The ponderplace production...a brief introduction

Not long ago after establishing the ponderplace as a place for silliness and oddness on the internet. I thought to have a lot of odd ideas...and unless you can find a way to get them out of your are most likely to go insane quickly. SO, I decided that it might be cool to make a movie/collection of silly skits I had thought about. So I decided to start writing different sketches and whatnot. Boy oh boy I had lots of odd ideas so currrently I have around five or six pages worth of sketches and odd concepts that hopefully this summer I can with the help of buddies get on film and create a movie of sorts. I have a good number of silly friends with somewhat similar silly ideas and concepts, so before long I had a whole bunch of people helping me out with writing and volunteering to help with the production. Some of these good buddies include the following... Nathan Welsh, Brandon Meyer, Clint Bagely, David Riney, Jason Shutte, Lee Bocke, Andy Scott, and several others I'm most likely forgetting. I decided to include some photos of select partners in crime as well as throw in some other stuff pertaining to the production. Hope you leaving your mouse on the photo you will see a description of it pop up. thanks.

this is nathan demolishing a sub sandwhich...this man is an incredible eater not to mention a very disturbed individual with a flare for the odd and obscene...things that make me cringe..and that's not easy! this is me..tbone..travis...this is a shitty picture I took of myself accidentilly trying to get a camera to work...i look very mean and pissed off

bigman in the house! This is brandon he is a very silly person and enjoys long walks on the beach....and yes ladies he is single This is Clint. Clint enjoys giving his two cents worth on silly subject as well and mud, and music. rock and roll.

this is a character from on of the proposed sketches of stupid super heroes..this called elephant trunk mcgill..portrayed by nathan...told you he is odd. this is another unnamed superhero portrayed by brandon. this is tbone protraying a character that really hasn't been brought in to anything yet...but it's still I figured what the hell.

On the left is Dave Riney..on the right Lee Bocke..both insane crazy sons of bitches who have a manly love of maxi one can see from vieiwng this photo. Here we have Brandon with his real life weaponry choices...fork and spoon.

This is nathan hapazardly chasing geese...crazy son of a bitch..almost as if I asked him to or something..and let me add you don't want to piss them geese of..won't do that again..well I won't make nathan anyways...yeah that's about right.

this is a wonderfull picture of the best of all gods creatures...the llama...hairy little bastards they are. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with llamas as far as the production goes..but oh well...i like them anyways.

Now wasn't that lovely? yes indeed it was..but I bet your wondering how these photos correleate with the sketch/movie idea I am planning on doing..rightfully so. Because they really don't have anything to do with it to be honest..well some..but not alot..anyways below are some tasty little tidbits of the outlined sketches..which will all most likely change ..but anywyays..enjoy lots and lots.

The Mr. PotatoHead travis hoffman and dave riney.

Scenario: A very serious type board meeting thing. Not for sure about location.
A man enters a room. Expressing sorrow for being a tad bit late…he sits and from a little case thing he pulls a Mr. Potato head out and casually sits it on the desk making no attempt to explain why, and sits waiting for the meeting to start. Everyone naturally is a bit baffled by this, but attempt not to make any inquiries. All through out the meeting. Possibly a meeting of like year profits and stuff…or something…the man with the Mr. Potato head occasionally picks up the Mr. Potato Head and holds it to his ear in a listening manner…. everyone continues to be baffled and a bit disturbed by this behavior. Finally the speaker looses patience and begins heatedly asking something to the affect of "why do you have that stupid Mr. Potato Head with you???" With an initial look of disgust the man and then reaches down to the Mr. Potato head and quickly removes its ears. Then addressed the meeting speaker very heatedly to the affect of "How dare you talk to my client that way, This Mr. IM. A. Potato head, is a very close friend of mine I've known him since I was a child. Not only is he a friend but he is a major supporter of this firm. And I would greatly appreciate it if you could keep your simple-minded comments to your self…. he then quickly puts Mr. Potato Head's ears back in. The meeting continues with an aura of irritation my all…the mans behavior in consulting Mr. Potato head continues…. finally at the end of the meeting the speaker asks if there are any questions ….The man says "well naturally I'm fine with everything, but my client has several questions… At this point the speaker looses it and goes on to verbally insult the Mr. Potato head and is very very mad. Now the man gets furious and starts punching the table…."listen you uptight prejudiced bastard, this is as good a person as you'll ever meet (Mr. Potato head), And I'll be damned if you're going to stand there and insult him. Anyways, the two eventually start pounding the table and the man eventually leaps onto the table in fury and starts to run towards the speaker. In the ruckus Mr. Potatoes head falls to the ground and all his parts fall off…and the man is inconsolable…maybe more?

The parapalegic chicken farmer court sketch by travis hoffman

Scenario= Court type scene…or conference with the two parties and the judge in an office setting. A Chicken Farm owner is trying to sue KFC for allegedly being "prejudiced" against his chicken farm…that happens to be a chicken farm for paraplegic chickens. The KFC Rep. Begins to question the facility to which this chicken farmer runs. The farmer states on how his chicken farm is a place where these socially persecuted fouls can go to seek serenity and peace and learn to live productive lives…. As well productive as one would imagine for being a paraplegic chicken. The KFC rep then questions that if his place is such a "restful" place, and is such a safe haven, they why in the hell do you want KFC to come in and take your chickens and slaughter them for food…and furthermore what is KFC possibly supposed to make out of them? Huh? Chicken nubs? Huh? Some Kentucky fried chicken necks? The farmer then claims that the KFC rep is missing the point entirely. The Farmer explains that these chickens have the right to be eaten if it were in the best interest of them. KFC rep says that this is obviously an attempt for the farmer to increase profits in the obviously slow profit margin of raising paraplegic chickens. Farmer denies it… More to come possibly?

Well there you go to lovely little sketches...very rough of course but enjoyable none the less. and please don't be a bitch and try to steal from it or make it your own..I will be forced to make it even sillier and blow the ripped off version out of the water. Hopefully you've enjoyed the preview of the movie/sketch production..and gettiing to see some of the people behind the silliness. Thanks for your time and your credit card wait damn I forgot to get that..well shit. oh well maybe next time..but hey if you do want to send me your credit card number send it to......ah screw it. later

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