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Character Name : Kay Midler
AKA Little White Lie
Race : Half-Elf
Alignment : NG
Class : Knight Errant
Level : 1
Social Class : UMC
Appearance : Exotic
Family : Legitimate, both parents living and loving
Siblings : Brother (normal relationship), dead sister, Kay, dead brother, sister (hates Kay)
Sex : Female
Age : 23
Height : 5'6"
Weight : 106 lb.
Quirks and Flaws : Tone Deaf, Hearing Impaired, Albino, Acute Allergy (pollen),
Nearsighted, Psychotic Aversion (Dark Knight), Chronic Liar, Enmity (Half-Ogres), Misguided
Handedness : Ambidextrous

STR 16/10
DEX 10/02
CON 10/15
INT 9/22
WIS 14/49
CHA 17/04
COM 17/00
HON 19 Honor die : d4 Great Honor (+1/-1 to all rolls)

30 HP - Con 0 - Hit Die d10
Hit Probability +2 Damage Adjustment +4 Weight Allowance 97 lb.
Max Press 195 lb. Open Door 10 Bend Bars/Lift Grates 11%
Defense Adjustment 0 Reaction Adjustment 0 Missile Adjustment 0
HP Adjustment 0 System Shock 70% Resurrect Survival 75%
Poison Save 0 Immune to Dis/Alc -20% Regen/Heal None/1 HP per day
Number of Languages 2 Spell Level 4th Learning Ability 35%
Max Number of Spells/Level 6 Illusion Immunity X Chance of Spell Misfire 20%
Magical Defence Adjustment 0 Bonus Spells 1st Chance of Spell Failure 0%
Spell Immunity X Chance to Improve Skill 06%
Max Number of Henchmen 10 Loyalty Base +6
Reaction Adjustment +6 Comeliness Modification +2 Honor Modification +6
Fame (x1.25) 1

Base Rate of Movement (carrying 39.75 lb.)
Unencumbered 12
Light (98-121) 8
Moderate (122-146) 6
Heavy (147-194) 4
Severe (195-2961) 1
Jog (x2) 24
Run (x3) 36
Run (x4) 48
Run (x5) 60

Saving Throws
Para/Poison/Death 15
Rod/Staff/Wand 17
Petrify/Hack/Polymorph 16
Breath Weapon 19
Apology 18
Spells 18

Total Melee (3/2) 5/2 - +2 to hit - +4 damage
AC 6/6/6/6
Studded Leather (25 lb.) 4 HP

Special Abilites
30% resistance to sleep/charm
1d6 chance of spotting secret door (1d3 if searching)
1d2 chance of spotting hidden door
Others save Vs. apology at -5

Blind Fighting
Sword Bonus (x2)
Acrobatic Skill Suite
Photographic Memory
Armor Maintanence

Speak Common 100%
Riding (land-based : horse) 24%
Armorer 21%
Speak Elven 20%
Gaming 21%
Social Etiquette 22%
Weaponsmithing 20%
Leadership, Basic 19%
Military : Battle Sense 14%
Liar, Skilled 18%
Endurance 19%
Street Cred 29%
Graceful Entrance/Exit 21%
Blacksmith Tools 50%
Art of Seduction 32%
Leatherworking 50%
Metalworking 50%
Blacksmithing 50%

Bastard Sword
Specialization : Longsword

Longsword (+5 to hit) (4 lb.) Hacking Speed 0 Damage 1d6/1d8/1d12 (+2)
Shortsword (+4) (3 lb.) Piercing Speed -2 1d6-1/1d6/1d8
Dagger x2 (+2) (2 lb.) Piercing Speed -3 1d6/1d6-1/1d6-2

