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"We are not a Christian band, we are Christians in a band..."Steve

Gilbert: The name of your band is, all together.

Somedaysoon: Somedaysoon.

Gilbert: Somedaysoon is with us today at Rhythmstx. They performed today, they were awesome. I wish there were more people here, but we’ve got lots of things going on tonight, so. OK guys, starting with you. State your name and what you do.

Moses: OK, may name’s Moses and I play the drums.

Gilbert: Moses plays the drums.

Teal: My name’s Teal and I play the guitar and I sing.

Steve: And, oh well. I won’t say it. No one needs to know what else you do.

Teal: Shut up, dude.

Steve: Steve, I play the bass and random stupidities.

Teal: Steve’s bad.

Steve: Bad.

Gilbert: I want to know how your band got started. Tell us a little bit about your band guys.

Steve: Teal was around, then I was around, then Mo moved back so we started the band basically. Mo used to be in Kill the Spider when they were a pop, contemporary Christian church band. (laughs)

Gilbert: So how did you guys get the name?

Teal: Steve?

Mo: Steve.

Gilbert: Steve, tell us how you got the name.

Steve: Uh, well, it’s because I uh, actually I kinda stole it.

Teal: Kinda stole it.

Steve: From a record. There was a record called Sunday Soon on like,

Teal: I thought it was Someday Soon.

Steve: No, no the record was Sunday Soon.

Teal: Oh, it was Sunday Soon, yeah yeah, OK.

Steve: And uh I wanted to uh, say that would be a bad name for a band but then like I didn’t know, it sounded too much like a, you know.

Teal: Church band.

Steve: Like a church band, you now and we’re definitely not that.

Gilbert: Cool.

Steve: So Somedaysoon is just as good, if not better. (slight pause) Jeff better leave, because I’m talking.

Gilbert: Hold on. (Moves them into another room)

Steve: With things going on in our lives you know, we’ve had a lot of doubts with you know with God and Christianity a lot of times. And a lot of things we just don’t understand, but someday soon we’re gonna figure it out. You know, like me personally in the last couple of years I’ve had family members die and like things so wrong totally. Like my family was a one car family and like there’s three of us for using it all for work. Just like things like that just really bring you down sometimes. It’s hard to find a job. I didn’t graduate high school right away so I had to go take my proficiency exam and that sucks. And someday soon I’m going to figure it out and it will be OK.

Gilbert: Someday soon you should write a book dude. ‘My Life’ by Steve.

Steve: Teal, Teal has a lot of things going on. He doesn’t really know where he’s gonna be in the next few years.  How he’s gonna be in the next year.

Gilbert: That’s a really good reason.

Steve: And Mo, this guy left the world, fell off the face of the earth for awhile.

Moses: Got married and had a baby.

Teal: Yup. There you go.

Moses: I’m a married man.

Steve: And I’m sure there’s enough confusion in that.

Gilbert: Do you have any babies?

Teal: I don’t have any babies.

Steve: (Watching  Tommy Aldridge drum instruction video on TV) This guy played for Ozzy Osbourne, dude. He’s bad!

(Steve and Moses get engrossed in watching TV and discuss it in the background.)

Gilbert: What’s your name again?

"...we’re not really a ministry band..."...Teal

Teal: Teal, like the color.

Gilbert: Teal, what is your goal in this band? Where do you see yourself?

Teal: My goal for this band, I don’t know. Number one I want what God wants for the band. I don’t know what that is because we’re you know, we’re not really a ministry band you know. The lyrics aren’t like you know, ‘Hail Jesus you’re my king’ you know.

Steve: (breaking away from television to interject) We are not a Christian band, we are Christians in a band!

Teal: We are not a Christian band, we are Christians in a band.

Steve: Quote quote. (referring to TV again) What was the first band’s name? (Mo and Steve continue their conversation)

Teal: Quote, anyway. You know if God put lyrics in my heart that said that the entire purpose was to praise Him then I would have written songs that were, you know, would praise Him. But I just wrote what I was feeling at the time and it turned out great and that’s what we play. And I think that actions speak a lot louder than words.

Gilbert: What are most of your songs about? Do you guys write songs together?

Steve: (across room) Right now we’re just playing a lot of Teal’s material and it was a lot different that when I first started playing with Teal. It’s totally different.

Teal: It was a little bit different.

Steve: (returns to interview) Once we got Mo, I think it was a lot different.

Teal: Well, that’s true.

Steve: Once we got Mo, there was like a chemistry together.

Teal: Because we’ve only been together since about April, so Steve and I know each other since like the second grade. We’ve been good friends since about, gosh, middle school. I mean summer school and uh.

Steve: Tenth grade.

Teal: Tenth grade, no eleventh grade right after the eleventh grade. So anyways. So Steve and I have been good friends for awhile and I had a band with Mo when I first started out first playing for, it’s been five years now. And then Mo was in Kill the Spider and then he fell off the face of the earth and landed in Oregon.

Steve: He landed there. (laughs)

Teal: Yep and then so he just came back in March and we got together in April and things just.

Steve: One time I had a dog named Teal Sucks. (laughs to himself)

Teal: Anyway. Most of the songs are like I’ve had a lot of these songs sitting around for two years, a year and a half you know. Some of the newer stuff is about six months old you know. Most of it’s about one and a half years old and uh, um I’ve been trying to put a band together with my material for like years but when we actually get down to writing most of it will be like a band effort you know, so.

Steve: Hopefully.

Teal: Hopefully, hopefully. Most of the songs, actually most of the songs are about a very bad experience I had with a, uh.

Steve: A woman!

Teal: A woman.

Gilbert: It’s always the girl’s fault.

Teal: It’s always girls, dude. So anyway. They’re just about emotional loss, pretty much.

Gilbert: So, most of your songs are basically about feeling emotion at the time, do you guys ever write songs together?

Steve: No.

Teal: We’re getting there. We came up with riffs and stuff but most of the lyrics will be mostly left up to me I’ll bet.

Steve: Oh yeah. Well, I’m not much of a poet.

Gilbert: So who writes a the musical part? Do you guys put your heads together on that or what?

Teal: All of the songs are pretty much mine right now. I write the music, I write the lyrics, so.

Gilbert: You’re awesome, dude.

Moses: He’s the best.

Teal: I appreciate that. It’s different now that the three of us, the songs are different basically all the writing the riffs, the lyrics, everything is basically me, but they wouldn’t be the songs they are today if it wasn’t for this chemistry of us three. There’s a little bit of Steve in every song, same as Mo.

Gilbert: Do you have anything to say Mo? Mo’s kinda quiet over there.

Steve: Mo’s like, ‘Shut up, dude.’

Gilbert: So, any future plans for this band?

Mo: Yeah, we plan to be back.

Teal: Pretty much so, yeah. I mean I would like, personally just as like my own wants, I’d like to go somewhere and make a career out of it.

Steve: I want to be in a band with Ozzy Osbourne. (laughs)

Gilbert: That guys who bites the bats?

Steve: He never did that.

Teal: Yeah he did.

Steve: No he didn’t, it was fake.

Teal: He thought it was fake.

Steve: He didn’t do it on purpose.

Teal: When you’re on enough drugs and you think it’s fake, you didn’t really do it.

Steve: Well, he was actually drunk, so anyways.

Teal: Alcohol’s a drug.

Steve: That’s true, alcohol is a drug.

Teal: Straight edge Steve here.

Steve: Alcohol is a drug.

"I just want to play bass. I don’t care if I get paid for it..."...Steve

Gilbert: So um, is at hard working with each other as in a band with Mo falling off the earth?

Teal: No, no. It’s so easy to get together. We have the coolest practice. We’re like, hey we’re gonna have practice at 6:30 you know. Steve shows up at 7:00, 7:15, I don’t even show up at all and we’re like, oh, too bad.

Steve: Mo’s mom is the coolest lady ever.

Teal: Yeah.

Steve: She supplies us with a place to practice.

Teal: She gives us stuff to eat.

Steve: She gives us great food. Potato taco’s dude. You have no idea. Have you ever had a potato taco? It’s good, huh?

Gilbert: Yeah, it’s really good.

Teal: You don’t even know, dude.

Gilbert: I’ve had them dude. I’ve had everything dude. I’ve had about every Mexican food there is.

Teal: Dude, the best Spanish rice I have ever had in my entire life, that was so good, dude.

Steve: I make some pretty damn good chicken.

Teal: Yes, Steve makes some good chicken. It’s a little spicy. I’m not the spicy type because I’m really, really white.

Steve: Are we talking about food too much or what?

Gilbert: No, it’s OK.

Steve: Well, how’s it supposed to work? Like are you gonna like type this out or what?

Gilbert: Yeah. This is going to be in Rhythmstx Online Magazine. So if you guys could be on any label, which label would you be on?

Teal: Cloth Records, baby! (laughs) I don’t know, it’s up to God.

Steve: Yeah, it’s up to whatever.

