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Information on the Mound Builders, collected by Billie J. A. Follensbee


Anderson, David 1994
The Savannah River Chiefdoms: Political Change In the Late Prehistoric Southeast.
The University of Alabama Press.

Bense, Judy 1997
(book on archaeology of the Southeast up until WWII)

Brose, David S. 1985
Ancient art of the American Woodland Indians

Clayton, Lawrence A., Vernon James Knight, Jr., and Edward C. Moore eds. 1993
The De Soto Chronicles: The Expedition of Hernando de Soto to North America in 1539-1543.
The University of Alabama Press.

Dye, David and Cheryl Anne Cox eds. 1990
Towns and Temples Along the Mississippi.
The University of Alabama Press.

Emerson, Thomas E. 1997
Cahokia and the Archaeology of Power.
The University of Alabama Press.

Emerson, Tom.
Chapter in Southeast Ceremonial Complex

Fagan 1995
People of the Earth, 8th Edition (has small MB bibliography)

______ 1995 Ancient North America

Griffin, James
Archaeology of the Eastern United States

Hall, Robert L.
An Archeology of the Soul

_______________ article in the 1993 Wisconsin Archaeologist

Kennedy, Roger G. 1994
Hidden Cities: The Discovery and Loss of Ancient North American Civilization

Lewis, Barry, ed. 1996
(book from) University of KY Press

Muller, Jon 1997
Mississippian Political Economy. Plenum=20 Press.

Pauketat, Timothy R. 1994
The Ascent of Chiefs: Cahokia and Mississippian Politics in Native North America.
The University of Alabama Press.

Rogers, J. Daniel and Bruce D. Smith eds. 1995
Mississippian Communities and Households.
The University of Alabama Press.

Scarry, John F. ed. 1996
Political Structure and Change in the Prehistoric Southeastern United States.
University Press of Florida.

Woodward and McDonald 1986
Indian Mounds of the Ohio Valley: A Guide to Adena and Hopewell Sites.

Feder, Ken 1990
The Myth of the Moundbuilders, in Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology.
Mayfield Pub. Co.

Silverberg, Robert 1968
The Mound Builders.
Athens: Ohio University Press (There's also an expanded form of this book, but this one is much more readable. --Billie)

Squier, E. G., & E. H. Davis 1992
Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley.
New York: Edward O. Jenkins (originally printed in 1848 by Bartlett & Welford, New York).

Stuart, George E. 1972
Who Were the "Mound Builders"?
National Geographic, December p. 782-801

Thomas, Cyrus 1985
Report on the Mound Explorations of the Bureau of Ethnology.
Washington, D.C.; Smithsonian Institution Press (originally published in 1894)

Lange, Fred, and Mark Kristensen
"Beloit Mound groups: 50 years later"
Wisconsin Archaeologist 51(2):37-47.

Rowe, Chandler 1956
publication on the Effigy Mound Culture of Wisconsin

Gibson, J. L. and J. R. Shenkel 1988
Louisiana Earthworks: Middle Woodland and Predecessors.
In Middle Woodland Settlement and Ceremonialism in the Mid-South and Lower Mississippi Valley.
Proceedigns of the 1984 Mid-South Archaeological Conference Pinson Mounds, Tennessee-June, 1984, edited by R. C. Mainfort, p. 7-18 Archaeological Report #22 Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Jackson.

Russo, M. 1994
Why We Don't Believe in Archaic Ceremonial Mounds and Why We Should: the Case from Florida.
Southeastern Archaeology 13(2): 93-108.

_____1996 Southeastern Archaic Mounds.
In Archaeology of the Mid- Holocene Southeast, edited by K. E. Sassaman and D. G. Anderson, pp. 259-287. U. Press of FL, Gainesville.

Saunders, J. W. and T. Allen 1994
Hedgepeth Mounds: An Archaic Mound Complex in North-central Louisiana.
American Antiquity 59 (3): 471-489

Saunders, J., T. Allen, and R. T. Saucier 1994
Four Archaic? Mound Complexes in Northeast Louisiana?
Southeastern Archaeology 13:134-153.

Saunders, J. W., et. al. 1997
A Mound Complex in Louisiana at 5400-5000 Years B.P.
Science 277 (5333): 1796-1799

Dancey, William S. and P. J. Pacheco, eds. 1997
Ohio Hopewell Community Organization.
Kent State U. Press

Lepper, B. T. 1995
People of the Mounds: Ohio's Hopewell Culture, Chillicothe, OH:
Eastern National Park and Monument Association

Pacheco, Paul 1996
A View from the Core: A Synthesis of Ohio Hopewell Archaeology.

Fowler, Melvin L. 1997
The Cahokia Atlas: A Historical Atlas of Cahokia Archaeology, Revised edition.
U. of IL, Urbana Champaign, Studies in Archaeology No. 2.

Kelly, John E. 1996
Redefining Cahokia: Principles and Elements of Community Organization.
In The Ancient Skies and Sky Watchers of Cahokia, ed. by Melvin L. Fowler. The Wisconsin Archaeologist, 77 (3-4): 97-119.

________1991 Cahokia and Its Role as a Gateway Center in Interregional Exchange.
In Cahokia and Its Neighbors, ed. Thomas E. Emerson and R. Barry Lewis, pp. 61-80. U. of IL Press, Urbana.

Milner, George R. 1990
The Late Prehistoric Cahokia Cultural System of the Mississippi River Valley: Foundations, Florescence, and Fragmentation.
Journal of World Prehistory 4 (1):1-43.

Pauketat, Timothy R. 1994
The Ascent of Chiefs: Cahokia and Mississippian Politics in Native North America.
U. of AL Press, Tuscaloosa.

Hudson, C. 1976
The Southesatern Indians.
Knoxville: U. of TN Press.

_______1997 Nights of Spain: Warriors of the Sun.
Athens, GA: U. of GA Press.

Moorehead, Warren K. 1979
Etowah Papers. Hothem House (orig. published in 1932, Etowah Papers I: Exploration of the Etowah Site in Georgia,
Andover, MA: Philips Academy, Dept. of Anthro.)

White, Max E. 1988
Georgia's Indian Heritage.
Roswell, GA: W. H. Wolf Assoc.

Other authors:

AND: Baby, R.S. Deuel, T. Fagan, B.M. Harn, A.D. Jennings, J.D. King, B.B. Lewis, B.R. Mehrer, M.W. Mills, W.C. Moorehead, W.K. Norona, D. Peregrine, P.N. Railey, J.A. Shaffer, L.N. Sharpe, W.E. Shetrone, H.C.


American Antiquity MCJA indices Annual Reviews in Anthropology (summary articles, for contacting interpretive centers at key sites, for names of any researchers conducting recent fieldwork and recent proceeding volumes, for making a reader for your students)

State journals of archaeology for Ohio, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Illinois, Alabama, and Georgia


Cahokia Mounds: Ancient Metropolis 1994

500 Nations, first episode, "The Ancestors" (had some good visuals of Cahokia) (Also had a companion book -- 500 Nations: An Illustrated History of North American Indians, by Alvin M. Josephy, Jr.; Knopf, 1994)

PBS Odyssey (?) video, The Mound Builders

The Learning Channel and the Discovery Channel -- each has done shows in the past two years, should be available through them


Beloit College -- preserves North American Effigy Mounds; early graduate was Stephen Denison Peet, founder of American Antiquarian (later American Antiquity)

Hopewell Culture National Historical Park

Cahokia Mounds Museum Society

Etowah Indian Mounds State Historic Site


General info:

Early & archaic:


