i am my own sun
raspberry swirl girls

they might be giants

Spudnut's 2 - The Revenge
a true story of nipples and blood
the Story

another insight from Noah

today was the greatest day i've ever known

kill yr idols
good and evil

perfect? is there such a thing?
who's that guy following me?

my nifty slambook (all new)

I used to be Pre-Pubescent Tony.

And now I'm not.
Now I belong to America's cutest couple.

Last Update 09/24/02

Oh my God, an update! I swear, I'm gonna try to do these way more often.
the operative word here is try
updated the journal 09/20. I am in the midst of cleaning up this whole site. Updated the Good & Evil page 09/23. Deleted some old stupid links 09/24. Don't worry, I'll add some new stupid ones soon.

Things that you will never see on this site -

cutesy shit. like butterflies, frogs, teddy bears, hearts, ect.
almost anything that is currently mainstream popular
tips on how to get/keep/flirt with/learn how to kiss boys
the words gURL, womyn, wommen, or riot grrrl
racism, sexism, any other ism.

I'm still under construction.
Coming soon are
Perks of Being A Wallflower. Angelfire deleted it. Piss off, Angelfire!
The old journal may be back. I'm not sure yet.

Quote of the whatever 08/23, thank you Dashboard Confessional
"on the way home
this car hears my confessions
i think tonight i'll take the long way"

Tina the Troubled Teen

Morty the Death's Head

counter plus 770

Email: m0llycule@yahoo.com