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Alkaline Trio / "Maybe I'll Catch Fire" / Asian Man Records / LP/CD - What do I do? Do I knock the band that every loves just to be different or do I fall into the garbage disposal of conformity with my friends with the thick glasses and sweaters? I'll go with the sweaters on this one. The Trio be toppin' this cupcake with some sprinkles that resemble the Raygun and Popes. I'm digging it through to the core and I'm up for the slower songs now because guys and gals, I'm getting old and there is no fooling the receding hairline. (Asian Man Records / PO Box 35585 / Monte Sereno, CA 95030)

American Heritage / "Why Everyone Gets Cancer" / The Rosewood Union / LP/CD - Amazing. (The Rosewood Union / PO Box 20508 / London NW8 8WT / England)

The Anniversary / "Designing a Nervous Breakdown" / Heroes and Villains / CD/LP - Since this album fulfills my musical fetish, namely a girl in the band and keyboards, I will now bow down to the altar of this Anniversary album. But I warn you Anniversary, you get rid of that girl or the keyboards and I will deface your temple as fast as I have bowed down to it, you hear!!!!!! This album is the end result of Weezer members dating girls that play keyboards while Devo was still in their prime. And that's really what it comes down too. Girls playing keyboards!! (Heroes and Villains / PMB 361 / 2118 Wilshire Blvd. / Santa Monica, CA 90403)

Arranged Tone Schedule / "Too" / Phonetic / CD - Gosh, where to begin. Alright, lets start with a big large stainless steel silver bowl. Throw some cocaine in there, a couple cigarettes, a picture of your ex-girlfriend or boyfriend (naked if possible so others can see their assets or portfolios), 3 bouncy balls, 2 teaspoons of sugar, and a videotape of 2001 Space Odyssey. After you're finished doing that, mix everything together really well and then turn off the lights and throw the bowl across the room. Turn the lights back on and you get this album in a nutshell, it's like doing acid on the moon basically. (

ATFO / "Sing Along With" / Self-Released / CD - Probably one of the most destructive bands ever to come out of the Chicago suburbs. This was a fun band to watch. After ever show that these guys played I would get the same feeling as the time when I urinated in a plastic cup and threw it off my balcony, hitting my dad who was beneath it. Man was he pissed, no pun intended. Anyhow, these boys were one of my favorites. You just don't see this type of "piss people off" punk that much anymore. (ATFO / 105 S. Can-Dota / Mt. Prospect, IL 60056)

The Audio Project / "S/T" / Self - Released / CD - A Elmhurst / Villa Park super group if you will. A couple keys to hold ground with the modern day and sugar coated vocals about love in the 1900's and up. If you look at the cover of this album you might spot the boner sprouted on the gentleman to the right. It seems like he is looking at the sunset and if that is the case, this guy getting a boner over watching the sunset, then this band is really one with nature. I sometimes get boners while watching flowers bloom. (

Behold the Living Corpse / "S/T" / Bloody Mess Records / CD - This album reminds me of that time that my friend got hit by the pitcher while we were playing baseball. He started crying and instead of walking to first base he ran to third base yelling and screaming. Yeah, this was the same kid that I played legos with. Ok, so this is the connection. You put this record on and right away you begin to feel the pain. You then become frantic and start running around your house when what you really should be doing is running to the stereo and turning it up more. Bloody Mess for 2001. (Bloody Mess Records / PO Box 13110 / Chicago, IL 60613)

Big D and The Kids Table / “Good Luck” / Asian Man Records / LP/CD – Whew, Big D and The Kids Table, with a name like that you’re going to need all the “good luck” you can get. Just kidding. Definitely some of the better “ska” stuff that I have heard off of Asian Man. It has some of that punk junk in there, sometimes stirring up memories of Slapstick concerts and large baggie pants for me. I like it, it’s pretty good. It will make the kids skank for cigarettes in marching fashion. (Asian Man Records / PO Box 35585 / Monte Sereno, CA 95030-5585)

