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Heather and Jack walked along together, the late-afternoon sun was glistening on the lake. Most of the other campers were kicking it over near the basketball courts, where everyone hung out before dinner. But Heather and Jack had decided to go off by themselves. They sat down in the grass near the lakeshore to talk.

"So, you enjoying camp?" asked Heather, brushing her short blonde hair out of her face.

"How could I not?" asked Jack, grinning. "Camp Greenhorn is great."

"Oh I know." said Heather. "I love it here. I'm not gonna ever want to leave!"

"Me neither." said Jack. "The first week sorta sucked though."

"Oh, cause Kaylene dumped you?" said Heather, shaking her head. "Forget about her. She can be dumb. Besides, you barely knew her."

"True." said Jack. He turned and grinned at Heather.

"So, you need to get another girl then." said Heather. "Let's see...who do you think is hot here?" Jack looked embarressed.

"Let's see..well, I used to think Kaylene was..but, Stephanie, Jen," said Jack. He wanted to say Heather. Heather new this. She was well aware of the fact that Jack liked her.

"Nevermind WHAT?" she said, interrogatingly. Jack grinned devilishly.

"I said, NEVERMIND!" he said, poking her in the side. Heather jumped nervously.

"What?" said Jack, looking surprised. He poked her again. She jumped away.

"You ticklish or somethin'?" he asked.

"Why?" Heather asked, glancing away.

"Just answer." said Jack, grinning. He reached for her side. She moved away quickly.

"What?" she asked, giggling nervously.

"Come here." said Jack. Heather nervously went to his side. Jack began tickling her ribs. Heather's eyes immediately squeezed shut and she cringed for a moment. Then she began giggling like crazy. Jack grinned mischieviously.

"You ARE ticklish!" he laughed.

"So?" said Heather. "So are YOU!"

"So?" laughed Jack. "Hey, where else are you ticklish at?"

"Why?" asked Heather, looking at him warningly.

"Come on, where are you ticklish?" Jack asked, whining a little playfully.

"Where are YOU ticklish?" Heather demanded. Jack thought a moment.

"Let's see, the bottoms of my feet, my stomach, my armpits, my sides, my neck, my back, my ribs. Pretty much everywhere!" he laughed.

"Hahahaha!" Heather laughed. "I know how to get you now!"

"It isn't very hard." laughed Jack. He grinned at Heather devilishly.

"You ticklish HERE!?" he asked, grabbing the sensitive, ticklish spot right abover her knee. Heather screamed.

"What about HERE?!" he laughed, grabbing her belly with his other hand. Heather screamed and laughed hysterically. She thrashed madly and she and Jack wrestled. But he was stronger than her.

"Let's try..HERE!" laughed Jack, straddling Heather and tickling her ribs. Heather was laughing too hard to speak. Jack got off of her and then began tickling her knees again. Heather was laughing so hard she didn't have the strength to thrash about as much.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahahehehehehehehehe eheheheheheheh ahah ha ha ha!" Heather screamed with hysterical laughter as Jack tickled squeezed her knees. Finally, Jack let her go. She sat up, panting and wheezing, red in the face from laughing so hard.

"Hahaha." said Jack. "You got the shit tickled out of you. You ARE freakin' TICKLISH."

"You weenie." Heather said. "I thought I was gonna die from laughing."

"What tickled the most?" asked Jack.

"My stomach." said Heather. "I am soooooo ticklish on my stomach."

"Me too." said Jack.

"You're dead now." said Heather, grinning devilishly. "Just wait. I'm gonna get my entire cabin on your ass mister."

"Oh...I'm scared," said Jack, grinning. He didn't mind. An entire cabin of cute girls tickle attacking him didn't seem like such a bad thing.

"Sorry for tickling the shit out of you." laughed Jack, getting up. "Come on, it's dinner time." He helped Heather up and they went to dinner. THE END