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August Mutual Aid Network (AMAN)

"Whereas our group is against violent attacks upon individuals and violent attacks upon the enviornment, and wants to minimize such violence as quickly as possible and abolish it as soon as possible, it is resolved that we reject the ideology of Nonviolence, which encourages violence by unjust institutions."

This site's purpose is for documenting the accomplishments, actions, practices, diverse opinions, theories, arts, literatures, and movements of Anarchism in the Southern California region. This page is dedicated to everyone who remains in struggle and defiance; we have solidarity with those who act upon their desires and release their frustrations through means of direct action and insurrection. We understand the extreme importance in self-defense (on all levels) and in both destroying and creating. We reject despair and hopelessness, and therefore exist for raising awareness in that we do have the power to make things turn upside down, and that globally, people are resisting capitalism and authority everyday. These complications in the system are beautiful and inspiring, and we plan to keep an account of our resistance throughout the communities and nieghborhoods here. Bring on the ruckus society!

(this site remains under heavy alterations and contstruction, we will be organised in the near end of two thousand. fuck shit up!)

Monthly Introduction
Southern California DIY Music Cultures
Anarchist Literature
Upcoming Events
Anarchist Poetry
Art and Graphics
Video Distrobution
Contacts of Further Resource
Security Culture (very important)
