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Home to very Little Intelligent Life Form

Written Works
Guest Book

This is a site that I started to create a few years ago, it has undergone many renovations, addations and deletions alike. I hope you find it in working order.

Everything on this site is my creation; my writing, photographs (with permission), and my artwork. I hope if you wish to use any of these pieces you will email me when doing so.

To Define:
an•thol•o•gy, n., pl. -gies. 1. any collection of selected works, as songs, paintings, poems, etc.
per•cep•tion, n. 1. the act or faculty of apprehending by means of the senses or the mind; cognition; awareness.

Remember, what I've written or portrayed is only one person's ideas and views, please don't take any of it offensively or in any context other than the artistic ability it is.

Please Sign the guestbook or email me to let me know what you think about this page, or if you have any comments or questions.

This page was last updated September 23rd, 2003
This page was created November 3rd, 1999