A note to those who have been with us since the beginning, and those who are just joining us: Since Katherine Applegate (or her estate, or whoever) has ceased writing the Zoey books, your interest, as ours did, has probably waned. Just like Zoey and her friends, we've grown older and find less time to working on this webpage. Although we will no longer be updating it, we'll leave it up as a testament to our undying love for the Chatham Island kids (Nina and Ben especially!) and as a reference for those who are just beginning the series. I know we would have appreciated a webpage or two like ours when we were reading the series!! Please enjoy it while you can. Feel free to continue using the message board - this will all be here until our different hosts cut off our service!!
Sarah & Annie

Hello and welcome to a page dedicated to the Making Out series by Katherine Applegate - or the "Zoey's" as we so lovingly call them!

Alright, I know we promised that lots of work would get done on the page over the summer and nothing was done. So we're a little lazy. It's our summer too, eh?! :) So now we're back on track! Things are starting to happen!

I added a few more sections, but they're hardly full because of my lack of material. (See the updated news.) Well, I hope y'all enjoy!

A List of the Making Out books

Characters - NEW MINORS!

Late Breaking News - Yes, it has finally been updated!

Nina's comic tautology corner - NEW

Nina Vs. Claire - NEW

Favorite Quotes - NEW

Favorite Moments - NEW

Follow Your Heart
Annie's version of a Zoey

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Zoey Message Board - New Category - Whatever Happened to Jake?

You can email us at zoeyfreaks@yahoo.com