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Story Archives

Well, you've come this far. Why not read a few stories? Relax, put your feet up, get a nice glass of wine (or Orange Juice, or Milk, or whatever), and enjoy some of the best fiction you've read from authors you've never heard of (yet).

A quick word of warning: Some of the stories contained within have adult themes, language, and situations, and are not suitable for people under the age of 18, or those who are perennnially offended by anything that is real...like life.

In short, if you are easily offended or disgusted by anything that has literary merit, don't go any further. And parents; keep your five year-olds the Hell away from our site.
Go here if you want something non-offensive.

Now might also be a good time to add that all of the stories archived here are reprinted with the permission of the authors, and are copyright 2000 by them unless otherwise specifically noted. Any duplication, retransmission, or reprint, unless specifically authorized by the original author and The Writers' Corner is strictly prohibited. If you want to use our stuff on your site, just ask.

End of disclaimer. Let's take a little trip to the other side...

Lon Schlittenhart

Simon Ayesse

Jack Raven

Valdis Jodais II

Anthony J. DiRenzo

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