The image is the text of a common draga prayer-mantra:

ía hleu, a heas, a phuia cr-Xeañpa:
ía hleu, a heas, a phuia cr-Syú:
ía hleu, a heas, a phuia cr-Fei:

Which translates to:
"I experience the beauty, the love, the joy of Xeañpa"
"I experience the beauty, the love, the joy of Syú"
"I experience the beauty, the love, the joy of Fei"


  1. Xeañpa: The shared interior be-ing of all thing that manifests itself outwardly as reality. The word itself is composed of the parts: Xeañ - 1st Person Exclusive + -pa - Weak (Iconic) definite article, e.g. "The Essence-tial I", which in the draga conception is shared by all at the deepest interior level of being.
  2. Syú: The animating force that causes an otherwise inert physical form to be exist as a living being.
  3. Fei: The Universe (as an entitial be-ing).