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Jenn's Sanctuary

sanc.tu.ary--A place for refuge and protection.

Welcome to my little corner of the web. Here you will find many things from my testimony, my stories, my Beauty and the Beast homepage (the television show), to favourite links, fun things to do and places to find help.

Please visit my page on Vulvodynia!!!

National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week, Sept 22-28, 2003,

Places to Visit

On Being A Gothic Christian--Learn why I call myself a Gothic Christian and read my testimony.

The Blue Room--Read my stories and find fun writing and reading links.

Jenn's Chambers--MyBeauty and the Beast Pages including Brigit O'Donnell's Faerie Page.

My Wolf Page--Learn more about why I want to save this beautiful animal.

Irish Legends and Folklore"--All my favourite Irish tales.

Sarah-- Follow this link to view a photograph I took of my friend Sarah for a photography class back in college.

Links--All of my non-writing and reading links. Please check these out...I have 100's of links on many subjects.

My Page-- Find out all about me!

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Site created Leap Day 2000

Updated on October 15, 2006