It will never be a movie.

Scenario: a mock historical account of the Lewis and Clark expedition. However it will be of a different people looking for a fictional place…. it later turns out the supposed composer of the map got the compass scales mixed up. Therefore, the adventures end up in the complete opposite direction they were intending to go, however they are too optimistic to admit they are totally lost.

Norton: an ambitious leader with no sense of direction
Alexander: a logical person with a unique perspective and odd ideas.
Worthington: a multipurpose man whose strange inventions serve no obvious purpose, however this does not stop him from using the inventions
Montgomery: A French spy who realizes his mission is completely silly and tries to expose his mission to the dense adventurers. With no luck whatsoever
Erickson: a large limb that the explorers believe is part of they're entourages.
Bob: an odd character who translates between Erickson and the other explorers
Villagers: many people who obviously are nomads, however insist that they have a hidden village wherever the may be…which is an obvious lie.
Indians: fictional warriors who are in reality the explorer's shadows.

Opening scene: The explorers come about in a large meadow, obviously on they're journey for a short amount of time. Personalities start to develop and eventually drive each other nuts. During this scene the explorers have their first encounter with the Villagers, and are slightly confused by their odd behavior.

Scene 2:
The explorers have now been on their journey for a considerable amount of time, and Alexander begins to think they may be traveling in the wrong direction as they have already passed long since founded towns, however Norton disagrees. Meanwhile out of boredom Worthington begins to make silly inventions …something to the effect of a device used to locate dandelions and various weeds. Erickson appears to develop an attitude at this point in the journey, mostly because of his "silent treatment".

Scene 3:
About here the villagers encounter the wild savage Indians (shadows) Knowing not what to do they run like girlie men, realizing they are only safe from these Indians when they are in the shade. Worthington claims he invents a way to remove the Indians as a threat…. so Worthington passed out his invention…imaginary glasses that will only work when ones eyes are closed. So the villagers wander even more aimlessly with they're eyes closed until nightfall.

Scene 4:
Alexander decides that if they walk backwards they won't have to worry about Indians sneaking up from behind them. After they realize this is silly, they find another set of "villagers" who being low on firewood try to kidnap Erickson. They manage so save Erickson at the last second due to Bob's powerful paternal instincts he has towards Erickson

...more to come possibly, haven't decide yet.

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