
Shyluv724: ::signs:: i dont care i wasnt planning on being in there anyway when i can be in domion areas with ichor
DawnBlackCross: ::signs:: alright, i wanted to let you know your not to be in there. why is it you seem to have so much anger towards ivory and gideon?
Sands 0f Love: "Dominion is gone." She said in latin, "and Ciar isn't around very much. And should he find out what Cody did towards Gideon he will come after her for it."
Shyluv724: ::signs:: me will tell u later mommy
DawnBlackCross: yes i know its gone, shey told me about that
DawnBlackCross: ::she shook her head at cody and signed:: say it now please...
Shyluv724: ::shakes her head no::
Sands 0f Love: She rose her brow, "As I told you, she has no real reason to hate us. She just is upset because we got strict with her for pee'ing on HC members" Her words were still in latin.
DawnBlackCross: ::signs:: tell me now cody, im wanting to hear both sides of this at once
Shyluv724: ::shakes her head::
Sands 0f Love: "Disrespect, Disobience, and lying is all that she has done to Gideon, myself, and the HC. I am sorry, Ma'am, but that is the honest truth, and I do have people to back my words." She said in latin.
DawnBlackCross: look, id rather not have to get daddy in here to help me with this, just say it now... ::all signed::
Shyluv724: ::signs:: theyre not my real parents and she tried to keep me from seeing my mommy
Sands 0f Love: Blinks.
Shyluv724: ::signs:: and my baby brother
DawnBlackCross: ::she nodded some and ooked to ivory::
Sands 0f Love: "I never stopped her from seeing her real parents. I asked her to not spend the night there for she would get sick. And her brother challenged me to a DM and she went to kill herself over it."
Sands 0f Love: All words spoken in latin.
DawnBlackCross: ::she nodded again and signed to cody:: she just told me the same thing i told you, you can go just not sleep there. we dont want oyu sick again
OnlineHost: Shyluv724 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Shyluv724 has entered the room.
Sands 0f Love: She looks at her, "And this is what she does. She leaves when she realizes she is in trouble, for lying."
Shyluv724: ((never left.. damn aol))
Sands 0f Love: "I do hope, that you understand why I came to you ma'am." She said in latin, "I was warned when I first took her in that she was like she is. I refused to believe people untill it happened and she did it to me. I do not want to see
Sands 0f Love: anyone else go through the things others have been put through."
Shyluv724: ::shows mommy the ice unicorn unkie frost made her::
DawnBlackCross: it's alright, i understand, and thank you for comming to me. i dont want her causeing toruble for anyone
DawnBlackCross: ::she smiled and signed:: thats cute hun
Sands 0f Love: "Nether did I. I put my life on the line by taking her in. Everything she did wrong I was taking the blame for. I almost got killed for her actions against the HC. And when I told them I would punish her they wanted to see it, or I
Shyluv724: ::smiles and nods to mommy signing:: i named her after u
Sands 0f Love: was to be killed. So I did, and she bit me and then ran away. Leaving us. Because she got punished." Her words were in latin.
DawnBlackCross: ::she smiled some and signed:: thank you sweetie...but why did you change the ubject? i really do like that but we were here for a reason
Shyluv724: ::signs:: my mommys grave is my sanucary and she grabbed me and spanked me on my butt.. and me no let no one touch my butt without a fight
Shyluv724: ::signs:: and me said me was sorry to john for what i did.. it wasnt intentional
Sands 0f Love: "It was a tavern, I was not on the grave nor was she. It was near the grave site, but not on it. I am a priestess I know well enough how to handle the situations when it comes to the dead."
Shyluv724: ::signs:: i was at the tombstone clinging to it when she grabbed me
Sands 0f Love: "John only accepted her apology because I promised him if she did anything wrong again he could kill her and me for it."
Sands 0f Love: She is speaking in latin, there is no way a child can know an anceint language such as latin. "Did you teach her latin?"
DawnBlackCross: ::she signed:: ok cody was it on or near the grave?
Shyluv724: ::signs:: on
DawnBlackCross: ::she looked to ivory and shook her head:: no i havent
Sands 0f Love: "Want my witnesses to where it was?"
Shyluv724: ::signs:: unkie soul could tell u she grabbed me and me was on my mommys grave
Sands 0f Love: "I have three that can testify that it was not on the grave. I do not disrespect the dead by standing on their grave. I am a priestess."
DawnBlackCross: im sorry but i'll have to say yes....cody said it was on and soul was there and will vouch for her
Sands 0f Love: "Her uncle can also testify to the fact that he has no idea what she did before running to the grave. Gideon went to spank her but she ran from him."
DawnBlackCross: i understand that, i, too am a priestess...
Sands 0f Love: She gestures. "Lets bring on the witnesses"
OnlineHost: Sands 0f Fright has entered the room.
Sands 0f Fright: -in, cause things work that way- OnlineHost: Exquisite BIiss has entered the room.
Exquisite BIiss: no she didn't spank her on a grave
Exquisite BIiss: She spanked her in an open room in front of people
Exquisite BIiss: and thats after she peed on someone
Sands 0f Fright: -enters for Darq, grin-
Sands 0f Love: Snaps her fingers, "Boom, there is one. The one that witnessed her pee'ing on that HC member"
Exquisite BIiss: ::Oh and enters in her Lion King PJs::
Exquisite BIiss: [i thought it was OOC]
DawnBlackCross: {lol}
Sands 0f Love: She looks to Gideon, "Where exactly did I spank Cody?"
Sands 0f Fright: The Gentleman, she went on, had always been respectful to her, he healed her when asked, he played with her, even if she constantly hit him in the groin, or used her dirty diapers on him, and the pissing was just over his bounds
Sands 0f Fright: for him, -looking to Ivory- We spanked her in the forum crypt...
Sands 0f Love: "And what about at her mother's grave site. Did I spank her on her mother's grave?"
Sands 0f Fright: Infront of Darq and Ian, for they needed to be shown we would be truthfully parents to her and not let her get away with it..-shaking his head- no, she was there shaking and looked very sick, and refusing to leave and instead of
Sands 0f Fright: being worried, you were getting challenged and yelled at by her brother
Sands 0f Fright: [instead of her brother being worried*]
DawnBlackCross: ::she looked to ivory:: now you know im not saying you did anything at all, i just feel we need to get this all out in the open, this is geting rediculous
Sands 0f Love: She nods her head, "I know, Ma'am. And I know what I do where I do it and when I do it. I always have credible witnesses. The other person is the one she pee'ed on and currently he is asleep so he cannot testify."
DawnBlackCross: thats alright, i understand. we all have to sleep sometime
Sands 0f Love: She nods softly.
OnlineHost: NocturnaI Death has entered the room.
Exquisite BIiss: ::She sat down on the floor, adjusting the PJ's covering for her feet before pushing up again, the buttflap hanging half open, she rubbed the sleep from her eyes::
Sands 0f Love: Waits for it.... waits for it...