Teal: Because the thing is, I won’t compromise. Like if we get the best deal ever and it means we have to compromise our faith or our musical integrity I’ll drop it. I don’t care how much money is involved. Money’s not important.

Steve: It’s all about whatever happens happens. Two weeks from now, if we decide, you know, we don’t want to play together anymore, then we don’t play together anymore.

Gilbert: So you guys are a real flexible band then.

Steve: We don’t care about a lot of stuff.

Teal: We don’t care about anything. Because I just love going up there and playing, it’s so much fun. I don’t remember ever having that much fun playing live. And it’s just like carefree, dude. we just went up there and we played and I still wanted to play when we were done and I still want to play now. Is there a 7up or Sprite in there? (referring to soda machine)

Gilbert: Where do you guys live at? Where do you live at Mo?

Mo: I live up in Juniper Flats.

Gilbert: What are you doing here, Holmes?

Moses: Huh?

Gilbert: What are you doing here, Holmes?

Moses: I have no idea.

Gilbert: So, how do you like playing with these guys?

Moses: It’s great.

Gilbert: Is it great like in great or great like in OK?

Moses: It’s very good musicians to play with.

Steve: Yeah, you know. I’ve never played with like a drummer like Mo.

Moses: And I’ve never played with a bassist like Steve.

Steve: I love you Mo, God! (pretends to cry)

Gilbert: If you guys could rate yourselves one through ten, what would you give yourself?

Teal: Ten.

Steve: As a band?

Gilbert: No, as a player, one through ten.

Steve: As compared to bass players in the genre and in the underground scene altogether I think personally, I don’t like to sound conceited but I,

Teal: Steve’s the best bass player,

Moses: In the world.

Teal: in the Inland Empire.

Steve: Because bass is like my thing. I love to play bass.

Teal: He even has a bass clef tattooed on his back.

Steve: I even have a bass clef tattooed on my back.

Gilbert: So what would you give yourself one through ten?

Steve: As a bass player?

Teal: Ten.

Gilbert: We have one ten already.

Steve: Eleven. (laughs) ‘But these ones go to eleven.’ (in his best Nigel Tuffnel accent) Seriously, I’d probably give myself about a two.

Gilbert: A two?

Steve: Yeah, a two because I like idolize Les Claypool.

Gilbert: Teal, what would you rate yourself?

Teal: Oh, gosh. I’m not a guitar player that’s the problem.

Steve: Teal’s a bass player that plays guitar because if somebody else played guitar it wouldn’t sound right.

Gilbert: So where would you like to see yourselves in the future, like show wise?

Steve: Playing Wimbley Stadium with walls of Marshals.

Teal: There we go.

Steve: And big permed hair going, ‘Alright!’. No, no, not really. I want to see us in ten years if we are not playing together, being able to go hey dude, hey Mo hey Teal, let’s hang out sometime. Let’s just kick it. Let’s go have some potato tacos. That’s where I want to see us in ten years. Musically I just want to play bass. I don’t care if I get paid for it, even if I just sit in my room every day and play bass. I want to see Mo continue to play the drums and get better. Not that he sucks, but I’d like to see Mo be so good that he has an instructional video someday. I want to see Teal become a famous song writer and vocalist.

Gilbert: Awesome. What about yourself? What do you guys think about your bass player?

Moses: He’s the best.

Teal: Yeah, I love Steve, dude. I love Steve to death. Steve’s my man, he’s my uh, I don’t know. Steve’s, I have never, I have to honestly say, that I don’t care how he plays bass because Steve treats me better than anyone has.

Steve: I do what?

Teal: You treat me better than any on my friends ever have.

Gilbert: That’s awesome.

Steve: What about the time I said I had a dog named ‘Teal Sucks’?

Teal: Or the time you said you’d break my skull? Crack!

Steve: I’d crack your skull!

Gilbert: Well, you guys were awesome to night and hopefully we can have you back with a lot more people. We throw big shows, so thanks for playing and you guys are great. This is going to be on our website, do you want to say anything to the people out there?

Steve: We have an email for anyone who wants to email us it’s: Email us. I check it everyday. Email us and be bad. We’d like to hear from people. For booking email us, just email us.  Email is like the coolest thing. I’m on the computer five times a day checking my email. I love to hear from new people so, be bad.

Teal: Later. Be bad.

Steve: Just remember, be bad. Put that down, you’ll break it.

Gilbert: Thanks guys.

Steve: And it’s not a rock n’ roll video without the snakes.

"...a lot of things we just don’t understand, but someday soon we’re gonna figure it out."...Steve