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.:. aShLeY & hEaThEr'z PiCtUrEs .:.

*hey everybody* :) it's Ashley King & Heather Coram! (If you forgot)..Well I (Ashley) finally figured out how to upload pictures on Angelfire (yay give me a cookie..hah) & me and Heather have been really bored today so0o we finally got some recent pictures of us :). Ashley is the one with the short hair and Heather is the one with the long hair..Alrighty *EnJoY*

Alrighty well I FINALLY got sum pictures of me and Ashley, my scanner is still messed up but earlier this morning we took a couple of pictures on my mom's webcam. I am lookin sooo ruff but my baby is so0o *sexi* :) Alrighty here ya go..haha

Awww ain't he so sexi??

Lalalala I love him so much!

*us kissin*

Haha this picture is for Sarah Ambrose..because she thinks Ashley's face is so darn funny :) Luv u Sarah!


Just another picture of us..

That's my Feather :) I luv her so much!

Doin it Meigs style..haha

Yep we are just so creative :)

Personally I think we both look goofy as hell in this picture..haha

Haha it's our "OH" face

We get amused really easy..haha

Doin it Meigs style again! :)

It's a BUUUGGG (haha Heather)

I guess that's all..I told yall I look a little different :)..*AnYwAyS* I'm about to color again (haha) so umm bye bye!

* BaCk To AshLeY'z PaGe *