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Radio One 11th May James and Nicky interview

Nicky and James from the Manics are here. Nicky how are you doing?

N: I'm fine thankyou.

Have you come to talk and he's come to sing.

N: Yeah James refuses to speak now. He lets his guitar speak for him.

He's been interviewed by us before... You what James?

J: I'll only swear on your programme.

N: There's a lot of bets on to see how many times James will swear.

Will you be needing this? (beep noise) Tourettes syndrome... First of all Nicky we must start with an apology because you invited the Shirehorses to play with you when was it, millennium eve...

N: It was 60,000 people across the road there and you told us where to go.

Right well you know we just wanted to stay at home but did you manage to get a crowd in anyway.

N: Hahaha just a few.

First of all football, obviously the cup finals on tomorrow. Are you (into) football.

N: Yeah I mean when I was young the cup final seemed like the thing for me. I don't care about the league or anything. Being a tottenham fan as well obviously...

Are you a spurs fan are you.

N: the cup final was much more important wasn't it.

Why are you a spurs fan.

N: Glen Hoddle and Chris Waddle and all those great style players, you wouldn't know much about that being a city fan. Tommy Hutchinson oh it's a shoulder in and tottenham have won.

Do you support a team James?

J: yeah vaguely.


J: yeah good team they are.

Vaguely rovers? Is he being enigmatic.

J: Nottingham Forest.

Oh Nottingham Forest.

J: (not sure what he said)

Well you've got a bit of mid table anonymity that's the kind of thing we dream of for next season. Will you go to the game.

N: Sean's going cos he's a massive Liverpool fan but I'm gonna just close the curtains, get some peanuts and have a shandy. That's like my tradition for a cup final.

Right yeah. That's tradition for you every day isn't it (aren't they nasty) Let's go into some of the myths about Nicky Wire's life.

You don't drink.

N: I did last week and I'm still paying for it, for the first time in 3 years.

Oh right ok then. You play a lot of golf.

N: I used to but my shoulder's gammy.

You do a lot of hoovering.

N: Still do that.

Do you, I mean are you very houseproud, do you like everything...

N: Cleanliness is next to godliness.

Right. I'll write that down. They've got a lovely dyson in that cupboard over there.

N: I've got plenty.

You're very proud of your aprons.

N: I haven't heard that one before.

Oh right ok then. You won't buy a big rock star mansion you prefer to live in a small terraced house.

N: I just like living in a shithole. Let's just get it all out in the open...

And you came on to talk cos he was effing and jeffing... Nicky (beep) there you go.

N: Craphole sorry.

You live quite separate lives.

J: I can't be bothered (high pitched voice)

N: He can't be bothered to move. He's just a pain in the... thing.

You bought this house when you first made a few quid did you.

N: yeah when I was a struggling pretend rock star. I just can't be bothered, I'm never home anyway. You know the rock n roll lifestyle. You did an overnighter last night didn't you... You did an overnighter last night...

Is it a small terraced house in the town where you grew up?

N: Yes.

So what do you do with all your cash then. Cos you must have stacks.

N: I tried to give it all to you to play that gig but you turned it down.

I didn't know we were offered money.

N: Haha.

James you live in London don't you most of the time or sort of alternate a bit betwixt and between.

J: Cardiff and London yeah.

Yeah right. And does Sean still live in Bristol.

N: yeah.

So do you see eachother much.

N: (laughing) not at all.

So you live quite seperate lives in a way.

N: Yeah I mean we've been going for so long it just gets desperate when we spend time with eachother socially. It'd be wrong seeing us going to a pub together wouldn't it.

Do you think it matters to you writing the words. Do you think it sort of matters to you - it sounds a bit cliched - to live close to your roots.

N: It does for me, I just couldn't live any other way. I enjoy boredom.

Is that why you're on this show. And what comes first, do you always write the words first and then give it to James.

N: Yeah, ever since we were 15 (deep voice)

And James, has he ever given you anything and you've taken a look at it and think... christ almighty I'll never make a song out of this.

J: Erm... only once. A lyric called Anniversary To No One and it just felt like it was the end of the world. It was just him sitting in his bedroom going oh let's just drop the bomb.

I think I've got a tune that might go with that. I'll give it you later. Shall we have a song then James. Are you fit.

J: No but I've got a song.

Well it's a lot later than last time you came on our programme which was about 6 O' Clock in the morning wasn't it.

J: Er if you tolerate this your children will be next.

James Dean Bradfield performing live in a Hotel room in Cardiff. Do you ever get a bad throat every time I hear you sing close up I always forget how loud you sing your voice is so loud.

J: I know it's that short person complex. I must make myself heard.