The Blue Meanies / "Kiss Your Ass Goodbye" / Asian Man Records / LP/CD- Yeah, I get free promo CDs from Asian Man. In fact I can rent them to you for $3 a night. If you like to pick it up you might enjoy this disc. Lately some bands haven't been picking it up as much as usually and I'm pist! What happened to the days when bands really picked it up? I mean, if you can't pick it up you don't have to fake the shit, ya know? The Blue Meanies can pick it up but I'd like to see other bands like them pick it up a little more. Alright, pick it up! (Asian Man Records / PO Box 35585 / Monte Sereno, CA 95030)

Bred On Deception / "No Human Being is Illegal" / Pentigrandma Records / CD - Man, it seems like every issue of The Sound Interrupt I review some political hardcore band that has an album title that doesn't make sense. What makes sense about this record is the music. Nice bass and drum destruction that sorta sounds like a mix between a young boy yelling after cutting his index finger off while using the paper cutter at school. Actually, now that I think about it this record sounds more like a young boy getting his foot run over by a school bus. Yeah, that's it. (Pentigrandma Records / 16161 Nordoff St. #465 / North Hill, CA 91343)

The Broadways / “Broken Van” / Asian Man Records / LP/CD – Well here it is, the final tombstone and I ain’t talking pizza folks. Back with some more double digit tracks The Broadways give you the rest of their unreleased material with some EP’s that were difficult to grasp because you spent to much time living in a hole while they were around. The first EP was the one that always made me juice but the new tracks are stimulating too. The funeral is over and the mass has ended, let us go in peace. (Asian Man Records / PO Box 35585 / Monte Sereno, CA 95030-5585)

The Brockmeyers / "The Lost Black-tape Recording" / Fat Kid Records / CD - A historical band to the Villa Park area, The Brockmeyers are one of the better pop-punk bands to be produced by this town, and most notably one of the first that would eventually spawn other well-known bands like Showoff, Sig Transit Gloria, and Backdrop. An Emerson recording that captures a lot of their original live energy, this record is definitely a must for fans of the older Chicago pop-punk sound reminiscent of The Fighter / Winepress days. Follow the lyrics closely and you might just find out how to get a girlfriend. (

Brooklawn / "The Land of Stolen Bicycles EP" / Vertical Verve Records / CDEP - Hailing from Michigan, Brooklawn serves up four songs of Samiam esque rock on this CDEP on Vertical Verve. The band proves they are not afraid to experiment with different sides of the rock/post punk genre on this disc, showcasing songs that are heavy and soft, fast and slow. It's definitely cool to hear something a little different than what's consider "in" by todays standards and I appreciate this bands approach and hope they keep with it. (Vertical Verve Records / PO Box 2097 / Riverview, MI 48192)

Camera Obscura / "To Change the Shape of an Envelope" / Troubleman Unlimited / CD - This is amazing stuff here. This will be the new band that all the kids will have their panties in a wad for. I'm telling you, they got all the elements. Girls, keyboards, tight pants, what more could you ask for? Can't stop thinking about why they want to change the shape of an envelope, is it because the shape of the envelope hurt one of the band member's feelings? Because if that's the case then they are justified. What shape would they want that envelope? Someone really needs to find this shit out…fast. (Troubleman Unlimited / 16 Willow Street / Bayonne, NJ 07002)

Chuck Monroe / "Fast, Crappy, and Sloppy EP..I Mean LP" / Self-Released / CD - Well it is definitely fast, and it is definitely sloppy, but I don't think it is crappy. Anybody who has a song called "Happy Birthday" has more balls than a storage closet in a high school gym, so I have to give Chuck Monroe props for that one. Also, anybody who thanks one of the wildest and most fucked up bands to come about in a while, .farcus., also deserves some respect. So I'll rename this record and call it "Fast and Sloppy Or The Equivalent Of Having Sex While Trying To Eat Really Spicy Barbecue Chicken". Yeah, I think that works well. (

