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If you want your zine reviewed by us send it to:
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Armchair Revolution / #10 / Free - Celebrating his two year anniversary, Johnnie Armchair releases issue number 10 of Armchair Revolution. I too am also celebrating my two year anniversary of not giving anyone a credit card. Not like a plastic one, but the one where you go up to some one and swipe your hand through their butt cheeks. The last kid I did that to still gives me weird looks. Can't a man give another man some credit? (Armchair Revolution / 2847 7th Ave: Apt 3 / Rock Island, IL 61201)

Chicago Pulp / #7 / $1 - Whew, this poetry issue dropped some heavy words on me brothers and sisters. I found out more about smoking and wine drinking then I every did when I went to church and watch Father Jim stand out in the alley before mass taking smokes down while pumping a nice bottle of red wine in between drags. Yeah, that Father Jim sure did try to bust me for peeing all over the bathroom walls in the basement of the church. (Chicago Pulp / 2923 W Lyndale / Chicago, IL 60647)

Chicago Pulp / #6 / $1 - "Shit sticks!" I said, glaring at the zine rack at Reckless on Broadway. Chicago Pulp was screaming at me from the rack exclaiming, "you have seen me one million times! Why don't you buy me?" So I did. I used my last dollar that was suppose to go towards a face lift to find out what this Pulp was all about. Well, it was better than the facelift. Very entertaining from the get go, throwing a Story Go Round and two tales of gym inspired delight into the bowl of hot dip that turned out mild but still had spice. This zine got the edge with no straight in front of it and I'm down like an old man walking on ice. (Chicago Pulp / 2923 W. Lyndale / Chicago, IL 60647)

Constipation / #9 / Free - I sorta had a moment of truth with this magazine. I started to read it like all the other zines I review, on the toilet. As soon as I picked up this one I felt constipated. The content of this zine, hard and painful facts, matched the object that was fighting its way out of my ass. After finally releasing all my waste I had finish being constipated in two ways, with the zine and on the toilet. This was one fucking religious experience for me. Pushups for Jesus! (S. Chicago ABC Zine Distro / PO Box 721 / Homewood, IL 60430)

Dealing With Loss / #1 / $1 – Chicago’s answer to Sassy Magazine. Even the girl on the front cover looks like a model(hope that gets me a date). For one dollar you sure get a lot of hardcore in this puppy and also a slick layout that comes close to beating Bill Denker’s hair. However, that is still pending. Coloring contests and a full page pinup of the Dark Enforcer makes this zine go where none others have gone. Watch this zine. It’s going to be the mother fuck in this place. (Dealing With Loss / 1200 Kemman Ave. / LaGrange Park, IL 60526)

Fighting Godzilla With a Squirtgun / #16 / $1 - This by far one of the best issues that Andy has squirted on my face. Nice and fucking sticky so I'll remember every ear crunching word. This issue has an amazing write up on some of the world's cannibal's. If you were a good reader you would have now connected my "ear crunching" remark to the sentence following it. See folks, this is what The Sound Interrupt is all about, "fucked up rhymes to bring you into the future of these mind tricking times. (Fighting Godzilla With a Squirtgun / 449 W. Belmont #32 / Chicago, IL 60657)

Fighting Godzilla With a Squirtgun / #13 / $1- Andy cares about his readers. This man writes a personal note on each zine just for that special someone. Soon Andy and I will be whist away to……..I'm sorry, let me cut to the chase. After reading this zine I made four conclusions about Andy: 1.)He likes David Bowie 2.)He is eclectic 3.)He either likes Asian Man Records or gets free promo CDs from them to review 4.)He has a good zine. What makes this a good zine you ask? I'll go with number two for $100. Alright, lets keep the streets safe! (Fighting Godzilla With a Squirtgun / 449 W. Belmont #32 / Chicago, IL 60657)

Jaded in Chicago / #11 / Free - Good ole Bill Denker throwin' another issue of JIC in our face. Denk out does himself with his beloved scene points in this issue. I mean hell, interviews with Less Than Jake, New Found Glory, The Weakerthans, One Man Army, and Gods Reflex, Dank has got it all. The things that really shine through in this issue are: the column by Ryan Durkin, The Sound Interrupt zine review, and the interview with Ryan Durkin on the Elmhurst vs. Villa Park compilation. Everything else is pretty much secondary. (Jaded In Chicago / 4031 Forest Ave. / Western Springs, IL 60558)

Jaded In Chicago / #10 / Free - Well the fucking results are in, the layout and graphics of Jaded In Chicago are definitely not as slick as Bill Denker's hair. I mean, come on. This guys hair has to be the only thing Chicago punk has going for it. Very clean spike, nice sideburns, superior shine when illuminated under good lighting, and most importantly an extraordinary combination of gel work that really makes this guy number one on the list. Listen, if you know what's up, you'll know that this guy has the hair and you don't fuck with the hair. (Jaded In Chicago / 4031 Forest Ave. / Western Springs, IL 60558)