Exquisite BIiss: ::Sneezes::
Sands 0f Fright: -nods to Darq- bless ya..
DawnBlackCross: i really am sorry to have to disturb you all at such a time, we just need to get thi all straightened out
Sands 0f Love: And then dismisses it.
Sands 0f Love: "It is no problem for us. This needs to be cleared up. She distroyed my family name, and for that I should......" She just shakes her head. "No offense, but for her slander against my family name, I want something done."
DawnBlackCross: and i understand that...thats why we are taking care of this here nd now
Sands 0f Love: She looks to Cody, "Seems she realized she is busted for lying. She's being very quiet."
Exquisite BIiss: She always does.
Exquisite BIiss: She's treated John and several people badly.
Sands 0f Love: She nods to Darq.
Sands 0f Love: "I am surprised you guys didn't ignore me and go after her for all of the things she did."
DawnBlackCross: well i have heard everything from her side, i would like to hear what you all have to say
Sands 0f Love: "Where do you want me to begin?" She asked.
DawnBlackCross: theres a few things i want to hear about...the peeing incident, the spanking thin, and the grave...but you all can start on whichever you want
Sands 0f Love: "On several occassions she has deficated or gone to the bathroom on people. Most of them being people I work with, especially one person named John. She was told to stop and she didn't. She used the excuse I had to go and didn't
Sands 0f Love: realize it till it was too late, when on many occassions she ran to me for help to get the locked bathrooms open so she could go. A lie right there." She pauses.
Sands 0f Fright: -looks to Ivory- the diaper incident...many times...
DawnBlackCross: it seems the only people ive heard anything about her having "acidents" on were ones you work with
Sands 0f Love: "Those were the people she was around with at the times."
OnlineHost: Exquisite BIiss has left the room.
OnlineHost: Exquisite BIiss has entered the room.
Sands 0f Love: "Spanking incident, she got punished by Gideon for pee'ing on John. She bit him and ran. I was informed and came to stop the problem. I asked her to come with me she refused. Soul stepped in and told me to back off. I was her legal
Sands 0f Love: guardian and demanded she come with me back home. She refused so I grabbed her up and moved to take her away. She put up a fight so I spanked her right there, no where near her mother's grave. Because I had moved away with her in my
Sands 0f Love: grasp. She has countless times, shown everyone I knew disrespect. She spent her time with me and Gideon, and we spent our time with her and our co-workers. So yes, she was doing it to people I know." She said in latin.
DawnBlackCross: well, wether she thinks so or not, you were legal guardian at the time. she needs to learn , no matter if she likes it or not, the one who has custody of her, what is said goes. and i do apologize for aything she aad done. i know
DawnBlackCross: she wasnt my resposibility at the time, but what was done shouldnt have been
Sands 0f Love: "She went running to you with false information. Slandering my name. If I am correct I do have a right to challenge her. And for that, I want my redemption. So I ask you to step aside, while I do this." She was serious.
DawnBlackCross: now, my question is...what can i do, or have her do to make it up to you.
DawnBlackCross: {sorry laggin}
Sands 0f Love: "Step aside and stay out of what I am about to ask for. She wants to act like an adult, I'm going to treat her like one."
DawnBlackCross: i love cody, and i dont want to see her hurt...she knows that, but if you want a match with her, if she will do it then do what you must. her actions must be made up for some how
DawnBlackCross: and if thats how it must be dealt with, then thats what must be done
Sands 0f Love: "Cody Darkcloud, I challenge you to the ultimate match. To a death match, under the RED forum. Accept or Decline. You want to show your sorry for your actions you'll accept. You want to prove me right that you are nothing but a
Sands 0f Love: slanderous disrespectful child you'll decline."
Sands 0f Love: [red=SoA* sorry. not in red anymore]
Sands 0f Fright: -waits-
Sands 0f Love: Crosses arms.
DawnBlackCross: ::she looks at cody waiting to see her answer::
DawnBlackCross: oh yeah::sighs:: you will have to sign that to her ivory, remember...she cant hear
Sands 0f Love: She nods.
Sands 0f Love: Cracks her knuckles then signs it.
Sands 0f Love: "Cody Darkcloud, I challenge you to the ultimate match. To a death match, under the RED forum. Accept or Decline. You want to show your sorry for your actions you'll accept. You want to prove me right that you are nothing but a
Shyluv724: ::signs:: get lost
Sands 0f Love: slanderous disrespectful child you'll decline."
Sands 0f Love: SoA*
Sands 0f Love: She looks to Dawn, "disrespect."
Shyluv724: ::signs:: decline im too good to waste my time on filth like u
Sands 0f Fright: -shaking his head, looking to Dawn and then to Cody-
DawnBlackCross: ::she signed to Cody:: you know....your not helping your argument any here
DawnBlackCross: :still signing:: you told me how bad they were to you and how good you were most of the time...this isnt showing me that
NocturnaI Death: ::stepping in quietly, his arms crossing as he leaned against the wall just listening for the moment::
Shyluv724: ::signs:: sorry mommy
Sands 0f Love: She looks to Ian, with a smirk.
Shyluv724: ::signs:: sorry ivory but im declining
Exquisite BIiss: ::Scratches her belly as she looks at Ian::
Sands 0f Love: Signs right back, "No you are not sorry. Because if you were you would accept it and face your wrong doings. But no, you would rather not. And for that, I am going to do what I shoulda done in the first place."
Exquisite BIiss: Hey baby..::She smiled at him and pads over to him::
NocturnaI Death: ::he smiled to Darque, his arms slipping around her waist as he looked to the other nodding his head:: please continue
Sands 0f Love: [Everyone Check her Profile]
DawnBlackCross: {umm ok why? }
Exquisite BIiss: ::She rested against him, head dropping against his side and she snuggled in::
Sands 0f Love: [SoA HZA on Shyluv724, Hypnotist - Sands0fLove, Date: 8/23/03 Time: 1:05 PM EST, state your dice and enhancers, do not roll till told to, 5 minutes to AutoHZA]
Sands 0f Love: [1:06 PM EST 4 Minutes to AutoHZA]
Sands 0f Love: [9/14/03***]]
Sands 0f Love: [1:07 PM EST 3 Minutes to AutoHZA]
Sands 0f Love: [1:08 PM EST 2 Minutes to AutoHZA]
Shyluv724: 4d90 winter dress +5 def
Sands 0f Love: [Audit please]
NocturnaI Death: (its an SoA HZA, we dont have +5 enhancers and the onle ones you can use are precep and stealth in that)
NocturnaI Death: only**
Shyluv724: ((she refused to tell me anything))
NocturnaI Death: ::he snuggled her close, his hand lifting, his fingers running tenderly through her hair::
Sands 0f Love: [Audit Allowed. (don't know why because it was done by RED)]
NocturnaI Death: (Pix you have to walk someone through it if your going to do it, most people dont even know what half this stuff is)
NocturnaI Death: (wee dont except RED audits)
NocturnaI Death: we**
Shyluv724: ((too bad thats the forum im in))
NocturnaI Death: (we dont except RED anything)
NocturnaI Death: (your not in SoA??)
Sands 0f Love: [Audit Denied. 4d20 would be your dice for the HZA]
Shyluv724: ((nope))
Sands 0f Love: [She doesn't have no OOF in her profile]
Sands 0f Love: [Or on her webpage]
NocturnaI Death: (then its invalid, you cant do a forum action on a non-form memeber)
NocturnaI Death: forum**
Sands 0f Love: [She's in a forum. Two. RED and VoS]
Exquisite BIiss: ::She murmured at the caresses, the silky curls twining around his fingers before they released, her hand moving upwards and she rubbed the gentle palm along his chest::
NocturnaI Death: (shes not in SoA)
Sands 0f Love: [But she doesn't have No Out of Forum attacks in her profile]
Exquisite BIiss: [you can't do SoA actions against Non SoA members hon]
Shyluv724: ((i had no clue what oof stuff meant))
NocturnaI Death: (we dont except actions on non-forum members)
Sands 0f Love: [pft. ok]
NocturnaI Death: (its like someone requesting an AA contract on someone who isnt in the forum..its just ot done)
Sands 0f Love: [*goes to red*]
NocturnaI Death: not**
Shyluv724: ((ur not in red remember ivory))
OnlineHost: Shyluv724 has left the room.
Sands 0f Love: [I am still a registered mage there.]
Sands 0f Love: [Until my guild and I are removed I am there.]
NocturnaI Death: (how many meetings have you people had over that kid??)
Sands 0f Love: [One to fucking many]
Sands 0f Fright: [too many lol]
Sands 0f Fright: [and she still runs about]
Sands 0f Love: [I wanted to HZA her and make her commit suicide!!!]
NocturnaI Death: (wouldnt that give someone a clue about how she is??)
Sands 0f Love: [Shoulda bent the rules for once]
NocturnaI Death: (you dont bend the rules for any reason)
Sands 0f Fright: [some dont wanna see it hun -hugs-]
Sands 0f Love: [Or some try to keep everything seperate, though she doesn't]
NocturnaI Death: (because of REDs stupid rules against kids she will never get what she deserves IC and OOC you cant do anything about...all that can be done is her banned from SoA and request that all allied forums do the same)
Sands 0f Love: [Sug, she's going to be out of RED really soon.]
Sands 0f Fright: [Just pull out of RED, hun, then nowhere can she mess with ya..and ignore her I guess]
DawnBlackCross: {exactly, RED has the kid rule....that makes this harder for you to do anything to her
Sands 0f Love: [I already have them working to remove her.]
NocturnaI Death: (you know why that was added dont you??)
Sands 0f Love: [She's made one mistake already, this was her fourth and caught on a log. She's out for good]
NocturnaI Death: (becuase of all the trouble that Sean's kid charrie caused and Sherry was looking at having to sign contracts on him)
Sands 0f Love: [They are going to have her exicuted. This I know because they and I have been speaking about her and trying to get rid of her.]
DawnBlackCross: { good, and no i dont know why but i wasnt in RED till recently}
NocturnaI Death: (thats why she added that rule)
DawnBlackCross: {ahhhh}
Sands 0f Love: [dawn sug, join SoA]
Sands 0f Love: [you'll like it more]
NocturnaI Death: (she refuses to sign valid contract requests on him)
DawnBlackCross: { i sent in my FL app last night}
NocturnaI Death: (i have seen the logs used against him and they were valid reasons according to REDs own charter yet she denied them)
Sands 0f Love: [Good, now all we gotta do is get rid of Cody and everyone is in the clear.]
DawnBlackCross: {then thats BS, if they had valid reason and proof it still should have been done}
NocturnaI Death: (RED is corrupt anymore, it has gone to hell)
Exquisite BIiss: [No kidding]
Sands 0f Love: [Dawn drop her like a sack of patato's. You don't need the grief of her CRP because it's going to be your downfall]
Exquisite BIiss: [They tried to yank a new guild from SoA]
Exquisite BIiss: [by lies]
NocturnaI Death: (which guild??)
Exquisite BIiss: [They didn't know the GC would actually talk to me about it]
Exquisite BIiss: [OTIS]
NocturnaI Death: (who, Sean or Sherry??)
Exquisite BIiss: [The GC and I had a long talk, I got him to stay]
Exquisite BIiss: [Sean]
Sands 0f Love: [They have my guild only because I am out to get rid of Cody and her player for causing me to have seizures 8 times in one night because she CRP'ed so much that I got stressed]
DawnBlackCross: { well all i know is im just waiting to get my FL reg for SoA}
Exquisite BIiss: [You'll have it by morning]
Exquisite BIiss: [You'll love SoA]
Exquisite BIiss: [We have so much to offer a player]
Exquisite BIiss: [Its like a realm of its own]
Sands 0f Fright: [I am there, how much better can it get?]
Sands 0f Fright: [-ego-]
NocturnaI Death: (Chris, who tried to get Arch's guild??)
Exquisite BIiss: [Your character can be just about anything and once I finish these charters, there will even be more options.]
Exquisite BIiss: [Sean did hon]
Exquisite BIiss: [I trust Nocturnal. I hated forums after shutting down KoD. SoA is the only one I'd join]
NocturnaI Death: (Sean is a backstabbing little perkerwood who can do anything he wants in RED and not pay the price because Sherry protects his ass)
NocturnaI Death: (we have all seen the proof on this)
NocturnaI Death: (what did Arch say??)
Sands 0f Love: [I guess I am a sneaky lil bitch too, because so far, I have caused RED to lose two guilds. *whistles*]
Exquisite BIiss: [Arch told me what he said, he told Arch that we CRped, we ran them out of our family, etc etc]
Exquisite BIiss: [And I told Arch mun the truth. How Sean CRPed, caused us to lose Rpers]
Exquisite BIiss: [How we never could get a contract because RED won't allow it]
NocturnaI Death: (OMG!!...Sherry left because we kicked Sean out for his IC/OOC bullshit)
Exquisite BIiss: [And I told him why my other character attack Martyrs Death. Because he kept disrespecting and trying to kill the extend family of Ian's]
NocturnaI Death: (if Arch mun wants proof i will be more then happy to send him a file full of it..i have shit on Sean dating back to 1999)
DawnBlackCross: {well you all, i look forward to getting into SoA, but i have to go for now, i need sleep, so i will be seing you all later}
Exquisite BIiss: [Nope, he believed me]
NocturnaI Death: (g'nite)
Exquisite BIiss: [night]
NocturnaI Death: (sweetdrea,ms)
DawnBlackCross: { nitenite, see oyu all later im sure, and ty nocturnalmun}
OnlineHost: DawnBlackCross has left the room.
Sands 0f Fright: [Laurie can we get permission to boot Shy and her lackies from SoA rooms or gotta wait for them to act?]
Exquisite BIiss: Ian? I'm going to the crypt..after I go home and dress. I don't think I'll impress people in my PJs.
Sands 0f Love: [She's not getting rid of Cody.]
NocturnaI Death: (Chris, send Arch mun a note letting him know if he wants proof against Sean to just send me a note and i'll send it to him)
NocturnaI Death: (i still have the letter where he was banned in KoD from having anything to do with Gena/Bryh)
Sands 0f Love: [Laurie... ]
Sands 0f Love: [I got a log for you, for someone to be added to the Black list.]
NocturnaI Death: (who??)
Sands 0f Love: [shyluv724]
NocturnaI Death: (whats on the log??)
Sands 0f Love: [of the IC conversation before yall showed up where she clearly CRP'ed. And the IM conversation of her and Dawn, which switched back and forth for CRP.]
NocturnaI Death: (send it and lemme see it)

Now after I read this I IM'd Exquisite BIiss.
Log of the IM:
Subj: (no subject)
Date: 9/16/2003 12:45:27 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Martyrs Desire
To: Martyrs Demise

Martyrs Desire [10:04 PM]: I would like to talk with you after this is over if you dont mind
Exquisite BIiss [10:04 PM]: dats fine, I'm trying to keep up in the room
Exquisite BIiss [10:36 PM]: I've already ran into problems with them in SoA and I've had to put them in their place.
Exquisite BIiss [10:37 PM]: thats between one forum leader to another
Martyrs Desire [10:37 PM]: I wont say anything about it..You should know me better then that
Exquisite BIiss [10:37 PM]: and the point was made clear today that I don't have to take their shit anymore
Exquisite BIiss [10:38 PM]: hence I'm not stepping in to defend
Exquisite BIiss [10:43 PM]: ok
Exquisite BIiss [10:43 PM]: read this
Martyrs Desire [10:43 PM]: kk
Exquisite BIiss [10:43 PM]: Sands 0f Fright [10:40 PM]: What can be done about Dawn?
Exquisite BIiss [10:40 PM]: Um nothing
Exquisite BIiss [10:43 PM]: Exquisite BIiss [10:40 PM]: why?
Sands 0f Fright [10:41 PM]: She just came into SoA to fuck with us?
Exquisite BIiss [10:43 PM]: Exquisite BIiss [10:42 PM]: Why hon? Because she is taking their side doesn't mean she joined SoA to fuck with you.
Martyrs Desire [10:43 PM]: What has Dawn done?
Exquisite BIiss [10:43 PM]: Sands 0f Fright [10:42 PM]: I told Sands to not trust her, god women are soo dense
Exquisite BIiss [10:43 PM]: Exquisite BIiss [10:43 PM]: I can't remove people from the forum you don't like Wayne or don't trust.
Sands 0f Fright [10:43 PM]: dont worry about it
Exquisite BIiss [10:43 PM]: Not a damn thing
Martyrs Desire [10:43 PM]: ::shakes her head::
Exquisite BIiss [10:44 PM]: Sands 0f Fright [10:44 PM]: Pixie has the guild, I am just gonna get my audit for later...and leave
Exquisite BIiss [10:44 PM]: Exquisite BIiss [10:44 PM]: Then leave, I'm tired of hearing this threat. You get way to emotional over RP, atleast with me and I made my point clear the other day
Exquisite BIiss [10:44 PM]: Exquisite BIiss [10:44 PM]: I am not going to be pushed again.
Martyrs Desire [10:44 PM]: I am so tired of the BS
Exquisite BIiss [10:45 PM]: Sands 0f Fright [10:45 PM]: Not pushing, you will recieve it once Audit is done, soo I can if I choose come back later
Martyrs Desire [10:45 PM]: Who is Fright mun?..He reminds me of someone
Exquisite BIiss [10:46 PM]: he is her husband irl
Martyrs Desire [10:46 PM]: Chris I have never tried to put SoA down..Nor do I try to cause problems for them
Exquisite BIiss [10:49 PM]: you saw the log
Exquisite BIiss [10:49 PM]: did i say much? only over what Sean did.
Exquisite BIiss [10:50 PM]: i'm busy ripping a new one
Martyrs Desire [10:50 PM]: No but I think we should talk about some of what was said..Because alot of that isnt true
Exquisite BIiss [10:52 PM]: you really need to see if you can work on that with Laurie. She doesn't listen to me as much people believe hon.
Exquisite BIiss [10:52 PM]: I do work in SoA and stuff but on a personal level, she is still stubborn.
Exquisite BIiss [10:54 PM]: just like i didn't tos your sites hon
Exquisite BIiss [10:54 PM]: i had mine tosed before your's, i wouldn't do that to another.
Martyrs Desire [10:55 PM]: Some one did..I lost 4 charries sites and 2 guild sites
Exquisite BIiss [10:55 PM]: it wasn't me
Exquisite BIiss [10:55 PM]: i don't pay attention to the mun wars
Martyrs Desire [10:55 PM]: I didnt know I was in one
Exquisite BIiss [10:55 PM]: thats what i call 'em. from what i remember, we got schizm's tosed
Exquisite BIiss [10:56 PM]: then soa's was
Exquisite BIiss [10:56 PM]: then your's
Exquisite BIiss [10:56 PM]: scorned was the other day
Exquisite BIiss [10:56 PM]: and so was midnight legacy
Martyrs Desire [10:56 PM]: Scorned?..Why?
Exquisite BIiss [10:56 PM]: personally i think it was the domains
Martyrs Desire [10:56 PM]: I didnt know about ML either
Exquisite BIiss [10:56 PM]: but thats me
Martyrs Desire [10:56 PM]: Domains?
Exquisite BIiss [10:56 PM]: dunno, all i know it was one day, I told Gina I'd run it through my domain afterwards
Exquisite BIiss [10:56 PM]: Geocities
Exquisite BIiss [10:56 PM]: angelfire
Exquisite BIiss [10:57 PM]: they are strict, when they start tosing, they tos
Exquisite BIiss [11:01 PM]: i've lost several sites due to angelfire
Exquisite BIiss [11:01 PM]: i know i didn't ToS you
Martyrs Desire [11:02 PM]: Personally I think this has went on long enough..I cant control Shawn, but I have asked him to stop Bashing SoA...Along with me asking him to stay away from them
Exquisite BIiss [11:04 PM]: fighting makes me icky. i don't like fighting with people.
Martyrs Desire [11:05 PM]: I dont like having RED bashed when it is based on nontruth either
Exquisite BIiss [11:05 PM]: Send her a letter, clear up what was said and also state you feel the bashing/fighting has gone on long enough. to make some kind of uneasy treaty or something.
Martyrs Desire [11:09 PM]: You know as well as I do she wouldnt listen to anything I had to say
Exquisite BIiss [11:10 PM]: i'll talk to her as well
Martyrs Desire [11:11 PM]: When I closed Damnation I sent my ppl to SoA...I still think it is a good forum, they have a lot of good charters..I am just sick of reading stuff like this..She says its all Shawn...I see alot of her bashing RED also
Exquisite BIiss [11:12 PM]: my nipple is leaking blood
Martyrs Desire [11:12 PM]: o.O
Martyrs Desire [11:12 PM]: ::afraid to ask::
Exquisite BIiss [11:12 PM]: you?!
Exquisite BIiss [11:12 PM]: I just looked at it
Exquisite BIiss [11:14 PM]: I'll talk to her
Martyrs Desire [11:16 PM]: NocturnaI Death: (RED is corrupt anymore, it has gone to hell)
Exquisite BIiss: [No kidding]
Martyrs Desire [11:16 PM]: So apparently you were agreeing with her
Exquisite BIiss [11:16 PM]: ::jerks thumb at Sean::That was after I spent an hour clearing up what he was doing
Exquisite BIiss [11:16 PM]: I got the log of him talking to someone who was joining SoA.
