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Books on line! On this page you will find a pull down menu with three books to choose from. "The OKC Bombing and the Politics of Terror" is a must read!

Psychic Test! Take the test to see if you are psychic, then get your own 1-900 number! Click on the button at the top of the MYSTERY page.

It is crucial that every American read and understand the Bill Of Rights. The first 10 amendments to the Constitution are what have made our nation both free and prosperous. These amendments, which separate liberty from tyranny are slowly being taken away from us.

VATICAN CITY (AP) Pope John Paul gave his blessing to Frito-Lay on friday. When asked to comment on this unprecedented act Chester Cheetah said, "Way cool, man."

(bullet holes not included)

WASHINGTON (AP) In an attempt to top the Treasury Department's 50 state coins, the D.O.T. will soon issue Presidential road signs.

ROSE GARDEN (AP) Bush caught strolling the White House lawn in the buff!


Is this bait and switch or a form of lottery?

What did Johnny learn in school today?

Welcome! If you love conspiracy theories, aliens or a good mystery, this is the site for you! I've collected a lot of information and links to give you hours of interesting and sometimes frightening reading.

I never gave much thought to any of the conspiracy theories out there until a few years ago when, through research, I found that many were supported by hard evidence. There is a lot of information on the web that most Americans are just too complacent to read, things that greatly affect our lives. Executive orders are being signed and unconstitutional laws have been passed that would frighten and anger any freedom-loving American who took the time to find out about them. Read these articles, most of which are well documented, and decide for yourself what is true. You will at least come to the conclusion that our Constitution is subverted and our elected representatives perverted by secretive organizations of the world's elite. Here you will also find examples of government crimes and tyranny that every american should know about. I've also included a section on extraterrestial visits because of the abundance of evidence and the fact that the government is obviously hiding something. I've placed links to these topics in separate categories and included a brief synopsis of each. There is also a section of great links that may not appear elsewhere on my site.

The most controversial books!
What is the fuss all about?

This site is my attempt to present these facts for study or just for fun. The opinions expressed here are not necessarily my own and some of them certainly are wacky, unconventional and/or politically incorrect. You may even find material through some of the links that is offensive. You might get the grins. My only wish is to present the information and let people make up their own minds.

This site works best on Internet Explorer, but I've done my best (so far) to make sure that it works on other browsers. Please feel free to e-mail me with any comments, questions or suggestions you have. I hope you enjoy your visit!

"You need only to reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the the very phrases which the founding fathers used in their struggle for independence."
C.A. Beard

"The strength and power of despotism consists wholly in the fear of resistance."

Thomas Paine


"When many Americans and others think of terror, however, they frequently ignore another form of the phenomenon that is no less frightening and disturbing to the people who suffer its consequences: the use of terror by governments against their own citizens who oppose them. In the mid-1960s, for example, when the Uruguayan government found itself engaged in a struggle with the leftist revolutionary movement of the Tupamaros, torture was used as a police method for interrogation. When the Uruguayan military took control of the anti-revolutionary campaign in 1971, the use of torture increased, and by 1975, according to Amnesty International, torture had become "routine treatment for virtually any peaceful opponent of the Uruguayan Government who fell into the hands of military units." In Guatemala, army counterinsurgency units terrorized the rural population to keep it from supporting leftist guerrillas, while in Guatemalan cities right-wing death squads assassinated suspected opponents of the government. Throughout the country agents of the police and military tortured people as a punishment or a warning to others. Similar government terror has been evident in other Latin American countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile and El Salvador."

John M. Gates

Ex-President-For-Life Bill Klinton is now on the lecture circuit.

What really happened to Pan Am Flight 103.

The only thing protecting us from a tyrannical Big Brother police state.


And you thought they couldn't get along!
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman."