Anyway we'll have another song later on. It also occurs to me while we were talking about football we should congratulate cardiff city on their recent success. Do you ever get down there Nicky.

N: I used to go all the time. It was my Dad. They used to have this brilliant Australian player called Adrian Oulsten (?) Nearly scored a goal from the halfway line but I dunno... I dunno if I'd be welcome down there anymore. Tottenham fan...

Right so we got more from the manics and we got the wheel of misfortune coming up...

... N: Motown Junk as well which has never been on tv before ever.

Say again sorry I didn't have your microphone on.

N: We're doing Motown Junk which has never been on tv before.

Who else is on, anybody good.

N: Nick Cave.

I'm not implying that you're not good.

N: Nick Cave's really brilliant on there tonight.

Is he right ok then.

N: You're just trying to fill in time here.

Yeah I am yeah. Can you not put a word in for us cos they won't, I don't know why Later, they won't touch us.

N: They didn't have us til our 4th album. So you got a long way to go yet.

... Can you detect any buzz and frisson around Cardiff already about the big game.

N: Definately. There's a massive atmosphere, there has been for the last 2 weeks. I mean the FA Cup Final just symbolises excitement and glamour doesn't it.

It does yeah. It's a fantastic stadium, what I can't understand is why there was all this farting about with a new wembley for 660 million, they built a perfectly good one here for what was it, 120?

N: 129 million something like that.

Bargain. And that looks like an ikea flat pack stadium now at that price doesn't it.

... And apparently we do have a fax line if you've got anything you want to ask nicky or james then feel free.

Wheel Of Misfortune... during which Nicky supposedly spins the wheel.

"Oh Nicky, Oh Nicky, standing there in your great welsh thong, can you spin the wheel right round and let's get on with this game, give it a spin Sir Nicholas of Wire" (?????)

Wheel Spins.

Nicky says Cheese (echoey voice)

A question is asked and Sean is mentioned so I'll type this bit.

Which Rock Star also has a whopping hooter.

Keith Richard of the Rolling Stones. Richie Sambora of By Jovi (?!) Sean Moore of the Manic Street Preachers. Or Pete Townshend of the Who.

They choose Pete Townshend thank god. Or I'd have to be nasty about them...

Right Nick give it a spin.

N: Ooh sh..

That's two!

N: That's pot luck.

You can't have 2 (beeps) in a day.

More of the game...

Give it another spin Nick.

N: Top 20...

More of the game...

Give it a spin Nicky.

N: Ye divvert, I've never heard that one before.

Spins wheel.

N: Member of the Shirehorses whose album is out next monday 14th of may 9 o'clock in the morning at most shops.

Let's give it another spin Nicky please.

Spins wheel.

N: That's a good one, celebrity birthday.

More of the game...

Later on in the show. Nicky is on the phone. He's not supposed to answer with "yes" I don't think.

... Nicky? What you're actual Nicky Wire.

N: Correct.

But just 5 minutes ago you were sat here beside me weren't you.

N: I was.

So in actual fact you've left this room, gone to another room and phoned me up.

N: That's about the ? of it.

That's a bit daft int it.

N: Oh sod off.

OK you're actual Nicky Wire. Are you ready to play the yes/no game.

N: Yes... (!!)

Later on... To come in the last half hour we've got another live song from James Dean Bradfield and more chat with Nicky Wire.

... Nicky a few people have faxed in some questions as requested. Rachel in Belfast said what did it feel like to play infront of the audience in Cuba which we all saw on tele.

N: It was just really weird there was some like geezers falling asleep in the front row, there were some people air guitaring and some people dancing like we were the bee gees. It was great.

Are your records out over there, did people know who you were.

N: No, sony doesn't trade with cuba. That was kind of half the point of going, there was one DJ who's been playing a few of our records but that's as far as it goes.

Right ok. So who's idea was it to go to cuba.

N: Just mine, everyone blamed me for all this crap we've had ever since. We were just recording the album last year and we wanted to come back in a different way and push ourselves a bit.

And what was it like meeting castro, it must have been a strange moment.

N: It was like being in Forrest Gump you know it was definately like some sort of advert where you just walked into a private room but you know it was just one of those things you're not going to turn it down are you.

I was sort of reminded of that great quote from Nelson Mandela when he met the Spice Girls and he said "this is the greatest day of my life" (Nicky's laughing) was he alright did he go out for a pint with you - well not with you, well, lemonade... (nicky does drink according to sean)

N: he was very sociable, I don't know he was just very cool.

Was it a political statement in a way, when you were young and you made all those statements and everything which everybody does when they're kids, we don't go back over that... would you still think of yourselves as politically motivated when you sit down to write something.

