The PokeZone is closed forever. No more Pokemon site for me. But, one good thing is left!

We still make banners, buttons, and general graphics. We make graphics for everbody and for free. I don't care what site you own, I don't care if it's Pokemon or Care Bears, and I don't care what hits you have! I don't care!!!!

You must upload graphics to your own server!

We are now known as Pokerai Button Services.

Things Needed:
1.Your Name
2.Your Email
3.What You Want
4.Description Of What You Want
5.Your Site Name
6.Your Site URL (must work right!)
7.Are you prepared and willing to link to site?

All creations will be displayed here with a link to the site it was for.

If you don't put a link to Pokerai Button Services up, we'll make sure everyone knows who doesn't link back. And we'll make a wall o' shame. Don't make us do that.

Email here with the above information
Send IM here and discuss your graphic in much better detail.

Update Box
Update By: Raichu
Long time no update. The only reason I'm updating is because the Dimeclicks banner turned into porn, so I had to remove it. I guess I'm still accepting applications for buttons and banners. My email has changed though, so just send them to the email address that is along with this update. I guess that's all. I doubt I'll ever update again. Bye.

Update Box
Update By: Raichu
I made a new splash for Anime Ultra. See it by clicking an Anime Ultra button on the bottom of the page.

Update Box
Update By: Raichu
Angelfire had some problems, so no updates. We're looking to help more people, so you guys really need to send in requests. I have just gotten so much better at making buttons, and we're free, so join in! Election day, so make sure your parents or somebody votes! ALSO, some site called The Layout Center claims to be affiliated with us, but we have no affiliates, so don't belive them! We aren't affiliated with nobody! But, we get hits, so oh well for them that we don't link back cause WE AREN'T AFFILIATES WITH NO ONE!

Update By: Raichu

Update Box
Update By: Raichu
Yesterday I blew up,but I'm okay now. Raiboltchu (or however you spell that name) put in a new thing and I'm cool. Yes, I do know what she's talkin' bout. Here is a link to her site. Well...I'm off to do some work. I'm in the progress of making a splash for Haunter's Krib. Byes.

Update Box
Update By: Raichu
An old affiliate of ours called The Pokemon Zone (I know!) has taken our old update box!! Hello! That stuff is still copyright and I can take action if I want! I suggest she take it down. I hate when people do that! When people copy your hard work! We may be closed, but copyright isn't!

Update Box
Update By: Raichu
We are now known as Pokerai Button Services. Please update all links to this page. If you requested a graphic and it was not sent out to you, email me and i'll do what i can.

Update Box
Update By: Raichu
I added another button for Anime Ultra.

Update Box
Update By: Raichu
I added this update box to the site,so everything would be organized and I could tell you when the site has made a new graphic for somebody.

Showcase/Finished Works: