The Silly Page

You know why you are here... You are bored. Yeah right now I know your thinking, wow he knows I'm bored. That is correct. I also know that your thinking, "wow so far this page sucks", yeah your right. However you came here o.k.? I mean nobody held a gun to your head or anything...well maybe they did I don't know they're are some weirdos out there...anyways. feel free to leave anytime...However realize that perhaps some of the worlds silliest things ever can be found by scrolling down...


Well then now that we resolved that matter didn't we? Like I was saying before you so rudely began to scroll know just for that I might not even put anything silly on here, I mean you'd probably just start with some mad-scrolling and miss it anyways. Damn internet junkies. I know what your thinking now.."This is crap there's nothing silly here, I think I'm going to scroll down." I wouldn't suggest that just yet, and I'll tell you why. I most likely have distracted you from leaving or scrolling for about two paragraphs. Wow just think how much stuff you could have gotten done in the time it took to read all of this useless crap. Let's see here, well, you could have gone and got something to could have probably been surfing other sites on the internet....or maybe you could have been typing an e-mail to that special someone. But, you know what, you weren't you were reading this useless crap just waiting for something silly...ha ha ha...and guess what..Nothing...not one damned silly thing yet. I'll give you a couple of seconds to think if you want to stay or not...if you do scroll down, if not, well, your loss...who needs a drink anyways.

How's you finger? Tired of scrolling yet? Well I remember back In 'nam when we didn't have little scroll buttons, oh no...let me tell you you had to stretch the damned computer screen...yeah you all don't know how easy you have it. I tell you your all probably complaining about a little scrolling, oh boy if only I had that luxury back when we were fighting charlie... Anyways, I think you've scrolled enough...for now.

Let me's getting cold alone here in cyberspace