Exquisite BIiss [11:17 PM]: and the agreeance is over the kids charter as well
Exquisite BIiss [11:17 PM]: kids shouldn't have special priviledges.
Martyrs Desire [11:17 PM]: He isnt RED though...He dont make decisions anymore them I do
Exquisite BIiss [11:18 PM]: hold on
Exquisite BIiss [11:19 PM]: you don't accept mail
Exquisite BIiss [11:19 PM]: ok hold on
Exquisite BIiss [11:19 PM]: Martyrs Death: Since CoT is gone would you be interested in Joining with CoTs Allie with your Guild? NiraKinaRambroth: And who would that be
Exquisite BIiss [11:19 PM]: Martyrs Death: RED NiraKinaRambroth: AhI know that was one our list of Forums to look at.
Exquisite BIiss [11:19 PM]: NiraKinaRambroth: I believe the GC is choosing SoA Martyrs Death: I feel sorry for him
Exquisite BIiss [11:19 PM]: NiraKinaRambroth: Why is that Martyrs Death: cause I used to be part of SoA till they all but stabbed me in the back with refusing a AA con on thier HC members cause it was on thier Prez's for attacking this charrie thier own family
Exquisite BIiss [11:19 PM]: Martyrs Death: plus they wanted to get rid of mine and my other charries wife cause we were nolonger willing to be thier puppets NiraKinaRambroth: hmm
Exquisite BIiss [11:19 PM]: NiraKinaRambroth: I couldn't say becuase I wasn't there, i can only take in what you've said and compare it to what others have said NiraKinaRambroth: I personally like UV
Exquisite BIiss [11:20 PM]: Martyrs Death: never delt with UV I used to love SoA my other charrie was nearly unstopable in MW's was d99 nearly d100 and his wife this charries mother was the head of the devorares
Exquisite BIiss [11:20 PM]: NiraKinaRambroth: then the shit hit the fan huh NiraKinaRambroth: well perhaps you'd want to talk to ArchadiesLW, he is the GC of OTIS
Exquisite BIiss [11:20 PM]: artyrs Death: Yes OOC they wanted me and her gone so IC they attacked this charrie knowing ful well it would make us quit SoA and when they denided the valid Cons we quit
Exquisite BIiss [11:20 PM]: I never told anyone to stop a contract on Alex
Martyrs Desire [11:20 PM]: ::will read whenshe finishes::
Exquisite BIiss [11:20 PM]: There is one coming out on Darq and I won't stop it either
. Exquisite BIiss [11:20 PM]: and Alex attacked Damien over his behavior with the extended family which is he in love with the former head
Martyrs Desire [11:22 PM]: Hang on a sec
Exquisite BIiss [11:22 PM]: Anyone ever wonder WHY Alex didn't accept the DM challenge from Aurora? It wasn't because I'm chicken. We both know thats not true. Alex loves Aurora, even now.
Exquisite BIiss [11:22 PM]: ok
Martyrs Desire [11:27 PM]: Ok I was having to send that log of the meeting out
Martyrs Desire [11:28 PM]: :::now goes to read the IM::
Exquisite BIiss [11:28 PM]: ok im when done..;:hushes::
Martyrs Desire [11:30 PM]: OK Laurie admitted to me that you and she talked about it before the attack on Damien and they way she put it you both knew I would leave and that was wanted
Exquisite BIiss [11:31 PM]: huh?
Exquisite BIiss [11:31 PM]: I said Sean would leave.
Martyrs Desire [11:31 PM]: She all but said that you two talked on the phone about all that before Alex attacked Damien..Not from what she told me
Exquisite BIiss [11:31 PM]: i dun even remember the conversation. hold on
Exquisite BIiss [11:31 PM]: let me see if i got the log
Martyrs Desire [11:32 PM]: She said it was on the phone
Exquisite BIiss [11:32 PM]: let me think.
Exquisite BIiss [11:32 PM]: i said you would prolly leave if sean did
Exquisite BIiss [11:32 PM]: yes
Exquisite BIiss [11:33 PM]: And I did say if Damien didn't stop, Alex would beat him.
Martyrs Desire [11:33 PM]: Well from how I understood it both of you wanted me gone along with Shawn
Exquisite BIiss [11:33 PM]: but it wasn't a huge plot to remove you
Exquisite BIiss [11:33 PM]: no
Martyrs Desire [11:33 PM]: Thats how it was put to me
Exquisite BIiss [11:33 PM]: Sherry, Alex loved Aurora, you and i were friends
Exquisite BIiss [11:33 PM]: my problems were with how Sean was
Martyrs Desire [11:34 PM]: I know that..So I felt like I had been royally screwed
Exquisite BIiss [11:34 PM]: I didn't take the DM for those reasons ooc, and ic, alex wouldn't kill aurora
Exquisite BIiss [11:34 PM]: you know alex don't kill kids unless given a damn good reason
Martyrs Desire [11:35 PM]: And you know I dont cheat when it comes to how a forum is ran
Exquisite BIiss [11:35 PM]: and Sean admitted from what I understood in ToSing SoA's site
Exquisite BIiss [11:35 PM]: All I can account for is my own actions
Martyrs Desire [11:36 PM]: Which had nothing to do with me or RED
Exquisite BIiss [11:36 PM]: I didn't ToS Red or any of your sites
Exquisite BIiss [11:37 PM]: Schizm got ToSed for adult content
Martyrs Desire [11:37 PM]: And I dont bash SoA..But RED is the talk of the town whenever a chance comes up
Exquisite BIiss [11:37 PM]: Then SoA got ToSed for copyright stuff.
Exquisite BIiss [11:37 PM]: Sean was sending out the letter or some crap.
Exquisite BIiss [11:37 PM]: That added to the shit.
Exquisite BIiss [11:38 PM]: then the Devorare site got a big bashing page on it.
Exquisite BIiss [11:38 PM]: Then your sites went down
Martyrs Desire [11:38 PM]: Chris I was perfectly happy being left along...I dont bother anyone and I do run RED right...Then I see stuff like whats in this log and you agreeing with her when you know for a fact I wont cheat for anyone
Exquisite BIiss [11:38 PM]: then I see the Fuck you thing on your's for ToSing your site and I didn't, and as far as I knew, nor did Laurie.
Martyrs Desire [11:39 PM]: Funny how that hasnt got ToS'd
Exquisite BIiss [11:40 PM]: I told you why I agreed..and it can't. Speech is different than mild porn.
Exquisite BIiss [11:40 PM]: Angelfire won't or I would have lost more sites to them.
Martyrs Desire [11:40 PM]: Its time all this was laid to rest..Its went on far to long...Then we have one of SoA's HC members admitting to trying to Ruin RED