N: Yeah to a point I think it's what seperates us from all the new crop, those people we don't feel much in common with cos we grew up on just a different kind of culture where it's nice to talk about other things than your girlfriend.

In the new album all the words are written out in your handwriting.

N: Yes.

Not many crossings out, is that cos you've copied them out neat and done them again or when you get an inspiration and when it comes, does it come pretty easily once you've got the idea.

N: Some of those on there like the convalescent for instance that's about the 50th draft of it, that's why it looks reasonably ok. I got mountains and mountains of boring binders that will be in a museum one day which no-one will visit (me: nicky don't be stupid of course they will)

Do you ever write any words James, do you ever fancy writing the words (don't they know?)

J: Er... my first ever lyric was called Jackboot Johnny so... you can understand why I gave up at quite an early age. I've just written one last year.

N: which he's about to play.

It must have been quite unusual for all that time just sort of singing. Being the singer, but always singing someone else's words. That's quite an unusual situation.

J: It just made it easier that we all grew up you know playing in the same football teams, going to the same discos (I thought they werent sociable...) so like you know at least a lot of it is like shared experience. I always try to see myself as a redeemable roger daltrey.

Nicky laughs.

Some other questions here. Thomas has emailed, should be revising. Any plans to tour coming back to northern ireland.

N: Yes. In September definately. Last time we were there we were number 1 and it was a glorious moment.

Any plans to ever release a live album.

N: it'll have to be heavily remixed on the bass parts.

Why do you make a lot of mistakes live.

N: just a few. I mean if you move and jump and POUT (!!) as much as me you're going to make a few mistakes. When we played Later everyone was like laughing at me at Later the other night you had these super musos who play their bass like mark king. I mean that's a crime, you should be put it prison if you play your bass... I'd rather make mistakes.

When you joined the band could you play at all.

N: I played guitar, I taught James his first D chord and then within a week he could play everything off exile on main street and I was still stuck on a D chord. And they shoved me onto bass then instead.

There's nothing more certain than if you put 4 great musicians together in a room they'll come up with the dullest possible music.

N: Completely yes.

Someone's got to do the pouting haven't they (they're flirting with him...)

N: they have yeah.

And also you should worry Gene Simmons out of Kiss has become the richest bass player the world has ever known for playing a solo every night dripping blood off his tongue whilst playing a root E note.

N: and good luck to him too.

Will there be a b sides album and b sides rarities kind of thing says Richard.

N: I dunno, we're not that old yet. I still think we'll definately do a greatest hits next which will be next year.

New singles off the album, is there any chance of Dead Martyrs or My Guernica.

N: I don't think they'd get much play, it's hard enough as it is. Dead Martyrs, this one is followed by Shaggy, Angel...

He's on with you on Later tonight isn't he.

N: he is yeah.

Was he a nice chap.

N: he's very witty actually. He was asking me if I wore briefs or boxers under my skirt cos I'm wearing a dress on Later tonight so keep your... you might get a little sneak preview so to speak.

I thought you might have come in something more outlandish today say when you're walking around you don't dress... I mean jeans and a blue shirt.

N: You can't see it on the radio can you.

Ruth in Manchester's going to see the Shirehorses tommorrow she says... James the green shirt with the velcro which you were wearing on the uk tour, did you have a job lot or is it the same one every night.

J: Same one every night and it stinks.

So what are you going to release then, have you got anything planned. It's quite a varied album isn't it. I mean doing things like Miss Europa Disco Dancer, playing with different styles and things on this album.

N: I think it's a lot of fun for us. It's an eclectic album, Ocean Spray's the next single and we're not sure about after that we just might I dunno we might release something brand new, who knows. We're just trying to loosen up in our old age.

James who's been knackered has been laying on the floor but smiling gallantly as he waits to do the song. Are you fit for it.

J: I am fit.

Ocean Spray. Is there anything you want to tell us about it or do you want to just do it.

J: No it's a bit of a gloomy song so let's not mention it because it's a happy show this (it sounds like a daft show to me...)

OK then alright James Dean Bradfield.

Performing live in a hotel room in cardiff, with the single Ocean Spray, James Dean Bradfield of the Manic Street Preachers. Are you going back on tour Nick?

N: Yeah we're off to do all the festivals in the summer.

And how's your brother getting on with his playwriting career.

N: He's doing well actually, we're trying to turn the play everything must go into a film. At the moment, we're sorting out funding at the moment. It'll be quite exciting.

Well it's been great to see you today, thanks very much for coming, you and James.

N: it's been a pleasure.

And pass our regards onto Sean won't you.

N: Will do. If we see him in the next 2 years (??)