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Updated Stuff


Me on top of the world

Well, I've been pretty neglectful of this site. Although from looking at the counter, either a lot of people are coming to check out what's new with me, or a select few of you are stalking me. So if you're atractive, single, and preferably wealthy, feel free to email me!

Can't say that there's a heck of a lot new to tell you. In the month of February, I will be spending the evening at work playing butler to the priveleged not once, but a total of nine times! I think this is due in part to being bestowed an award... "#2 Lux Love Shack in North America". While many would suspect that by playing the part of menial manservant I might suffer a complete loss of dignity, do not worry my friends. For even dignity can be bought, and I am hoping to gain financially for this move on my part. Besides. That butler that's on "The Bachelor" seems to like what he does.

My big red jeep continues to please me. It was suggested that perhaps I bought this vehicle as a substitue for other qualities "lacking in my life". This from a person who has to walk everywhere. Heh.

The only reason that this page is getting updated today, is because I am home sick with the flu, and a nasty nasty headcold. I'm attempting the age old remedy of chicken noodle soup. Now, this will be an experience, because I've never actually made this before. And since I fell short of a few items on the recipe page, I substituted. Because really, bourbon tastes great with everything!

Well, that's it for now. As always, feel free to send gifts, monetary donations, or at the very least some email!
February 9th, 2003