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Welcome to the Lone Star! The Gossip Online Web site into the world of our crazy f---ed up Nerd Convention /Cult /Pimp Ring/ Mafia. The Lone Star is better than Pop music, because well... ANYTHING is better than that. Be sure to check out everything here. We try to update it whenever possible. (Translation: If I ever get off my ass to even do something) New Announcements!!! I'm still not offically online yet, but will be soon. I have just been recently addicted to this tv show called Invader Zim. It's so damn funny!!! You must watch it and become addicted like myself and so many others. The anime club idea got trashed.. (because we're too lazy to get together) So when I the creator gets connected back onto the only true world (cyberspace) changes will be made!! (If I remember...) I've now officially got 50 new random quotes on my site!! And they're all hilarious! I basically had to go to the point of embarrassment at the school labs to get these on! Just hit refresh and don't delete the pop-up ad, they don't double when you refresh or get in the way if you don't want it to.
The Weather in Hell

Back to Dark Angel

Reasons to hate AOL

Anime Pics

You laugh because I'm different; I laugh because you're all the same.


Uncle Hyman
Ya just gotta hate Uncle Hyman, He's the reason why we no longer respect our elders.