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Baby Stuff

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When my daughter was born I knew that everything would be different, I just didn't know how different. I wanted what was best for her... One of the things wanted to do is really give the simple things thought before I just followed the "norm". I want to share with you some of the things I found to be easier than everyone told me they would be... I hope you will be able to impliment some of this advice.

Your Baby Doesn't Have to be a Gerber Baby!

I get so angry with the idea that there is a company out there making money off the myth that we are too dumb to feed our own children! Next to formula, jars of baby food are the second on my list of invented needs. They have a place but not in every day life.

You can make your own baby food! I found a great book when my daughter was ready to start eating solids called Super Baby Food and I was able to make her food from the start. It's as simple as batch cooking and freezing in an ice cube tray. The book tells you a great deal about nutrition though, and I recommend it highly. Insha'Allah, I will have a page of simple instructions on the basics up soon.

You Can Use Cloth Diapers!

Everyone told me it was so hard to do cloth diapers... They were wrong. It can be simple and you can save lots of money.

I plan to detail the whole thing, insha'Allah, but for now the basic thing is this... I use the big square diapers and a cover with velcro so I don't have to pin anything. Then, the used diapers get cleaned of solid waste and put into a pail with water and a half cup of Borax. When I go to wash them, I run them through twice, the second time with a second rinse. Nothing fancy. It's all easy and not as messy as you might think.

I know I didn't go into any detail, so if you really want to know how now, please e-mail me and I will try to help:)

Attachment Parenting is not just crazy talk!

I knew before I ever had a child that AP was for me!LOL i can tell you that I really needed no convincing. But for those who do... I plan to put up a page with more about it soon.

If AP is your way of choice please let me know your storys and send me links that you might have about the subject.

If you don't know what AP is, let me give you the basics. It refers to a type of parenting that is natural for most of us. Sleeping with your child, breastfeeding untill self-weaning, baby wearing, and just generally loving your child to pieces (which we all do anyway!LOL).

One thing that I would encourage any new mom to think about is getting a sling... Aside from diapers and clothes a baby carrier of some sort is one of the things I think you really need from day one. It will make your life easier in the long run. Your child will love you for it too!LOL

Anyway, more to come, insha'Allah.

Links for more information...

The Muslim Attachment Parenting Page




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moyra's Web Jewels
