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Second Child By John Saul:
I would DEFINITELY not recommend this book. It is written like a dull, clinched, teen angst novel, and seems to support the same thing it claims to condemn (elitism).

In this story, poor widdle Melissa is an outcast, (I've read this again and again, and I STILL can't figure out what's wrong with that, especially considering the people she's outcast from.)

Then, her half-sister Terri, after killing her parents, is sent to live with Melissa, her father, and abusive mother. Of course, I can't recopy the entire book here, but I can sum it up in three words: PLAYING ON EMOTIONS!!!!

Then there's this ghost, and some people die, but you'd hardly notice that, with the constant fixation on Phyllis's (Melissa's mother) attempts to conform her! (UK!)

And the worst, absolutely WORST part is, Melissa comes back when she's aww gwown up, and, suprise, suprise, she's the perfect upper-class-inbred-Airhead-conformist-WASP, whom makes buddy-buddy with the kids who used to obsess with making her life miserable. Give Me A Break!

Final rating: * one star, and I'm being generous.


What Lies Beneath:
There's not that much I can say about this movie. It wasn't what I'd call, deep, or thought-provoking, or even good, but I've gotta admit, it scared the sh*t outta me.

I'd review a movie I could say more about, but I haven't had the chance to see many movies lately, so, if you don't want to think to hard, and just be entertained, see What Lies Beneath.

Final Rating: *** 3 out of 5 stars



Finally! Someone I can identify with! In case you don't know, Daria is, like me, a high school student living in a pisss-asss suburban town called lawndale, full of ditzs, airheads and incredibly shallow people. despite this, she manages to find someone else with an I.Q. above room teperature, and a personality above broccoli named Jane. between her shallow sister Quinn, her scary parents, and her... (words fail me) school, she still, somehow manages to maintain a healthy attitude of cynicisim and sarcasam. Learn more about her Here

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