Exquisite BIiss [11:41 PM]: brb losing IMs and rooms
Martyrs Desire [11:41 PM]: I have never sent anyone into SOA for anything like that..Anytime I have been asked about SoA..I tell them they have a lot to offer
Exquisite BIiss [11:43 PM]: ok lets see how long this lasts
Martyrs Desire [11:44 PM]: Something has to be done..I cant do it by myself..If Laurie and Shawn was to fuss and fight between themself, let them..But why lie about a forum?
Exquisite BIiss [11:46 PM]: back
Exquisite BIiss [11:46 PM]: had to pee
Martyrs Desire [11:46 PM]: Wb
Exquisite BIiss [11:46 PM]: ty
Martyrs Desire [11:47 PM]: You are one of SoA's Presidents..Right/?
Exquisite BIiss [11:47 PM]: I am now, yeah
Exquisite BIiss [11:48 PM]: Mostly updates and letters is what I do.
Martyrs Desire [11:48 PM]: And you allow your HC members to go in a forum to try and ruin it?..Cause basically thats what it was if she caused us to lose guilds
Exquisite BIiss [11:49 PM]: I don't know what guilds she's talking about
Exquisite BIiss [11:49 PM]: We got two in SoA this week
Exquisite BIiss [11:49 PM]: one from CoT
Exquisite BIiss [11:49 PM]: and the other is a devorare mun under another sn
Martyrs Desire [11:49 PM]: What guilds doesnt matter..I dont know what guilds...But she stated to both you and Laurie that she did..Is this something you condone in SoA now?
Exquisite BIiss [11:50 PM]: No it isn't, I've been ripping into them for days now. I finally beat it into Fright's head tonight on his behavior and Pixie is next. I gave Cody a lot of chances by ignoring her.
Exquisite BIiss [11:51 PM]: but i'm also dealing with my own issues on SoA
Martyrs Desire [11:51 PM]: I ignore Cody too..But she has nothing to do with the statements that were made about RED...And you know for a face they arent true
Exquisite BIiss [11:51 PM]: I'm just learning that I can make large decisions
Martyrs Desire [11:52 PM]: I dont make any decisions, neither does Shawn or Enigma mun..Our AC votes on changes, problems, etc..But yet we are accused of being corrupt?
Exquisite BIiss [11:52 PM]: Thats with her, I didn't know thats how you did it.
Exquisite BIiss [11:53 PM]: Part of talking is learning things you didn't know.
Martyrs Desire [11:53 PM]: Its on our site
Exquisite BIiss [11:53 PM]: I don't go there
Exquisite BIiss [11:54 PM]: I'm in my last year of school. I deal with what my character works for and thats it. I don't go to other forums unless i gotta.
Martyrs Desire [11:54 PM]: Then if no one knows our rules and laws..How can they say we are corrupt?
Martyrs Desire [11:55 PM]: If I have something to say about a forum, I at least trry to go over the site
Exquisite BIiss [11:55 PM]: Thats what you need to ask her, all I can do is account for my actions and admit my ignorance.
Martyrs Desire [11:58 PM]: Then why dont you and I and Laurie go to a room?
Exquisite BIiss [11:58 PM]: she won't go
Martyrs Desire [11:59 PM]: Why?..I'm willing
Exquisite BIiss [11:59 PM]: I have to get her talked down into it.
Exquisite BIiss [11:59 PM]: she isn't..i'm already trying to talk to her
Exquisite BIiss [11:59 PM]: you know how stubborn she is
Martyrs Desire [12:00 AM]: So am I but I am willing to talk
Exquisite BIiss [12:02 AM]: Let me talk to her sherry first
Martyrs Desire [12:07 AM]: NocturnaI Death: (i have seen the logs used against him and they were valid reasons according to REDs own charter yet she denied them)
Martyrs Desire [12:07 AM]: I never got any con apps from Laurie in RED..So that isnt true
Exquisite BIiss [12:08 AM]: Thats prolly in reference to Oct
Martyrs Desire [12:08 AM]: Oct never sent me any on him either
Martyrs Desire [12:08 AM]: He sent me one on Shyluv..But that was before her warning
Exquisite BIiss [12:09 AM]: brb ims going again
Martyrs Desire [12:25 AM]: Exquisite BIiss: [Arch told me what he said, he told Arch that we CRped, we ran them out of our family, etc etc] Exquisite BIiss: [And I told Arch mun the truth. How Sean CRPed, caused us to lose Rpers] Exquisite BIiss: [How we never could get a contract because RED won't allow it]
Martyrs Desire [12:25 AM]: What contract wouldnt we allow?
Exquisite BIiss [12:25 AM]: hold on, i'm arguing
Exquisite BIiss [12:26 AM]: and i was referencing to oct
Martyrs Desire [12:26 AM]: There was nothing said about Oct in any of that..You all were talking about Shawn
Exquisite BIiss [12:27 AM]: No I was using what Oct told me in that reference in the room
Martyrs Desire [12:27 AM]: And you believed him why?
Exquisite BIiss [12:28 AM]: Because it was believe him because I was angry
Exquisite BIiss [12:28 AM]: I won't sit here and say I was innocent Sherry
Exquisite BIiss [12:28 AM]: I know I'm not.
Martyrs Desire [12:29 AM]: I just cant see how anyone can made accusations like this without knowing what they are talking about
Martyrs Desire [12:30 AM]: make*
Exquisite BIiss [12:32 AM]: It was my stupidity, I admit that.
Martyrs Desire [12:33 AM]: Then how can anything be fixed if ppl wont take time to get facts?
Exquisite BIiss [12:33 AM]: Thats where people who admit their stupidity works to show the wrongs and try to fix things
Martyrs Desire [12:37 AM]: Chris I work my ass off keeping the site updated..Its rare I get to Rp because of the work I do on RED...I havent changed since I was the Grand Judge in KoD..I stood for what was right and fair, I still do..But how can one keep fighting when they have ppl making slandours remarks about a forum they know nothing about?
Martyrs Desire [12:38 AM]: And you know for a fact I have signed contract on Liam
Exquisite BIiss [12:38 AM]: thats how i felt with KoD
Martyrs Desire [12:38 AM]: contracts*
Martyrs Desire [12:40 AM]: And I wasnt one causing problems for KoD..I was there for you..But you never said anything when Laurie said I wouldnt sign on him, when you knew for a fact I would
Exquisite BIiss [12:43 AM]: hon, let me fix things as i can ok?
Exquisite BIiss [12:43 AM]: thats all i can offer
Martyrs Desire [12:43 AM]: Ok..I'm going to bed, I have a doctors appt in the morning