Jaded In Chicago / #7 / Free – Sometimes I find myself debating while half asleep whether Bill Denker’s hair is more slick than the layout in his zine. I really can’t seem to narrow it down to one definite answer. I mean, he has that good spike thing going for him but then again his zine has some cool pictures and the ads are laid out so perfectly. What I do know is that this zine is free now and that is one hell of a fucking steal! New Chicago issue coming soon. I’ll make my finally decision on the slickness factor after viewing it. (Jaded In Chicago / 4031 Forest Ave. / Western Springs, IL 60558)

The Monthly Dirt-Bike / #.5 / Free -Cherry Valley calling! This was a promo issue that rubbed up against my mailbox a couple months ago. My favorite thing about this zine is the editor's name, Meatball. Simply amazing, but we must move on to the actually zine now. Interesting story about a former club in Rockford called That One Place and then a nice side dish of reviews and a story about the editors band, The Fightbacks. A couple more issues and we should strike gold here people, that is if we get past the famous issue #1!!!!!! (The Monthly Dirt-Bike c/o 12mfa / PO Box 310 / Cherry Valley, IL 61016)

Megabeef / #5 / $1 - A man with a giant penis that has a dark tone to its skin color. A Italian beef from a local independent fast food joint down the street. A handsome log delivered from your anus after eating a small child. What you would be called after shooting a bad pick up line at a girl or boy but still getting a laugh from them. To me, all of these things could be the Megabeef. The Megabeef could also be that fat guy that always brings his kids to Burger King. (Gooder Than a Apple / PO Box 16281 / Alexandria, VA 22302)

My Bad Poetry / #2 / Free - I remember when I got this I was at Bacci's Pizza off Chicago and Western listening to good old Johnnie harass one of his workers yelling, "you're a tard and that's short for retard!". I don't think the writer of this zine is a retard. However, I bet if he heard Johnnie call one of his workers a retard he would have written a good poem about it. It would probably go something like this, "Johnnie is hard, he called his employee a retard". (Jeff Hall / Box 485 / 80 Boylston St. / Boston, MA 02116)

My Dirty Hands / #6 / $1 - I dig it. You get a good twenty plus pages here of two girls talking the game of life over email. Yeah, a couple boyfriends, some tears, surprisingly no beers, and some talk about personal fears and you got yourself a Grammy here. I too like emailing people and talking about life. The only thing I didn't get about this zine was the title "My Dirty Hands". I felt like sending the writer an email to tell her that she can clean her hands with soap and they won't be dirty anymore….it's really that simple. Maybe if I emailed her about that she'd print our conversation in her next issue. Food for thought. (My Dirty Hands / 6882 Chestnut St. / Hanover Park, IL 60103)

Oh Lord / #2 / $1 - By far one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. This issue of Oh Lord is a Jesus coloring book. The first page is already colored in for you. It has Jesus colored in brown with the caption reading, "Joesph, are you sure he's yours?" Simple genius folks. Zines like this are pushing the zine revolution.! Get a bag or can of coke and start coloring. (Oh Lord / 2222 6th Ave. / East Moline, IL 61244)

Oh Lord / #1 / $1 – Oh lord is right! Damn these graphics are better than watching a kid lose a testicle after getting whipped by a towel while taking a shower. This zine is pretty personal but I related to a couple things in it. So yeah, get out there and support my man JT and his fiancé. He has a kid and diapers ain’t getting any cheaper then the gas, ya hear, ya hear!!!! (Oh Lord / 2222 6th Ave. / East Moline, IL 61244)

The Plan / #1 / $1 - Well screw me, this zine is better than watching a naked man with a broken leg play Twister. Personal narratives that tickle parts that have yet to be discovered. Good stories about breaking "beer shit dams" and girls. What a combination, huh? I like this guys writing style. He is a true trooper. It's all about The Plan, I say. And remember how to break that "beer shit dam". It could come in handy. (The Plan / 1278 N. Milwaukee Apt. 4W / Chicago, IL 60622)

Plastic Newsletter / #12 / Free - This is a hardcore newsletter from Poland that Kungfu Rick was interviewed in. I'm always scared of doing interviews for people in different countries that don't speak English because when they send their magazines with the interview in them I can't read anything because all the words are in a different language. How do I know that the interview says what I told the magazine? I have a feeling that this interview says something along the lines of, "Everyone in Kungfu Rick looks like a penis with a hat on". (Plastic Newsletter / PO Box 42 / 92201 Pabianice 3 / Poland)

Please Don't Ignore Me, Please Read This / #1 / Free - Folks, I have to be honest. I feel really bad about this but I did ignore this zine for a while. I mean, the least I could have done would have been to take a peek at it, but I ignored it. I just let it sit by the other toilet reading material for a couple days. It collected its share of misfired urine and splash back on it. When I finally read it, I had to stop because I felt so bad that I ignored it in the first place. Do your self a favor, don't ignore this zine, it is good. (Charley Smith / 414 75th Ave Se #C203 / Mpls, MN 55414)

Rock N Roll High School / #9 / $1 – Like a freight train that has just ran over three elderly women with walkers Greg keeps screeching along. This issue takes up right where number 8 left off. Excellent writing throughout. Informative interviews and record reviews. Looks like Rock N’ Roll High School Zine is grabbing more and more attention on the zine front. The content doesn’t go well with me but I give Greg credit, he still sticks with it. (Rock N Roll High School / 5220 W. Wolfram / Chicago, IL 60641-4926)

Rock N Roll High School / #8 / $1 - There's a lot of words in this puppy but if you actually get out the magnify glass you discover that the writing is a blazing 10 baby! Yeah, yeah, yeah, some of us might not believe in some things that Greg believes in but that doesn't mean we should ignore his awesome zine. I'm sure Greg doesn't like some of things I have to say, but there is no denying the praise that is long over due for this zine. Very interesting interview with Harmless Records for any who are interested in "label chatter". (Rock N Roll High School / 5220 W. Wolfram / Chicago, IL 60641-4926)

Shazzbutt! / #5 / $1 - I have to hand it to Mark. I watched this guy drink a cup of urine for $20 just so he could print this zine. I probably shouldn't have watched him drink that shit because every time I try to sit down and read this issue I kept getting this urine taste in my mouth. Mark, I have nothing but respect for you because of what you did to print this issue, but I wasn't able to read your zine because I just couldn't get over that urine taste in my mouth every time I read it. Sorry bro, but keep the urine in the toilet where it belongs, cool? (Shazzbutt! / 5413 S. 6th Ave. / Countryside, IL 60525)

Shazzbutt! / #4 / $1 - Well, well, well. We've got another punk rock conspiracy on our hands here. This is Mark's travel issue that talks about all of his adventures this summer. So of course I picked this up dying to hear about all the strip clubs he visited…..but no, nothing was said about it. Instead he talks about taking trains and blowing farts in the van he traveled in. Amazing, he totally skipped the biggest part of his trip. I thought the story he told me about the stripper that dressed like a school girl and wanted him to eat her sandwich in her lunch box would have made a great addition to this issue. But maybe I'm out of touch. (Shazzbutt! / 5413 S. 6th Ave. / Countryside, IL 60525)

Shazzbutt! / #3 / $1 - Mark is back from his wild summer adventures that dragged him through almost every strip club across America. Wow, that guy can't get enough of those girls on the stage. Rumor has it that he blew all his money for the whole Strip Club 2000 Tour on the first night with a girl name Destiny at Uncle Davies Gentlemens Club in Kentucky. I also heard that he would bend his penis into weird shapes outside the remaining clubs on his tour just so he could get some money to get in. This guy is really something. Anyhow, the zine was great. (Shazzbutt! / 5413 S. 6th Ave. / Countryside, IL 60525)

Shazzbutt! / #2 / $1 – Wow Marky Mark is fast. Two issues in a matter of two months. This kid is faster than a man using the woman’s washroom. Incredible interview with Kungfu Rick in here. Fuck, that band rips shit up so fucking bad you gotta be shit to fuck the shit. Marky is always throwing that fine political banter in there as well as a nice salsa dip of reviews and interesting stories that tingle the top of the thing. So make sure you shake for him, ok? (Shazzbutt! / 5413 S. 6th Ave. / Countryside, IL 60525)

Stupid Stuff / #5 / Free - Gosh, every time I see this I can't help but start thinking about stupid stuff. Like those times when my friend and I would build forts out of Lego's and then try to destroy them justifiably. I would get real close to his fort with my fist and then give it a good punch. Pieces would go flying everywhere and then he would start crying. If he tried to do the same thing to my fort I would punch him and he would cry more. I would say justifiably, "my fort has a force field that blocks all enemies so you can't do that!" Sometimes I would cry too. (Stupid Stuff / 106 S. Park Blvd. / Streamwood, IL 60107)

