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Weather for the Greater Walrus Area

Rain today, high in the 70's. Clearing and cooler tomorrow. Cool temperatures for the next week.

Beyond that, we couldn't hope to guess. You think we're psychic or something? A week ahead, that's about the limit for us weather forecasters. . . .

What? Oh, you say you're not satisfied with that? You want the forecast for how far into the future? A hundred years?? . . . Well . . . okay. Here's the forecast for one hundred years from now:

Imagine, for a moment, that the clock governing civilization has been advanced to a summer's day a century into the future. Carbon dioxide levels, which stood at 370 parts per million on the Keeling curve in the year 2000 [and at 315 ppm in 1958], are nearing 950 ppm. On a computerized weather map of the United States, the day's low temperature of 60 degrees F is predicted for Point Barrow, Alaska, the high of 131 degrees for Palm Springs, California. The northern two-thirds of the country will suffer through yet another in a long string of days in the high 90s and 100s, while Little Rock, Atlanta, Birmingham, Houston, and Albuquerque will register highs of 105 degrees and above. Dallas, San Antonio, Tucson, and Phoenix will top out at 125 degrees. Miami would likely have done so as well but for the fact that the city, indeed the whole of South Florida below West Palm Beach, is no more because of a dramatic rise in the sea level... A health advisory has been issued by the Centers for Disease Control; the mosquito populations continue to multiply, spreading illnesses against which vaccines are ineffective.
There you go. That's from the book Greenhouse, by Gale E. Christianson.* The forecast for a hundred years from now. So if you live in Miami, and were planning a picnic for that day, better think again. . . .


*Quoted at