Class Action / "Never A Dull Moment" / Afro Pubes Records / CD - Continuing their dominance over suburban punk rock Afro Pubes releases Class Action out of Elmhurst, IL. I learned three things from this CD. 1.)Afro Pubes should buy this band some prostitutes so they wouldn't have to write all their songs about needing girlfriends. 2.)I could use a prostitute. 3.)Is prostitution PC or should I not be talking about it…some one email me on that one, thanks. With that said I think this is a very fine effort from these young men and not in that fruit juice very fine way, but in that sweater and glasses, tight pants on toned ass's type of way. Good night. (Afro Pubes Records / 168 Fairlane Ave. / Elmhurst, IL 60126)

Dance and Destroy / "Promo CDR" / Harmless Records / CD - Yeah, we got a little promo action here. This CDR of the Destroyers is to be put out on Harmless soon in the EP format. Now to the disc. Imagine a little boy falling off his bike for the first time. Better yet, imagine him falling off his bike into a thorn bush. Yeah, I think I hit it right on. It sounds just like that. A lot of screaming and very fun to watch if you are lucky enough to witness it. (Harmless Records / 1216 W. Hood Ave. Apt. #2 / Chicago, IL 60660)

Death In Custody / "2002 Demo" / Self-Released / CD - Definitely some cool stuff going on here. I guess this band features members of Mt. Tai. There are four songs on the demo and all of them have a old school hardcore feel to them. It's really nice to hear this sound again. Though thrash has made a huge comeback in the past couple years, this demo provides an interesting take on it and I'd highly recommend it to those who are longing for something a little different. (Death In Custody / 1131 W. Warren Suite 314 / Detroit, MI 48201)

Dutch Oven / "Easy Cooking With Dutch Oven" / Self - Released / CD - Rumor has it that this is the last stake in the coffin of Dutch Oven. Sorta sad for me because this was one of the first true Afro Pubes Record bands. They really open the 5 to 10 year old market up for me with their first release on Afro Pubes. Those young toddlers would always buy Dutch Oven tapes after giggling for a couple minutes about the band's name. The kids would stay stuff like "dutch oven, ha, ha, ha, that's when you fart underneath the covers and smell it, ha, ha, ha… do you want to come over to my house and build a fort out of legos?" I'll miss these guys. (

Fall Silent / "Super Structure" / Genet Records / CD - Holy shit. Had to pick up a couple pieces of my face off the floor after I listen to this fucker. Fast as a 13 year olds first hand job this record rips. These guys seem pissed off about something and it could be because you can't read their band name on their album. I don't know though, that's just a guess. (Genet Records / PO Box 447 / 9000 Gent 1 / Belgium)

The Frustrators / "Bored in the USA" / Adeline Records / LP/CD - Alright, after I got over the fact that The Frustrators were not going to cover "BORN in the USA" by my idle Bruce Springsteen I had to take some time off from listening to this record. When I came back to it I was able to jolt its rating up to a 8.5. Mike Dirnt's bass lines brought me back to my junior high years when everyone would pump their pants out after learning one of his bass lines. Look what you did Michael! The Blondie cover, "Living in the Real World" did it for me, but what will do it for you? Buy and you shall find. (Adeline Records / 5337 College Ave #318 / Oakland, CA 94618)

Gods Reflex / "Scenes From a Motel Seduction" / Johann's Face / CD / Arms Reach Recordings / LP - This is the Flex's best record yet, production, songwriting, everything. The LP version will be limited, half blue half white vinyl. Todd from Apocalypse Hoboken sings backup vocals on "Put Down That Guitar" which absolutly rules. Other songs that rocked me were "Careering", "Mayday", and "Why I Hate Texas". (Johann's Face / PO Box 479164 / Chicago, IL 60647)

