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Schwandt-Goodman VFW Post 9050 - Enderlin, North Dakota

Club Manager: Lisa Stoffel

Current Post Membership as of December 9th, 2002

Korea - 50 years ago this week, November 7th thru 13th, 1952.


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City of Enderlin Website

Enderlin Public School

Vietnam Veterans Memorial - The Wall

North Dakota Servicemen Killed in Action in the Republic of Vietnam

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Archive Page for past issues of The Veteran


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A UH-60 Blackhawk arrives to bring Soldiers from Company B, 3rd Battalion, 505th Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, N.C., back to Selerno Airfield, Khowst, Afghanistan, after conducting a Sensitive Site Exploitation in a local village outside of Khowst, Afghanistan. The Soldiers will search and confiscate weapons, suspicious documents and items found in the area that are not authorized by the villages during Exercise Alamo Sweep. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Eric E. Hughes.

A series of images from from the dinner and dance held on Veterans Day 2002 at the VFW Club in Enderlin.



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