hey pig.
a review on the a perfect circle/nine inch nails show at SD

We [my sister and i] arrived at the Cox Arena in SD at approximately 11 am for the a perfect circle/NIN show. The show was to start at 8 pm, doors opening at 7.

upon arriving there, we were greeted by a few of our obsessed-nin-fan friends and basically, all we did was wait by the doors for 8 hours. in between the hours, i observed and waited as more nin fans arrived during the coming hours. some were dressed heavily in goth garb, while others were dressed in a 'normal' fashion. i, sitting there in the heat of the sun, was dressed in a black tank, black cardigan, black pants, and docs, with an occasional adornment of spikes, studs, and dog collars. there were others dressed in fishnetted shirts, leather pants, PVC skirts, and of course, black overcoats. what i found to be pointless were those fans that wore nin and tool shirts. if you're going to a apc/nin show, isn't it kind of obvious that you favor them??

there was the special olympics going on this day, and many mentally challenged persons walked pass with a curious gaze upon their face as they stared at the nin fans in fascination. there were many beautiful goth boys and girls, heavily made with black kohl, black lipstick, and black eyeliner...although nine inch nails nor a perfect circle are considered goth.

ennui overtook everyone as they sat and waited. finally, a couple hours before the show started, sound checks were heard from the doors of the arena. tension rose from the crowd, as everyone's excitement built up. a line was started as one of the guards bolstered up an aluminum gate with a sign that said 'the line starts here'. this was 1 hour before the show was to start.

after a long hour of waiting in the cramped line, they were finally letting the fans in at 7 pm. we ran to take the seats nearest to the stage, and we sat and waited. during that time waiting, my sister left the arena to buy a poster and a tour book. she had her camera ready for the pictures to be taken [which i hope to post up as soon as she gets them developed and scanned].

soon, the lights dimmed and a perfect circle arose. i was yawning throughout the whole show. keenan's movements onstage were obviously fake and too outwardly. after the show, there was a break. i went up and bought some food and waited anxiously for trent and the band.

as soon as nin came onstage, the crowd's anxiety and contentment arose. i stood and let the music pound my ears with its beautiful rhythms. the two songs i loved most was gave up and starfuckers [which are also my two favorite nin songs]. i am, in fact, not a very big nin fan. i just love hearing bootlegs of them live.

overall, the nin show was lovely. the apc show was terrible. i dont think i'm going to another mainstream-band concert unless it's placebo or london after midnight. those beautiful goths are quite enticing...

the a perfect circle show rated: 2
the nine inch nails show rated: 9
[rated on a 1-10 scale factor, 10 being the highest]