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The Writers' Corner

UPDATE 8/14/2000

Wow, has it been awhile since I updated anything on here! Sorry, but life and my job (such as it is) got in the way. Some news for all of you:

Writers Corner 2.0 is coming!

That's right. We'll be not only updating the entire site and giving it a slick new look, but also changing servers! Currently, we are in negotiations with a few places for server space, but it looks like my good friend Steve is going to be giving us space on Th-ink Net for the site. Click here for a sneak preview of what our new name and site theme is going to be all about!

Also, we've got more content from new authors to kick off our premier of 2.0, so be on the lookout for that, as well! Thanks for all your support!

-The Webmaster

Our Mission...

The Writers' Corner seeks to give a voice to those thousands of authors we know are out there who:

With this in mind, we will give consideration to any and all writers who wish to have their works published here, so long as their stories survive independent quality checks from the webmaster and TWC Associate Editors for content, style, and overall quality.

We wish to make it clear that the point of TWC is to print the best fiction, poetry, and short stories you've never read. Previously published authors will be considered, but priority will be given to those with no published works to their credit. Notable authors, copyeditors, or magazine column writers: don't even bother. You're getting paid a lot more for one piece than most of us may see in our entire lifetimes.

If you wish to submit any short story, fiction piece, or poem to us, simply mail the webmaster and send a copy of your work in Word, RTF, or simple text format. Allow one to two weeks for processing, at the end of which we will email you with our decision and further instructions.

Now, enrich your mind with some of the best writing you've never seen...

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