Other Gear
Riding Horse
Riding Saddle
Bit and bridle
Saddle blankets
Large Saddle Bags (30 lb. CD)
Large Sack (x2) (20/25 lb. CD)
Corn Dodgers (in saddle bags, sack)
Fine Leather Outfit (worn) 5lb.
Backpack (worn) 2 lb.
Large Belt Pouch (x2) 2 lb. (3 torches, flint and steel, maintanence tools)
Scabbard (x2) (worn on baldrics) 6 lb.
Torch (x3) (in belt pouch) 3 lb.
Wineskin (one pint of good wine, dangling from loop) 2 lb.
Flint and steel (in beltpouch)
Standard Rations (one week, in backpack) 50 lb.
Winter blanket (rolled up on top of backpack) 3 lb.
50 feet of silk rope (in backpack loop) 8 lb.
Dager sheath (x2) (worn) 1 lb.
Common Hat .25 lb.
Riding Boots 2.5 lb.
Gloves .5 lb.
Good Cloth Cloak 3 lb.
Large sack (worn on belt)
Maintance tools (studded leather, short sword, long sword, dagger) 2 lb.

Location of equipment/description
Leather outfit is typical for scantily clad female adventurer (underwear-esque bottom, halter top, low slung belt), boots are knee high leather (combine outfit with riding boots), gloves are tough, wrist length cloth. She usually draws the large cloak carefully around her when she heads outside, pulling her wide brimmed hat (think those Spanish hats with the trim of dangling red spheres, minus those silly things) down low...removing both whenever she enters a room (or dungeon, usually...helps with her dramatic entrance/exit skill, natch). Of course, her armor is worn over this (although for most women we just take the AC and forget about actually seeing them fully covered...I hope you don't mind that suspension of reality?), with her long and short sword in ther scabbards, hanging from either side of a baldric. Two dagger sheathes on her before mentioned belt, along with two pouches. Backpack on her back, rope dangling from a loop on left side and wine skin on right side, blanket rolled up on top.

Horse has on saddle blanket, saddle, bit and bridle, saddle bags, and two sack tied wherever they'd fit (to the pommel of the saddle, to either side's saddle bag, behind the saddle, etc.). I believe that is it. :)

Highstepper is chesnut in color, with brown mane and tail. Blue eyes, short black socks, and a narrow black stripe on the face. She tends to attempt to buck you off at random moments, but not very frequently (that is, not more than a couple times a day or so) and you've figured out how to notice the muscles tensing up just beforehand, so you have warning. You've also noticed that she tends to step on peoples feet all the time.

Johaan, Barbara Ann, Kay, Peter, Loretta for the kids. Keith and Avriliana for the parents.
Oldest brother was a fighter type, old enough to help defend the village and escape with his parents and Kay. Unfortunately, the next sister died with her new husband, and the younger brother wasn't quite as good a fighter as the elder. He got killed by the ogres as well. The younger sister wasn't born until they had lived in the big city (Sabre Past) for a while. She hated hearing them blabbering about the half-ogres and the 'evil' Dark Knights. Especially since her parents spent so much time doting over the albion/allergic Kay. She was about 6 years younger (say Kay was just 2-3 when the village was destroyed), and disappeared a little while after Kay went out to advtenture. I'm suggesting (since Kay wouldn't ICly know) that you make the little sister a Dark Knight after she joined up with the same group that killed that village. *grin* It does say she hates Kay...what better way to get some 'revenge'?
Kay's life has always been hard, although her loving and caring parents helped her get through most of the toughest spots. Born a rather sickly child, being an albino and having horrible allergies, she was kept inside and only let out to play with the other children if she was properly dressed or it was dark out. Thus she grew to enjoy winter, with the short days and much cooler weather. Especially since being stark white let her kick ass at hide and seek in all that snow. She didn't have too many friends, though she is rather close to the other refuges from her home village. Her youngest years she also watched her brothers (and brother in law) training, continuing her fascination with combat as she learned from her one remaining brother. This toughened her up, much to her parents surprise and her little sister's hatred. As her brother left for a job working as a merchant guard, Kay set out for adventure, eventually meeting up with the current group. Unfortunately, Loretta had also secretly been learning of the dark religion...of...whichever gawd you pick for her, GM. And as Kay and Johann left, their little sister ran away to permanently join the group she had been training with in secret.

30 GP, 6 SP, 9 CP
115 exp (2,751 for next level) (15% bonus)