Grey Area / “Fan Belt Algebra” / Victory Records / LP/CD – Well the title sure sprouts an erection in my pants as does the record on a hole. Grey Area sort of sounds like Propagandhi and Samiam having sex in the back of a van with no carpeting. Loud, ranchy, and quick. A lot of melodic overtones with a lot of love. Can’t help but think that Victory offered Kid Dynamite more money than Jade Tree and ask them to record a record with the name Grey Area instead. But hey, I’m not complaining, I’m down with these sounds. (Victory Records / PO Box 146546 / Chicago, IL 60614)

Haymarket Riot / "S/T" / Divot Records / CDEP -As soon as I heard the lyrics "Get back! The kids got shit in their hair!" I found that my life had changed. I now understood why I don't like some of the kids today. It's because they have shit in their hair and I don't like that kind of shit. Yeah, shit I'm liking this album. The singer even admits that he got his "ass kicked on Saturday". Now that takes guts man. These five songs resulted in me submitting Haymarket Riot to my "favorite bands list" for review. I'll let you know what happens. (Haymarket Riot / PO Box 14061 / Chicago, IL 60614-0061)

Haymarket Riot / "Wax!" / Divot Records / CD - I'll quote The Cars on this disc, this is "just what I needed". By far one of my favorite bands in the Chicago area and way under looked by many, Haymarket Riot throw four works of tangled guitar impurity on this disc. Camping, rolling up sleeping bags, cigarettes… this has it all. The last track is one of my favorites. It makes me want to go wax something if you know what I mean. Yeah, Chicagoooooooo!!! (Divot Records / PO Box 14061 / Chicago, IL 60614-0061)

The Honor System / “Single File” / Asian Man Records / LP/CD – I was just thinking about this and I have to let you in on it. If Slapstick’s breakup formed two new bands, Tuesday and The Broadways, and both of them broke up to form The Honor System, Lawrence Arms, and Alkaline Trio(sorta…yaduh, yaduh) then we’re being cheated of one more band. Because in all fairness to the Slapstick hierarchy there should always be two new bands for every band that breaks up. Man, it’s such a fucking conspiracy and I’m the only one that notices it. By the way this is my favorite record ever put out buy Asian Man. Find that other band please, I need to complete a family tree. Closure my friend, closure. (Asian Man Records / PO Box 35585 / Monte Sereno, CA 95030)

The John Sparrow / "S/T" / Binary Hate Records / CDEP - Well to start out, wow! Features members/ex members of The Tie That Binds, Sore Loser, Dig Dug. This band is so amazing. They have some what of a Rocket From the Crypt sound mixed with The Clash that mature into somthing way better. This band rules and you should definately look out for them. (Binary Hate Records / PO Box 923 / Humble, TX)

Kakistocracy, Besk, Citizens Oppression / “I Pledge Defiance” / Arson Records / CD – I love any record that uses the Crass art layout on the front with the words going around the border of the record, especially if it’s a crust record. Well, we have a lot of crust here. Kakistocracy takes the crown on this one. Fast, angry southern fried crust. Only Kentucky Fried Chicken wishes that they could get a better review then that. The other bands, well they’re good. But I spend most of my time with Kakistocracy. Favoritism? Maybe. Sexism? No. (Arson Records / 112 Montreal St. / Kingston, Ontario K7K 3E8 Canada)

Melt Banana / "Teeny Shiny" / A-Zap Records / CD - By far one of the best records I have received this year. Two Asian girls along with two Asian guys playing amazing Asian music, now that's Asian if you ask me. I love all the noises on this record. Every time I turn this disc on I feel like I'm walking down the toy section at Walmart and all those little fucking kids are hitting those "try me" buttons. Melt Banana also gets the award for best song title of the year with their track "Cub, Not Cube". If you think about it that is a very large grammatical error that Melt Banana has brought to their fans attention to help them succeed in life. (A-Zap Records / 2-11-13-102 Midorigaoka / Chofu / Tokyo 182-0001 Japan)

