
hello to the world and all its existence those that dwell within me and those that dont those that live in my world and those that live through ignorance no you dont live with me no you are the person you despise no you dont like me and no you are not me if i could kill you i would but that would look bad on my permanent record when i try to get into that big ivy league college that my parents dont think i could get into but thats still ok i dont mind i'll show them one day i'll rape the president and then they'll see the animal i faked myself to be and i'll show them who i was never meant to be and then i'll stab myself in the white house so they can take my semen samples and make a big deal out of it and then announce to the world that i raped the president but no one will care and i'll be dead but i showed my parents i showed them what i could never be.