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Lost Weekends

Welcome to our Lost Weekends zine of sorts where we aim to provide you some sort of look at the things to do or see in Glasgow that interest us.......In order that you enjoy this you will probably need to be reasonably open-minded, totally fun loving, abusive of alchohol or anything else that might light yer candle so to speak and have some sort of interest in music, movies or places that are totally opposite to fashionable.

We'll start by introducing ourselves by way of review of a weekend we enjoyed in London early in July. We had gone to the Kerrang (yea we know kiddies mag) sponsored event known as "The Lost Weekend" which was supposedly headlined by NIN......but as you all probably know by now they didn't play......What followed was an attempt on our part to get hammered...(a rather successful one at that) and have a blast anyways.......

So what took us so long to get this page up and running?? Well between being completely fucked from the excitement of the weekend and other events happening inbetween (like perfect circle at the garage and other rather large adn accidental nights on the piss) it's taken us a while to get our arses in gear....But hey, we're here now aren't we???? So stop fucking complaining!!!!! Anyways, so far we have reviews of the weekend from Sam and from Pam. These sort of really sums the whole "lost" weekend up and i'm sure you'll enjoy so go ahead and have a look.

Contents :

Reviews of The Lost Weekend

Pics from The Lost Weekend

What to Do When You get Here

Gig Reviews...well of one's we've been to..... Includes reviews of The Perfect Circle 16/7/00, The Sister's of Mercy 2/9/00 and a couple of smaller bands that appeared at this summer's Bedlams.

Have a Problem?..Need Advice?...Ask Jez....

Okay, Now that the main parts are up and running let us know what You think or what you want more clicking here!

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