Mt. Tai / "s/t" / Self-Released / CD - Pretty cool release here. DIY packaging, looking like something layed out and done at a copy shop. The music falls in the old school punk bin. Maybe something you'd hear in the mid to late 80's. Very politcal, covering topics from racism to environmental protection. It's definitely cool to see this line of thought still carried out in punk still. It seems that politics have been mostly locked up in hardcore lately and this was refreshing. (Mt Tai / 1131 W. Warren Suite 314 / Detroit, MI 48201)

Oblivion / "Sucker From the Start" / Sinister Records / CD - Before I review this I would like to give my condolences to one of the funniest bands around, Oblivion. These guys put it all in perspective for me. Sure, there is a time to be serious, but if you don't leave room to have fun you won't have a good time. Shoot in a couple runs of this disc and you'll see what a good time is. Twenty-six tracks from comps, eps, and live records culminating in the creation of a fine masterpiece that could only be seen in your favorite Lincoln Park art gallery. Don't cheat yourself of Chicago's secret juice, just drink it! (Sinister Records / PO Box 1178 / LaGrange Park, IL 60526)

Offyourself / “S/T” / Fudge Sickill Records / CD – It looks like Offyourself is still sticking to the same formula here, playing good music and doing a lot of cocaine, which is really sad if you ask me. They could do so much more if they would just drop the drugs. Referring back to their lyrics, Offyourself shows they won’t be dropping the drugs anytime soon by shouting “We don’t care about the kids, we don’t care what they buy as long as we get some money so we can shoot up and get high!”. Gosh, I don’t know what else to say. I hope these guys find some help and find it soon because if they keep doing that shit they won't be able to make great records like this one. (Fudge Sickill Records / 444 S. Illinois / Villa Park, IL 60181)

Off Yourself / "S/T" / Green Recording Group / CD - This was suppose to be Mike Heerboth's come back release after his terrible battle with cocaine this past year. But if you ask me, it still seems like he is hitting that shit up. If it wasn't obvious enough, the song titles and lyrics on this album really bring the whole point home. Try the song "Doing Cocaine In My Basement". The chorus chants "After snorting up and getting real high me and TJ just stare at the sky". This shit is really fucked up. I mean the record is good and all but these guys are definitely in their own world. Buy their CD but know that the money isn't going towards anything that's legal. (Off Yourself / 292 E. Elm St. / Villa Park, IL 60181)

Only Ten Between Us / "Know We Are" / Self - Released / CD - Double digit blasts of youth crew power from the Quad Cities. Yes, this is the real shit. A couple breakdowns here and there, no dead babies, and some free anthems. My man JT hits the skins on this record.., no, not those skins, the drum skins! Gosh, I swear, you kids are all a bunch of fucking perverts today. Punch in to be punched out! (Only Ten Between Us / 1720 E Pleasant Court / Dvenport, IA 52804)

Screemo / “Low Rent Art” / All Malt Records / CD – At first I thought I was going to hair a bunch of kids yelling about spaceships and politics because of the band name, but what I found was something that very well put in the title of the record “Low Rent Art”. The rock was full throttle on this record. I felt like I was at one of those homosexual rodeo’s that my roommate and his boyfriend brought me to last year, except I didn’t hear anyone on this record comment about how my “curly hair is just the cutest thing ever”. Oh well, just like the rodeo this disc got my attention. (All Malt Records / PO Box 1083 / Eau Claire, WI 54702-1083)

Senile Citizens / "S/T" / Chip Tooth Records / CD - The good news is that this band is great. The bad news is that they just broke up. What's worse is that I use to know some senile citizens in my town. They would always come into the Chinese restaurant and buy fortune cookies everyday. One day one of them received the fortune "you will forget something today". Ever since that day I never ate a fortune cookie because I didn't want to see what my fortune would say. Will I become a senile citizen too? Only time will tell. (Chip Tooth Records / 2124 14th Street / Moline, IL 61265)

