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Stan Lee Presents...

Ghost Rider:
The Hammer Lane!

Leading up to The Hammer Lane is Ghost Rider: Highway to Hell!
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All original color pics courtesy Marvel Entertainment! and milehighcomics
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CoverIssueCover ArtDate





THL #1

Trent Kaniuga

Danny Miki

Jun 01

"One Bad Day"

Devin Grayson

Trent Kaniuga
Danny Miki

1 2 3

Summary: Our story begins in a cubicle, Johnny Blaze on the phone to his girl, Chloe, who is unhappy with him. He is interrupted by a co-worker who has a pic from Johnny's stunt riding days. They are joined by another co-worker and the two break Johnny's balls over his leaving that career. He leaves them, frustrated, and as he arrives at his modest car, he spies a motorcycle parked next to him. He changes to the Ghost Rider and off he goes, out and away from the city.
Early evening finds him waking in front of a dive biker bar, somewhere rural. "Oh No," he says, "Not again." He goes inside and is dissed for his lack of leather and denim. He orders a beer, ignoring them.
A local woman rushes in, distraught since her boyfriend just became street pizza at the hands of a hit-and-run trucker. Johnny hears this and changes to the GR and is on the road again. He finds and stops the trucker - and all oncoming traffic - in a spectacularly violent jacknife crash and burn. GR leaves the man to die, crushed under his truck, but before he expires, he explains that his boss, a maniac who dopes up his truckers instead of payment, made them do it. Ordered them to. He begs GR to get even for them, victims too. GR picks up a dreadlocked idol before he changes back to Johnny, who is left to view the carnage he seems to have no control over.
To Be Continued!

THL #2

Trent Kaniuga

Danny Miki

Jul 01

Hard Brake

Devin Grayson

Trent Kaniuga
Danny Miki

regular Cover
1 2 3 4

Summary: Johnny calls home Friday morning from Maryland. He also shows a mechanic what his "problem" is with the cycle when he changes to the GR. "So what's the problem?"
Saturday morning Johnny is back after a night of vengeance. He eventually ends up in a bar with Gunmetal Gray. "I kill people for sport."
Johnny hires him to get the GR " matter what."
To Be Continued!

THL #3

Trent Kaniuga

Danny Miki

Aug 01

Chain of Fools

Devin Grayson

Trent Kaniuga
Danny Miki

1 2 3 4

Summary: Sunday afternoon and Johnny is back in leather. The GR is released when the next name to see the Spirit of Vengeance is found. Gunmetal appears on the road and takes a shot at GR, knocking him off the cycle and then blowing his head off! GR reconstitues his head and rides away. "This isn't over.."
GR continues to ride Sunday evening, running across Gunmetal again, who crashes a truck of liquid nitrogen into GR and a rest stop on I-81. Johnny returns as the GR crawls from the wreckage. He comments to Gunmetal about what has been happening to him, and Gunmetal catches on to Johnny's secret fast, pulling a .45 and holding it to Johnny's head! Is this the end? "..and no matter what."

To Be Continued!

THL #4

Trent Kaniuga

Danny Miki

Sept 01

Being The Bumper

Devin Grayson

Trent Kaniuga
Danny Miki

Summary: Johnny talks to the GR inside his head (GR doesn't respond other than stares) while Gunmetal Grey is holding a .45 to his temple. The cops break it up and attempt to apprehend them unsuccessfully. Johnny is taken on a wild escape ride and to the Mechanic from Maryland from #2 who is following Johnny. He poses the question that We here @ the Haunt think is the whole point of this series: How do you overcome vengeance? GR is unleashed again and while out on the road discovers another in need of vengeance, or so he thinks. The answer to the question is found, but what effects will it have on Johnny? And what price will have to be paid by innocents?
To Be Continued!

GR 1/2

Trent Kaniuga

Danny Miki

Sept. 01

Corporate Hell

Devin Grayson

Trent Kaniuga
Danny Miki

He Talks!
16 pages

Summary: Johnny reads the paper and learns of the unfortunate death of a cycle rider. The company that creates the cycle claims no responsibility, and so the GR is again in action. He tracks the corporate scum to their lair, wreaks his vengeance and leaves, but not before saying "Do Better" to the survivors. Later Johnny remarks that "this is totally out of control.."
Also included are 4 pages of pencil roughs of the GR by Trent.

THL #5

Trent Kaniuga

Danny Miki

Oct. 31

20,000 Revs

Devin Grayson

Trent Kaniuga
Danny Miki

Summary: Johnny remains on the run from the man he hired to kill him, Gunmetal Gray. The chase leads to Sioux City, SD and a bar in which Johnny and the GR talk through a mirror and GR tells Johnny to "Forgive Yourself." Then at last the Spirit of Vengeance is unleashed!
To Be Concluded!

THL #6

Trent Kaniuga

Danny Miki

Nov. 01

Spirit of Forgiveness

Devin Grayson

Trent Kaniuga
Danny Miki

NEW! Pages

1 2 3

Summary: Thursday night: Gunmetal mourns the loss of one of his and vows to meet the GR the next night at Sturgis. Friday morning Johnny awakens near the wreckage and calls Chloe. Friday night: I-90 in Sturgis. The fight is on! All things are resolved and the end is only the continuation. As it should be.
Thanks Devin and Trent!

And now for those who may not know, We bring you the Ghost Riders from the new Marvel Mangaverse!
featuring Johnny Blaze!

GRs #1

Mar 02


Chuck Austen

(Brian Smith)

Summary: That's right: the series of February one shots that will soon become a series of their own has a tie to the Haunt!
The title GHOST RIDERS stars Damon Hellstorm and his brother, Johnny Blaze, the Ghost Rider, as the Sons of Satan seek to stop the demonic advances of their sister Satana! SEE the startling transformation of the Ghost Rider! "Put my face back!" CHILL to the destruction of Church property by demonic hordes! "Dad told me I could kill you. Just so you know." WONDER where the Werewolf by Night went in the story: He's on the cover! GASP in horror when You see what the manga Satana looks like! ACK! "Those are new." Last Laugh: the manga Hulk and what he does! "Goooooeey!"
Can You Face Our Fun??

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