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The winged horse Pegasus, from the Greek myths, is a familiar magical, mythical creature. He was a white horse with golden (sometimes white) wings and the ability to fly.

Pegasus was graceful, beautiful, wise, and gentle. He was so pure he could reach directly to the gates of Olympus. He, more than any other flying horse, symbolizes the human need to rise above the mundane physical world in which we live most of our lives, and the subconscious desire to seek spiritual answers and set spiritual goal...
Dear Friends,

A new millennium lies before us-for us to mold and shape the pattern of our desires for soul growth or for us to choose the materialistic path of the physical. It is your choice and the choice will form your future We talk about manifesting but do we have the focus and faith to boldly stride into the future without fear and KNOW, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that all will be well. Haven't you had miracles in your life and know that spirit works with us in achieving anything for the good of mankind and the spiritual ascension of man. God is within each of us and our strength and soul growth is based on how well we can raise our physical vibration to that of God force within us. With belief, faith, and focus, that higher vibration can bring about (manifest anything or everything that we choose to have it manifest)...all governed by our thought. If you want a better tomorrow-work with that thought pattern. If you can "think" it-you can do it, or bring it about. Whatever you require or want-you can bring into being. The God within us poses no restrictions or limitations as to what we can accomplish. We, in our thinking, have accepted the lesser abilities and limit and restrict ourselves. To fly free, we must acknowledge and know deep within us; all things are possible if we truly believe it to be so. I believe, with all my heart, mind, and being that man is capable of wondrous things, and would wish in this new year that each of us might act on these possibilities and raise our vibration to one of peace, love, and good health and harmony, for ourselves, all mankind, and for the earth itself. It is within the realm of possibility if we believe, have faith, and focus. Just imagine the difference it could bring about in our world.

God Bless, Louise.....

Owner/Director Pegasus Productions Psychic Fairs, The Light Centre Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Editor/The Pegasus Light.

Pegasus Productions presents psychic fairs in six states with 23 scheduled for this year. The goal for our shows is to be interesting, educational and spiritually uplifting and to nurture and encourage all who are on the path of growth and unfoldment.

Psychic Fair times and dates are listed inside...