Seven Days of Samsara/Since By Man / "Promo CDR" / Harmless Records / CD - This is another release due out on Harmless soon. This one will not be on CD either, but on LP. Seven Days of Samsara can be summed up in three words, "What just happened?". Since By Man throws more metal on top of the pile of destruction that proceeds to cut the face even more. This is a good soundtrack for a surgeon during plastic surgery. (Harmless Records / 1216 W. Hood Ave. Apt. #2 / Chicago, IL 60660)

Sig Transit Gloria / "S/T" / Johanns Face Records / CD - They're back and they're bad. This is their follow up to the "sweeter than watching someone lose $1 in a vending machine" CDEP put out last year. Really catchy pop songs and a lot of different colored carpets portrayed in the artwork make this a fine pickup for anyone who dislikes hard wood floors and can admit to leaving Michael Jackson songs on when they are scanning through the radio. These guys are so good that they might even be better than Uptown.., but I'll have to think about that more. (Johanns Face Records / PO Box 479164 / Chicago, IL 60647)

Sig Transit Gloria / "2/8/2000" / Self-Released / Limited Edition CD - Well if you don't piss down my leg and tell me its raining (quote used after permission granted from Mr. Rambo himself) this record rocks more than a light hurricane in late August on the banks of Lake Michigan. Allison gives the boys a raw recording similar to the green bananas you always yelled at your mom for buying, but after the third listen you say to yourself "what the fuck was I thinking, its Sig Transit Gloria and it doesn't get better than that!". Five songs serenaded in crystal keyboards and smooth sailing vocals that leave listener's in stare down competitions with their favorite musicians from the 80's. The covers are out of this county and just remember one thing, you probably will never be able to get a copy of this so I'm putting my copy on E-Bay next year. Let the bidding begin! (

Sloppy Meateaters / "Forbidden Meat" / Orange Peal Records / CD - If this band didn't send me a bio along with their CD I would have thought they were a 40 year old, beer drinking, bar band because of their name. But the truth is they're young, and rather than drinking beer they are dishin out pop. Pretty good stuff, songs are memorable however not memorable enough to overshadow their name. I don't think the PETA organization would like this band, but then again if you're going to eat meat you mise well be sloppy about it. "Good production for meat destruction". (Orange Peal Records / PO Box 15207 / Fremont, CA 94539)

The Smocks, The Eating Disorders / “Rip That Shit Up Billy” / Gyration Records / CD – Ok, if I were asked how these two bands hooked up for this CD I would place my money on this story. The Smocks were walking home from a Fifteen show when all of a sudden they stumbled upon a Minor Threat reunion basement show that The Eating Disorders were playing. Both bands ran into each other at the show and after becoming extremely intoxicated decided to put out a CD together. To put it simply, this is basement rock at its finest with a couple beers here and there. (Gyration Records / 920 E. Fairy Chasm Rd. / Milwaukee, WI 53217)

Softball / "Tenku" / Asian Man Records / LP/CD - Oh my savior, this is all about me! Three beautiful Japanese girls playing punk rock with vocals sung while licking lollipops. Some one help me, my musical fetish has hit overdrive. When are they going on tour? Do they need a place to stay? I will pull out all the stops on them, free food, unlimited TV access and bathroom passes, just let them come to Chicago! In the mean time I will have to leave this album spinning when I turn out the lights because I'm here for their vocals and I'm into their upbeat style. (Asian Man Records / PO Box 35585 / Monte Sereno, CA 95030-5585)

Sore Loser / "S/T" / Arms Reach Recordings / 7" - Well I'm sure most of you, at least in Chicago, have never heard of this band. Sore Loser is one of the best pop punk bands that I have heard in a while. Amazing vocal harmonies and relative lyrics that arn't cheesie. Three songs on green wax and silk-screened covers. Nice. I really suggest you check this band out. (Arms Reach Recordings / 1231 W. Lincoln Hwy #21 / DeKalb, IL 60115)

