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Film scripts




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are invited to participate in all aspects of literary press operations. EDITORIAL interns may evaluate small press book manuscripts, develop film scripts and treatments or write reviews. They may be invited to submit original prose, poetry, essays or artwork to a magazine edition of the Invisible, Inc. chapbook series and have their work discussed and evaluated.

Most significantly, they'll gain experience and credentials needed to make the transition from the collegiate/academic milieu to the professional publishing field.

MARKETING/PR and CIRCULATION interns will build value and visibility in the community through publicity recruitment efforts (readings and presentations are our bread and butter, but interns have come up with effective ideas such as an art-themed party plan with partygoers in costume as fictional characters, etc.) Subscription and individual book sales are, of course, commissionable.

They'll be able to work from home (or wherever!) and help build and strengthen a true literary community.

The few selected for this important role will demonstrate talent, extraordinary dedication to important new literature, communications skills and a sense of community. The actual time commitment is not tremendous. We ask that editorial interns write brief reviews of at least three manuscripts over the course of a year; to participate in the selection process for the magazine edition of our chapbook series. Marketing/PR and Circulation interns will be asked, basically, to show some effort in increasing our circulation and/or visibility in the community.

Is it possible in intern in both Editorial and Marketing/PR and Circulation? Yes.

As our scripts are developed for film production, interns may be invited, but not required to participate. We understand that job commitments and educational involvement may limit your actual participation; what we are looking for are signs of ability that will serve interns well as paid, experienced professionals in the publishing, cinema or other fields. Simply applying for an internship demonstrates the kind of interest in one's field that employers find desirable.

If you desire greater involvement and to make money, you'll be invited to coordinate public readings/presentations for the chapbook series and to sell subscriptions on a commission basis. Invisible, Inc., is a true writer's collective and this is what the core staff does without salary.