Stupid Stuff / #4 / $1 - When I think of the term "stupid stuff" I think about those times when I was six or seven and use to play with my GI Joe figures in the nude. I would sit there on the carpet and make all these loud sound effects and then when I wanted a little break I'd smack my penis around and jiggle my ball sack a little. You know, little stupid stuff like that. I'm not really sure if Matt does a lot of smacking of the penis or jiggling of the balls but I get that feeling sometimes when I read his zine. Good stuff = VD interview. Peace. (Stupid Stuff / 106 S. Park Blvd. / Streamwood, IL 60107)

Stupid Stuff / #3 / $1 – Nice simply zine here that makes you think about those times when you tried too hard to take a shit and ripped your asshole open. You should have kept it simple like this zine and ate raisins to ease the process. Oh well, just goes to show that some zines can really apply to your life if you let them and open up your mind…. and your ass, while we’re on the topic. Toss some music reviews and an Atom and His Package Interview into that raisin box and you got a nice bowel movement. My constipation will continue till I receive the next issue. (Stupid Stuff / 106 S. Park Blvd. / Streamwood, IL 60107)

Super Squeral / #7 / $1 - After drooling over the cover of this zine (silk screened in color) I finally opened it and found that there was nothing inside. Just kidding. However, I can't kid you on how much this zine rocks. Each zine gets better and better and also more political, which is cool to see from James. The highlight of this issue was a motivational article that James wrote on life, although the comics come in at a close second. Buy or die kids! Or DIY, whatever is cool with you right, because that's punk? (Super Squeral / 2437 W. Morse Ave. / Chicago, IL 60645)

Thought Bombs / #15 / Donation - Rayson is back on the prowl. Very good political writing that makes me just want to go rob somebody so I could go to prison because I hear Anthony gives his zine out free to prisoners. Man, I would be set then. Just reading Thought Bombs all day while trading cartons of smokes for favors on the inside. My favorite thing about this zine has always been the drawings from Anthony's sons. One of the drawings has a young boy getting attacked by his Playstation. Now that is fucking art folks, yes, fucking art! (Anthony Rayson / PO Box 721 / Homewood, IL 60430)

Thought Bombs / #13.5 / Donation - Another issue, another dose, spreading the politics like man butter from coast to coast. I don't know how he does it but all his zines are top notch and they always make me want to go out and drink beer. In this issue his son, Stanton, continues to show off his prolific art skills by drawing a house with a penis sticking out of its roof. If you think about it the penis and the chimney share a lot in common. The chimney and the penis both shoot up something, and in both cases that thing is white in color. Man, I've said it once and I'll say it again, we can learn so much from our youth. (Anthony Rayson / PO Box 721 / Homewood, IL 60430)

Thought Bombs / #13 / $2 – More rants from the king of them. The man who flourishes in every issue of The Sound Interrupt comes back full blast with his great political zine, Thought Bombs. Stellar section of artwork by Anthony’s son in this issue, complete with a bunny getting struck by lighting on his butt region(I censored myself there because Anthony might want to show his son this review). Besides that Anthony typed out a speech he gave to a freshman high school sociology class on anarchism and zines. Damn, I wish this guy would’ve come to my freshman high school sociology class. This guy is good, real good. (S. Chicago ARA-ABC Zine Distro / PO Box 721 / Homewood, IL 60430)

Thought Bombs / #12 / $2 -Anthony Rayson attacks again and there is no stopping one of Illinois premiere political activists. So what do we have here? Well, some Seattle WTO reflections for starters, and a scary story about the shit children get from the system. What system? The system. Anyhow, I give it all up to Anthony, a man who has influenced me in many ways. By the way, if you're not into politics you still have to check out this zine because of the artwork, which is done by Anthony's son, Stanton. Awesome, amazing, and more awesome! (S. Chicago ARA-ABC Zine Distro / PO Box 721 / Homewood, IL 60430)

Underdog Zine / #29 / $2 – What can I say? This is the zine that made me pick up the pen and paper, excuse me, turn on the computer and type this here zine. The quality is always up in this house. You know what I’m saying, cause I sure as hell don’t. But to continue with my stupid writing, I like this zine a lot. It has been one of the only consistent things in Chicago punk rock and I appreciate that. Now I will take a piss in Underdog’s name. Thank you. (Underdog Zine / 1513 N. Western Ave. / Chicago, IL 60622-1747)

War Against The Idiots / #12 / $1 - I knew what to expect, an awesome well crafted zine. So what can I say folks, just read it and let it take you away to a land where you feel like you have popped 10 Advil tablets and are playing spin the bottle with your old boyfriend or girlfriend from 7th grade. Old collaborator Ben Stupid returns to put his 4 cents in this issue, and Liam shoots another travel story into my veins that produces an effect similar to being stepped on by a 10 lb. elephant who doesn't eat that much. I'm telling you, it just doesn't get better than this. (War Against The Idiots / 1731 Cleveland St. / Evanston, IL 60202)