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1. What time is it? Time for your broke ass to get a watch!
2. Name as it appears on your birth
 certificate: Veronica M Poindexter 
3. Nickname: Vampy, RoNiCa,
 Ronnie, V, Shroomie, Shrooms, 
N Arabella..
5. Number of candles that
 appeared on your last birthday
 cake: 2.. my neice and i shared one, she's born the day before me, but i turned 18 if thats what you are getting at.
6. Date that you regularly 
blow them out? December 9th 
7. Siblings: 4 sisters 4 
brothers, i'm the baby. (thats 9 :/ ) 
8. Eye color: blue
9. Hair color: I dont update my page enough to tell.
10. Piercing: just the ears.
11.Tattoos: The initials TV on my ancle meaning
Thomas Voelkel...its a scar now, but so is he.
12. How much do you love your job? Slacker.. LOVE IT.
13: Favorite color: I dont have a fav... the other colors will get mad and stop being as beautiful to me! *whispers pink* ShuSh!
14. Hey who forgot to add #14? Whoever 
wrote this out i guess... Thats like asking
 who made god.. come on SHUP. 
15. Current Residence: This one house on
 the block.
16. Favorite food: Italian
17. Been to Africa? No spear chunkers
 for me thnx... heh 
18. Been Toilet papered? yeah right they
 know better.. my dads got a sawed off 
with rocksalt every halloween.
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Unfortunately
20. Been in a car accident? Yea, but 
i wasnt driving?
21. Croutons or bacon bits? OR... there
 both discusting.
22. Sprite or 7 UP? Sprite 
23. Favorite movie? Natural Born Killers
24. Favorite holiday? My birthday... 
i get to be a whole year older... Which 
is kinda STUPID because.. I'm a day older
 the day after?
25. Favorite day of the week: Saturday... 
26. Favorite word or phrase: Cant Sleep 
Clowns Will Eat Me!
27. Favorite toothpaste: CiMiNoN WhIteNiNg... 
29.Favorite Flower: rose 
30. Favorite Drink: Flaming Dr. Pepper! 
31. Favorite sport to watch: I HATE SPORTS
... but i like to watch cars crash
32. Preferred type of ice cream? roCkY RoAd
33. Favorite Sesame Street character? Big BiRd
34. Disney or Warner Bros.? Arent they the same?
35. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant? SuBwAy 
36:hospital visit: SUREEEEE.. if you say so.
37. What color is your bedroom carpet? Hunter Green?
38. How many times did you fail your drivers test? 
passed it right away. 
39. What kind of Guitar do you have? Sold it..
40. Have you ever been convicted of a 
crime?: Comiting and being convicted 
is different. THis is to my advantage
.. NO! 
41. Which single store would you choose
 to max out your credit card? Gadzooks,
 or Spencers, or hottopic:D
42. What do you do most often when you 
are bored? Waste gas.... 
43. Name the person that you are 
friends with that lives the farthest
 away: Lindz.. I hate every1 else i think.
44. Most annoying thing people ask 
me? Why dont we talk?
45. Bedtime?: When you pry the Keyboard
 or the phone from my dead/unconchious
46. Lipstick color?: Frosty pink
47. Do you beleive in Fairies?: Uh Huh...
48. Favorite all time TV show?: Dumb Bunnies
49. Last person you went out to dinner
 with? My brother Tommy
50. Last Movie you saw? The Hot Chick
51. Time you finished? I'm not a loser!
... this probly took me 5 minutes.... 
I have no since of time..

If you see this bastard anywhere, shoot him... He's lower than the shit that grows under shit...this is Craig Michael Cardoso, aka son of a fuckin bitch... Shoot his broad to so they dont reproduce, Skank fuckers.