Standfast / "Kill The Spirit of Gravity" / Blatherskyte Records / CD - Call me old fashion but I like to take record titles seriously and if we kill the spirit of gravity we're really gonna be fucked. You see gravity is what makes us stay on the earth and without it we might end up like that one guy in "2001: Space Oddessy" that HAL fucking stiffed. So come on people, lets not kill the spirit of gravity. Good stuff, after listening to the record I could tell what state this band was from. (Blatherskyte Records / PO Box 41375 / Rochester, NY 14604)

Sutek Conspiracy / "S/T" / Self-Release / CD - One thing I do now, if I ever owned a Chinese restaurant I would call it "Sutek Conspiracy". Recording gets a little rough on this disc but the genre, "tickle me screemo", calls for it. The metal is shining in every song on here and the vocals can best be described by my favorite farm animal, the hoarse. So of course, what else can I say, Chinese restaurant and all I'm ready to get in on with Sutek Conspiracy. (Sutek Conspiracy / 1507 Main St. / Lafayette, IN 47905)

Tension Wire / "Explicits" / Seymour Records / CD - Tension Wire puts up a pretty diverse sound here. Some of the songs could be consider pretty poppy while a couple others get a little darker. Not bad, I like a band that can mix things up, definitely not your run of the mill stuff. A couple of the tracks really remind me of a band that was around about two years ago called Six and One Half Summers because of that early 90's Chicago punk feel. Overall, not bad for a debut (at least I think it's their debut), I'm sure they'll have better stuff to come. (Seymour Records / PO Box 56738 / Chicago, IL 60656-0758)

Tomsawyer / "s/t" / Self-Released / CD - It took me awhile to get this disc playing because it was caked with some spray-paint on it, but once I got the tunes pumpin I had my trunk rattling all the way down 290 West. Good stuff here, like drinking some hot water and eating jawbreakers if you catch my lingo. Some sound bites are thrown in to keep you movie freaks on your feet. You read the book about that man, now go buy the CD. (

V/A / “Barbaric Thrash Detonation” / 625 Productions / CD + EP – Ah, my main man Max coming through with the jams here. Over 50 songs from more than 40 thrash bands mapped out from all around the globe. I love listening to Japanese thrash bands. They sound like Mr. Meogie after finding out that Daniel San got a girl pregnant. Awesome stuff. Why view hardcore on your computer when you can listen to it on your stereo? (625 Productions / PO Box 423413 / San Francisco, CA 94142-3413)

V/A / “Can I Borrow a Feeling?” / Afro Pubes Records / CD – Whoa, I’m reviewing way to many comps this issue. Coming out from the west side it’s my boy Dan from Afro Pubes with his 33 band comp. A lot of local acts thrown with some European drunkedness to borrow all the feelings you want. Logan’s Loss, Sig Transit Gloria, and Sketch Middle make this a comp for the girls and for me. Hmm, I wonder if I should revise that last sentence. (Afro Pubes Records / 168 Fairlane / Elmhurst, IL 60126)

V/A / "Chicago Arise From the Ashes" / Sinister Label / CD - What can I say, I'm really impressed with this compilation. In my opinion it is probably one of the best punk compilations to be put out in Chicago along with Thick Records compilation released awhile back. So many good songs on this disc and so little time to smoke a bowl while listening to them. Some of my favorites include Mexican Cheerleader and John Brown Battery among others. And I thought Jaded In Chicago had a slick layout, right? But when I looked at this comp I finally made the connection: Punk guys with spiked hair will always have good layouts. Sinister Label for 2001! (