So then I decided to sned them mail asking about all this.
Mail I sent:
Subj: Just some questions
Date: 9/16/2003 7:32:23 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Martyrs Desire
To: Martyrs Desire
CC: NocturnaI Death, Exquisite BIiss

I'm not addressing this to any allies or starting a huge mass mail for bashing or fussing. I am only trying to get some civil order and some respect which I think I have earned due to the fact I have never talked about you or your forum like you have me and mine.

I've set back and I havent opened my mouth about SoA or its members or its HC. But there comes a point that enough is enough and to much gets nasty. Slanderous comments about a fourm that the people making them know nothing about, HC members that enter a fourm just to try to make if fall is going to far. In the log below I have highlighted some things and added comments. You said one time that some people take this game to far, well in the log below you have.

This was taken from SoA's God Mun Page:
Rule #1:
NO Mun bashing and Harassment.
Repeated reports of someone doing this WILL be just cause to remove you from the forum. People dont come here to listen to you put them down and call them names and bother them (stalking included), they come here to have fun, I know I do.

In a message dated 9/14/2003 6:34:16 PM Eastern Standard Time, Martyrs Demise writes:

Sands 0f Love: [Shoulda bent the rules for once]
NocturnaI Death: (you dont bend the rules for any reason)
Sands 0f Fright: [some dont wanna see it hun -hugs-]
Sands 0f Love: [Or some try to keep everything seperate, though she doesn't]
NocturnaI Death: (because of REDs stupid rules against kids she will never get what she deserves IC and OOC you cant do anything about...all that can be done is her banned from SoA and request that all allied forums do the same)
Sands 0f Love: [Sug, she's going to be out of RED really soon.]
Sands 0f Fright: [Just pull out of RED, hun, then nowhere can she mess with ya..and ignore her I guess] DawnBlackCross: {exactly, RED has the kid rule....that makes this harder for you to do anything to her
Sands 0f Love: [I already have them working to remove her.]
NocturnaI Death: (you know why that was added dont you??)
Sands 0f Love: [She's made one mistake already, this was her fourth and caught on a log. She's out for good]
NocturnaI Death: (becuase of all the trouble that Sean's kid charrie caused and Sherry was looking at having to sign contracts on him)
Sands 0f Love: [They are going to have her exicuted. This I know because they and I have been speaking about her and trying to get rid of her.] This isnt true either, I had heard no complaints from Sands mun. All I knew was she had put Cody up for adoption because she couldnt handle her.
DawnBlackCross: { good, and no i dont know why but i wasnt in RED till recently},br> NocturnaI Death: (thats why she added that rule)
DawnBlackCross: {ahhhh}
Sands 0f Love: [dawn sug, join SoA]
Sands 0f Love: [you'll like it more]
NocturnaI Death: (she refuses to sign valid contract requests on him) I have signed contracts against him. You should know that, and I know for a fact Chris knows I have.
DawnBlackCross: { i sent in my FL app last night}
NocturnaI Death: (i have seen the logs used against him and they were valid reasons according to REDs own charter yet she denied them) I would like to see the con app I denied, for I havent had anyone apply for a contract on him in RED
Sands 0f Love: [Good, now all we gotta do is get rid of Cody and everyone is in the clear.]
DawnBlackCross: {then thats BS, if they had valid reason and proof it still should have been done}
NocturnaI Death: (RED is corrupt anymore, it has gone to hell)
Exquisite BIiss: [No kidding] How are we corrupt? Do you have proof that we are? You should know your facts before you start accusing. Myself, Sean, and Enigma mun do not make any decisions on things. We have an Administrative Council that does this. So are you saying that the AC is corrupt?
Sands 0f Love: [Dawn drop her like a sack of patato's. You don't need the grief of her CRP because it's going to be your downfall]
Exquisite BIiss: [They tried to yank a new guild from SoA]
Exquisite BIiss: [by lies] And this. Isnt bashing a forum with lies worse then trying to recruit a guild? Personaly, and that is all I can speak for, I have never tried to take any guild from SoA. Nor have I tried to take any of its members.
NocturnaI Death: (which guild??)
Exquisite BIiss: [They didn't know the GC would actually talk to me about it]
Exquisite BIiss: [OTIS]
NocturnaI Death: (who, Sean or Sherry??)
Exquisite BIiss: [The GC and I had a long talk, I got him to stay]
Exquisite BIiss: [Sean]
Sands 0f Love: [They have my guild only because I am out to get rid of Cody and her player for causing me to have seizures 8 times in one night because she CRP'ed so much that I got stressed],br> DawnBlackCross: { well all i know is im just waiting to get my FL reg for SoA}
Exquisite BIiss: [You'll have it by morning]
Exquisite BIiss: [You'll love SoA]
Exquisite BIiss: [We have so much to offer a player]
Exquisite BIiss: [Its like a realm of its own]
Sands 0f Fright: [I am there, how much better can it get?]
Sands 0f Fright: [-ego-]
NocturnaI Death: (Chris, who tried to get Arch's guild??)
Exquisite BIiss: [Your character can be just about anything and once I finish these charters, there will even be more options.]
Exquisite BIiss: [Sean did hon]
Exquisite BIiss: [I trust Nocturnal. I hated forums after shutting down KoD. SoA is the only one I'd join]
NocturnaI Death: (Sean is a backstabbing little perkerwood who can do anything he wants in RED and not pay the price because Sherry protects his ass) Mun bashing, isnt that breaking your own forum laws? And I dont protect him. I have signed contracts on him and I will continue to do so when any come to me.
NocturnaI Death: (we have all seen the proof on this) Of me protecting him? Show me what I did.
NocturnaI Death: (what did Arch say??)
Sands 0f Love: [I guess I am a sneaky lil bitch too, because so far, I have caused RED to lose two guilds. *whistles*] And this from one of your own HC members. Its sad when one of your own will admitt to something this severe and the forum presidents dont say anything to them. So you condone this?
Exquisite BIiss: [Arch told me what he said, he told Arch that we CRped, we ran them out of our family, etc etc]
Exquisite BIiss: [And I told Arch mun the truth. How Sean CRPed, caused us to lose Rpers]
Exquisite BIiss: [How we never could get a contract because RED won't allow it] Again what wouldnt RED allow cons on?
NocturnaI Death: (OMG!!...Sherry left because we kicked Sean out for his IC/OOC bullshit)
Exquisite BIiss: [And I told him why my other character attack Martyrs Death. Because he kept disrespecting and trying to kill the extend family of Ian's]
NocturnaI Death: (if Arch mun wants proof i will be more then happy to send him a file full of it..i have shit on Sean dating back to 1999)
DawnBlackCross: {well you all, i look forward to getting into SoA, but i have to go for now, i need sleep, so i will be seing you all later}
Exquisite BIiss: [Nope, he believed me]
NocturnaI Death: (g'nite)
Exquisite BIiss: [night]
NocturnaI Death: (sweetdrea,ms) DawnBlackCross: { nitenite, see oyu all later im sure, and ty nocturnalmun}
OnlineHost: DawnBlackCross has left the room.
Sands 0f Fright: [Laurie can we get permission to boot Shy and her lackies from SoA rooms or gotta wait for them to act?]
Exquisite BIiss: Ian? I'm going to the crypt..after I go home and dress. I don't think I'll impress people in my PJs.
Sands 0f Love: [She's not getting rid of Cody.]
NocturnaI Death: (Chris, send Arch mun a note letting him know if he wants proof against Sean to just send me a note and i'll send it to him)
NocturnaI Death: (i still have the letter where he was banned in KoD from having anything to do with Gena/Bryh)
Sands 0f Love: [Laurie... ]
Sands 0f Love: [I got a log for you, for someone to be added to the Black list.]
NocturnaI Death: (who??)
Sands 0f Love: [shyluv724]
NocturnaI Death: (whats on the log??)
Sands 0f Love: [of the IC conversation before yall showed up where she clearly CRP'ed. And the IM conversation of her and Dawn, which switched back and forth for CRP.],br> NocturnaI Death: (send it and lemme see it)

