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Zombie Nation (
9.24.00 - 1.7.01

Well, I finally decided to entirely remove this site from the web, because honestly, it's a little embarassing. In September of 2000, a couple friends and I decided we would make a zine. It didn't take long to find out that we didn't have the resources required to publish a print magazine, so we decided to try out a website. I was relatively new to the web, and this was my first experience with HTML or web design. The site was painstakingly coded by hand in notepad, graphics were "optimized" with our limited knowledge of Photoshop, and, like most sites on Angelfire, the entire project turned out to be a huge, tacky mess.

The site was last updated a short four months later, and was basically forgotten. Well, security through obscurity doesn't work in the age of Google, as I recently discovered a search for my screen name finally produces a high-ranking result for this site. While the site was well-meaning and occasionally even funny, the layout and content in general isn't something I want linked to me in any way. So, today, November 17th, 2004, I am giving the site a proper burial.

I have archived the site for my own purposes (it was, afterall, my first attempt at web design), but it isn't something that needs to be publicly available.

-Zombie Hunter X, 11.17.04