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Chapter Six Discussion

Chapter 6
Carrie Windmiller
Lisa Heuburger

Ability grouping is a common method used in elementary, middle and high schools today. There are four different types of ways to group students, between-class ability grouping, regrouping, Joplin Plan and within-class grouping. As an elementary student i remember my classroom settings being a between-class ability grouping. I always thought that this method was unfair, i was always in the middle group and never got to see anyone from the other two groups. I remember thinking that i could probably be in the higher group for some subject but not all. I felt that the kids in the higher group would be learning so much more and that they would always be at an advantage for the rest of their school years, if not beyond. The groups tended to always be made of the same people and in high school the higher group turned into the honor group. I have a very strong opinion against this method because of the way i had to go through it. Maybe if we would have had the options like the other three types of grouping that this chapter talks about the situation would have been different. All of these types have advantages and disadvantages, which one do you feel would be most efficient and successful and why? What would be the different advantages and disadvantages of the methods of grouping. Maybe the groupings should be done away with all together?This chapter discusses in great detail characteristics of children with mental retardation, mild retardation, learning disabilities, emotional disturbances, serious emotional disturbances and children that are gifted and talented. After each section there are suggestions for teaching these specific kinds of children in your classroom. Inclusion is a major issue in the classrooms today. Do all these children with the above circumstances have the same right to be "included?" If 2 or 3 of these conditions were evident in your classroom, what would be some good methods generally or specifically to join and deal with these children? There are rules and regulations on the programs that must be available to these children but what methods would be most efficient in your classroom above and beyond the already set regulations? Carrie WindmillerThis chapter talks a lot about the different kinds of children we are all going to have in our classrooms. I think that one of the most difficult part of being a teacher is learning how to teach in ways so that all different types of children can learn what you are teaching. One way many teachers do this is by ability grouping. Nearly 60% of all elementary classrooms and 80% of all high schools today use some type of ability grouping. There are four different types of grouping, between-class, regrouping, Joplin plan, and within-class. What are the differences between these types? Which types of grouping have you personally encountered when you were a student? Did you have any negative or positive experiences with any types of grouping? Do studies support grouping, or show it to be unaffective? Do you think you are going to use ability grouping in your classroom when you are a teacher? Why or why not? One of the most important acts in educational history is the Individuals with Disabilities Act. What was the purpose of this act? How did it change education? What kinds of changes are the new parts of this act going to make when you become a teacher? The chapter also talks a lot about special needs students such as students with mental retardation, sudents with learning disabilities, students with emotional disturbances, and gifted and talented children. What did your high school and or grade school do to accomodate these types of children? How do you feel about inclusion? When you are a teacher, how do you think you will deal with these types of children? Lisa Heuburger