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The Yet to be Titled Vampire Series

sick again

i'm sick again, now to you, or anyone else that asks, it looks like i have the flu. fever aches, your usual run of the mill symptoms. but i also have this strange aversion to light, it makes my head fell like it's about to explode. that can be written off as a migraine. oh yeah, and the cough. that's easy, it's just a cough. look a little closer, oh not too close. you might just catch what i've got. it's doubtful, but possible. blood, i've been coughing up blood. just a tad more serious, huh? well that's nothing compared to this. lately, for the second time in my life i've been eating raw meat. explain that one. maybe i'm pregnant. pregnant with a cannibal's kid. doubtful, extremely doubtful. trust me.

patterson ave.

i can't sleep. moonlight keeps dripping off my window sill like a leaky faucet. i'm about to drown when i notice a shadow sitting on my stool. a shadow with an attitude no less. (((careful what you wish for)))apparently he's not going to introduce himself, so i guess i'll start

"i'm not a bad person"

"i know"

"oh... ...who are you?"

"no one. go to sleep"

"who are you?"

"go to sleep"

"are you a vampire?"

"maybe... go to sleep, damnit"


"go to sleep"

"sorry... ...night"


so much for introductions. i don't know what he is or even what his name is. but you know what? i don't give a fuck. i'm tired

jackson ave.

"names are worthless"
"can i call you shadow?"
(no answer)
(a sip of boiling pepsi)
"i don't like this new house"
"that's great"
"it's nice... ...but there's no steps"
"yes there are, outside... shall i show you to the door?"
"where am i supposed to sit?"
"there's no steps"
"there's chairs... ...or the floor"
(a stare, not a blank one)
(((careful what you wish for)))

vauge roads

Friday the 13th. Full Moon. how beautiful is that? On my way home from work I went down a road that seemed to vaugley head toward home. I really didn't know where i was going, nor did i care. it was dark and narrow. perfect. i drove down it, flicking my headlights on and off in irregular patterns. i hoped to see demons or at least a ghost. nothing, nothing, nothing. how sad. when i gave up the ghost hunt and finally went home, i arrived to see shadow sitting on the roof. he climbed down quietly and gently. we walked to the river and admired the skyline.