This was the reply I got back:
Subj: Re: Just some questions
Date: 9/16/2003 8:10:21 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: NocturnaI Death
To: Martyrs Desire
CC: Exquisite BIiss

I dont care what you think or say, if you dont like what comes back at you then keep a leash on the one that causes your problems, I truly believe and stand by the fact that you wrote that charter to keep Seans charries from getting killed I also know for a fact that you have turned down several requests for valid contracts on Seans charries. I dont like you, I never will...if you dropped off the face of this earth it wouldnt phase me a bit, you are what is referred to as a back stabbing b*tch and I want no part of one time I would have done anything in the world for you even to the point of banning Sean from the forum because of his harassment of you but not now..not after seeing the logs of you laughing bragging about my site being tosed...or and for the record..I didnt tose your site.. you have to care or have some kind of feeling to do something like that and quite werent worth it to me, do NOT write me again as you have told me several times, you dont like the way I play, then stop Sean from the playing the way he does, he makes you people look foolish when he goes around bashing my forum trying to take our guilds and HC, now if you wanna play pass the log around, why dont we start with the one that gave me the ok by you to use your charters in SoA, then we can pass the one around of your boy toy bragging about tosing my forum site over it and the letter from geocities and have the people that saw you laughing and bragging about it in a room send what they have, then we will go into the logs where Sean started trouble IC and caused you to get pissy both IC AND OOC, then we can pass the logs around of Sean constantly harassing and bashing you see the pattern here??. I have all these logs and am prepared to use them...dont push me Sherry...I will flood mail boxes with logs and logs of the crap Sean has done in the name of your forum and for his own warped sence of self.....and dont write me again.

Goddess B*tch of All

In a message dated 9/16/2003 4:32:23 PM Pacific Standard Time, Martyrs Desire writes:
Subj: Just some questions
Date: 9/16/2003 4:32:23 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: Martyrs Desire
To: Martyrs Desire
CC: NocturnaI Death, Exquisite BIiss

I'm not addressing this to any allies or starting a huge mass mail for bashing or fussing. I am only trying to get some civil order and some respect which I think I have earned due to the fact I have never talked about you or your forum like you have me and mine.

I've set back and I havent opened my mouth about SoA or its members or its HC. But there comes a point that enough is enough and to much gets nasty. Slanderous comments about a fourm that the people making them know nothing about, HC members that enter a fourm just to try to make if fall is going to far. In the log below I have highlighted some things and added comments. You said one time that some people take this game to far, well in the log below you have.

This was taken from SoA's God Mun Page:
Rule #1:
NO Mun bashing and Harassment.
Repeated reports of someone doing this WILL be just cause to remove you from the forum. People dont come here to listen to you put them down and call them names and bother them (stalking included), they come here to have fun, I know I do.
In a message dated 9/14/2003 6:34:16 PM Eastern Standard Time, Martyrs Demise writes:

Well I knew I had never laughed or bragged about SoA gettting ToS'd so I asked when I was supposed to have:
Subj: Re: Just some questions
Date: 9/16/2003 8:36:50 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: NocturnaI Death
To: Martyrs Desire

When you are Sean were in the RED room, a friend of mine was also in SN you didnt stop writing me, we have nothing to say to one another, you play your game and i'll leave you alone and i'll play mine and you stay away....and keep your pet away, he is the one that causes you all the problems, someday you'll wake up and see that...tcrap started once again because HE went to one of my forums GC's lying about SoA and the Devorare trying to get them to come to RED...thank god I save logs and have everything that Gena had on him, I thought I was done with you people after you tosed my site seeing my forum that I worked on for two years go down, you got what you wanted but arent we glad that didnt last long huh. Now leave me alone.

In a message dated 9/16/2003 5:28:34 PM Pacific Standard Time, Martyrs Desire writes:

Subj: Re: Just some questions
Date: 9/16/2003 5:28:34 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: Martyrs Desire
To: NocturnaI Death

When did I laugh and brag about her site being ToS'd?

So you decide. I cant anymore, this has went way beyond petty trouble, and I am sick of it.
Sherry/Martyrs Desire

ToS'd = 1