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By: Debbie and Carly

"Nothing as it seems." As we interviewed Paul and Dave,that title started to make nothing but sense to me (Deb) in many ways. One way being that they may seem to be stuck-up celebrities, since that is how most people look at celebs today, but that is not the case. They are totally down to earth, funny, relaxed guys doing what they love to do best: performing for thousands of fans.

If you are Canadian, you've probably heard their smash hit "California" that is topping the charts all across Canada. For all you United States fans- don't worry. You'll be hearing all about Wave soon. It isn't a long wait until their cd will be released in the U.S.

popYOUlarity:For those that have never heard of Wave before, introduce yourself and say one interesting thing about you.
Paul:My name is Paul and I'm from Wave. One interesting thing about me is I don't like people eating off my plate. I don't like sharing my food, eating off someone else’s plate or them drinking out of my cup. That's a little interesting thing about me.

popYOUlarity:“Nothing as is seems” is currently only released in Canada, right?
popYOUlarity:When do you plan on releasing it in the US?
Paul:We just got it released in Australia. We're planning on a U.S. release within the year.

popYOUlarity:Your first single “California” is a huge hit. What will your next single be?
Paul:Our next single is called "Think it over." Have you heard it?

popYOUlarity:When will a music video be coming out for it?
Paul:We're looking at a director right now. We're just looking at a few different concepts and stuff like that for the video. The video should be out within a month and a half.

popYOUlarity:How did you come up with the name Wave?
Paul:We had to enter something called Canadian Music Week. Have you heard of that?
Paul:Every year all these bands across Canada play at downtown Toronto at this festival. We were going to enter- this is before we were signed. We didn't have a name, but we had our four-song demo with us. We just sat around brainstorming and someone said Wave and we all went with it.

popYOUlarity:How did you exactly get "discovered" by Warner music?
Paul:It was through a connection with our producer Ben Dunk who met somebody in Toronto and that guy sent our demo to Warner, the president heard it and he liked it and invited us down for a showcase.

popYOUlarity:What was it like touring with the Psykoblast?
Paul:It was great. We got to travel across Canada. It was also our first time touring. It was just great travelling across Canada, being on a tour bus, meeting other bands..Just a lot of fun!
popYOUlarity:Would you do it again?
Paul:Yeah, I'd love to do it again. It was a great experience.

popYOUlarity:What went on backstage?
Paul:Rollerblading (laughs)

popYOUlarity:So you actually got to hang out with the other bands?
Paul:Yeah, it was great.

popYOUlarity:Karin from Vancouver says: Hey I met you on the Psykoblast Cruise. I'm sure the first show (Vancouver) must have been very memorable. What were your feelings as you hit the stage and the crowd went nuts?
Paul:It's overwhelming. It's so weird to describe. It's like, you know, we're just getting out there and doing something that we love to do and people like it. It's a great feeling.

popYOUlarity:The Vancouver O-town concert has been postponed. Are you still opening for O-town at the re-scheduled show?
Paul:I'm not sure. Possibly yes.

popYOUlarity:Have you had the chance to meet O-Town yet?
Paul:Just briefly. We shook hands at Much Music when they were in Toronto. That was about it.

popYOUlarity:What has been the most surprising aspect of your career so far?
Paul:Just being able to go down to L.A. and record. That was awesome! This whole thing. Just being able to perform in front of a large crowd and play our music.

popYOUlarity:Have you lost any friends to jealousy?
Paul:(laughs)All of my close friends I still keep in contact with. No, I haven't come across any of that.

popYOUlarity:Do you have people calling you from high school trying to be your friend now?
Paul:Um, not trying to be your friend. I have people that have called and congratulated me. That's about it really. I don't have anybody just trying (laughs) to go out with me or anything.

popYOUlarity:The next two questions were submitted by Chee.
popYOUlarity:If there was a movie done on the story of your lives, who would you each chose to play your character and why?
Paul:That's a good question! That's really good! I never even thought about that. I'd have to say maybe Tom Cruise- he's cool.(laughs) Yeah, he's witty. He's got that sense of humour. I can see him being a musician.

popYOUlarity:If you could get rid of one of your five senses, which would you chose?
Paul:I would get rid of my sence..I like them all! I don't know if I could get rid of any of them! (laughs)

popYOUlarity:What has been your craziest fan encounter so far?
Paul:We were in the mall in Kelowna, BC. There was this big poster of Dave and I in the window. As soon as we stood in front of it, we got mobbed by all these girls. It was crazy! (funny voice)"Oh god! It's wave!" Yeah, that was kind of crazy. That was fun!

popYOUlarity:What does it feel like when you hear yourself on the radio?
Paul:It's annoying now. We get played too much. (laughs) No, it's good.
popYOUlarity:What about the first time you heard it?
Paul:Awesome. I was excited about it. I couldn't believe it at first. I was like "Oh my god! I'm on the radio!" I called my friends and family. Actually, a lot of them called me. It's great.

popYOUlarity:Do you ever feel like telling the screaming girls to shut up?
Paul:No. Oh no, I love it! Actually, I encourage them to scream!

popYOUlarity:How many songs did you write on “Nothing as it seems?”
Paul:We both wrote about 7, or actually 8 of the songs on the record.
popYOUlarity:Do you plan on writing more for upcoming albums?
Paul:Oh yeah, for sure. I write all the time. Both Dave and I write all the time.
popYOUlarity:Do you write about past experiences?
Paul:Sometimes. Sometimes you just write on the spot. Something will pop into your head and you'll just go with it. Other times you want to talk about things of the past or stuff like that, like relationships.

popYOUlarity:How long did it take to record "Nothing as it seems?"
Paul:It took about 2 months. We recorded the first half of the record in L.A. Then the second half of the material was recorded in Toronto.

popYOUlarity:Did you have most of your material written when you went into the studio, or did you do a lot of the writing in the studio?
Paul:We had most of our material written. When we were in LA, we actually re-wrote two songs and they are on the record which is "Think it over" and "Touch." Other than that, everything was pretty much written.

popYOUlarity:What are your favourite songs to perform?
Paul:"California" and "Until the Record Breaks."

popYOUlarity:How do you feel fame has changed your life? Do you feel it has changed it for the better or for the worse?
Paul:I think things have changed a little bit. But, you know, I don't think I have changed. If things have changed, it's probably for the better. People look up to me and they ask me if I'm the singer of Wave and stuff like that. It's cool. It's something I've wanted every time I picked up my guitar.

popYOUlarity:Do you have anything you would like to say to the readers of our magazine?
Paul:Buy the Wave record- it's good! It's really good! And, visit the website:

popYOUlarity:Are you very interactive with your website?
Paul:Yeah. When the website was being built, or created or whatever, we had people sending us pictures and outlines of the concept of the website. We'd just say "could we have something like this?" or "a little like this?" or "can we have a message board?" or "Can we have a picture section?." Yeah, we actually had a lot of say with the whole website.

popYOUlarity:Anything else either of you would like to add?
Paul:I want to conquer the world! (laughs)