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The Night World Zach's Graphics Law

Zach's graphics law says it's okay to hunt for other graphics. It's okay to toy and change them, it's even okay to use them as awards to give to sites you like. There are only two things you can't do with them…

  1. Put them in your own graphics shop
  2. Use them and then link back, you must ALWAYS link back, even if you edit them.

Well…those are my terms…take em or leave em. Mail me to tell me if you use them please. It's not required but it's nice. It also lets me scope out your never know you might get an award! If you wish you can link to Aba's house or The Shadow Realm instead! Just see below.

~*Toria Harman*~

To link to Aba's house use this address

To link to The Shadow Realm use this address

Banners are here, save them 2 your own browser…