V/A / "Elmhurst vs. Villa Park" / He Who Corrupts / Fudge Sickill Records / CD - First of all I just wanted to say that this is the best compilation I have ever heard. Who ever put this fucker out is genius. The real question on everyone's mind is who won, Elmhurst or Villa Park? Originally I thought it would take me a long time to figure that out but actually it only took me one full listen. The verdict is simple: Elmhurst. Those Villa Park shits are nothing but their name spelled backwards, "Krap Alliv"!!!! And that's about all I got to say about that. (He Who Corrupts Records / 196 Fairfield / Elmhurst, IL 60126 | Fudge Sickill Records / 444 S. Illinois / Villa Park, IL 60181)

V/A / "Quincy Shanks Sampler #3" / Quincy Shanks / CD - Well, what to say, what to say. I'm glad I got this to review. I was under the impression that Quincy Shanks no longer existed but this sampler certainly puts that thought to rest. A lot of great tracks on this comps from the likes of The 4-Squares, Tricky Dick, The Hitmen, and The Undesirables. However, the standout for me was one of the newer editions to Quincy Shanks, There Is No Shining Heart. Good punk, well rooted in the old school. Check this out, you have nothing to lose. All you need to send is money for postage and it's yours. (Quincy Shanks / PO Box 3035 / Saint Charles, IL 60174)

V/A / “Under the El Tracks” / Fullerton Records / CD – Six bands total with two songs each, all from DePaul. You got your John Brown Battery, Authority Abuse, Stillwell, Frontside, Last Ditch Effort, and who can forget the circus hardcore sounds of La Mantra De Fhiqria. I wonder if Mike from Fullerton Records got paid big money from the CTA to use all those bright, colorful pictures of the El on this CD. I’m telling you, everything in Chicago punk rock is a conspiracy. (

The Vice Dolls / "All This And Nothing" / Self - Released / CD - I dig this stuff a lot. They have a girl singing so I'm already suckered into their game. A couple hits and a couple swift kicks and this record is done. Nice southern rock here. Not fried too much but just right. I wonder if the singer played with dolls when she was younger. I now I did. I had PJ Sparkles and Strawberry Shortcake. I would always bring them to the pool and play with them when I went on the annual "family and friends" vacation. I can't say that the older kids didn't kick my ass a couple times for that one. (The Vice Dolls / 548 S Chicago Ave / Bismarck, IL 61814)

V.Reverse / "Now>Then: Complete Recordings 1995-1997" / Arms Reach Recordings / CD - Yes, it is finally here. By far one of the most underrated bands ever to come out of Chicago, along with the likes of My Lai and others. Compiled here are all of the V/Reverse recordings spanning their short existence. Just think, you get 18 songs with that patented Doug Ward growl and that wonderful guitar work from Sir Patrick Scott. Man that's almost better than hearing my Grandpa hold a conversation with my answering machine for 2 minutes. Long live V.Reverse, long live Doug Ward bands, and long live Underdog. (Arms Reach Recordings / 1624 W. Columbia Ave. #1S / Chicago, IL 60626)

Xpration / “If You Mind There’s No Problem You Could Be Part of It” / Fragment Music / CD – Received this CD from my friend Felix who lives in Spain(that explains the title for you). If you open up the CD booklet you will find numerous pictures of dead animals and humans. The music is fast. If you like fast music and pictures of dead animals and humans, this release is for you. I won’t be surprise when I find out that you’re a serial killer. (Fragment Music / Apdo 2247 / 09080 Burgos Espana)

Yakuza / “Amount To Nothing” / Self-Released / CD – Whoa, this is all over the place. Where to start! Well, first I’m beginning way to many sentences with the letter “W”. Next, this fucker is so crushing that many might have to run after their testicles after listening to it. For some reason I keep wanting to make a comparison to early Helmet here but I don’t want taint this bands imagine because new Helmet is about as good as getting a hand job from someone with no fingers. All and all a nice disc that departs from a lot of the normal heavy stuff today and adds a little sax here and there to spread the romance. (Yakuza / PO Box 578818 / Chicago, IL 60657)