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ENE: First let's start with alittle history of your band and tell us what you're trying to do right now.

BSF: We're a five piece from Newark, Delaware. We've been together for like 6 years. Currently we're in between tours. We just got back from a 7 week tour through the whole United States that ended on July 10th and we're leaving for a 7 week Europen tour which starts September 20th. Both tours are basically to promote our latest release "After The Eulogy" which is on Victory Records and we're just trying to remain busy. We're trying to keep touring and writing and getting our music out there to as many people as possible. To also get our message out there as well.

ENE: So, I hear you guys don't like it when people dance at your shows. Why is that?

BSF: Actually we have no problem with people dancing at our shows. You know there's people that have said that to us before and they totally misunderstand what we say, if they've ever even seen us. The only thing that we don't like, and I think anyone who has ever been at a show and is trying to enjoy a band and have a good time can agree with us on that point, that when there's idiots that go to a show just to pick a fight and just start trouble, obvisiously that ruins the time that other people are spending at the show, trying to have a good time. Obvisiously the show gets ruined because of those that go there and want to start trouble. But we have no problem with people dancing, at all, as long as they are respecting the other people around them. You know if people are jumping off the stage and whipping around doing windmills, I could care less. Just be careful for those who are standing around trying to enjoy themselves.

ENE: I just know from first hand experience that you guys seem like you feel that way. I was at a show that you guys played at the Trocadero in Philadelphia like 2 years ago and your lead singer, Nathan, stopped playing and told everyone to stop dancing.

BSF: Well, I don't know why he did that.

ENE: So I guess you wouldn't get mad if I did the Waltz during this interview or anything like that?

BSF: The what?

ENE: The waltz.

BSF: Hahaha. No go right ahead. It's all good.

ENE:You guys are a super political band. How do you feel about campaign finance reform?

BSF: I honestly feel politics are so screwed up right now because obvisiously the canidates that are running for office right now, for example George W. Bush and Al Gore and whatever, they are basically getting the money to run their campaigns from the big corporations. So obvisiously the corporations that are giving the most money are going to get payback later on down the road if they are elected into office. I do think there should be a campaign finance reform, only to the extent that it benifts all the canidates that are out there, not just the two in the biggest parties, Democrats and republicans. For instance, Ralph Nader is running for office for the Green Party and his goal isn't neccesarily to become President, but to get 5% of the vote in the election. If that happens he will recieve government funds to run for President in the next election.

ENE: Yea, but you do know that he's a socialist, right?

BSF: Yea.

ENE: You don't have any problems with that?

BSF: No, with him being socialist?

ENE: Well, Communism and Socialism go hand-in-hand. You would eb fine with having a Communist President?

BSF: Well he has never really come out to say that he's Communist and, honestly, if he has I don't have a problem with that because definitley if you've ever studied Communism in it's true form it's a great ideology to have.

ENE: Yea, but it hasn't worked ever.

BSF: That doesn't mean that it can't work at all. Just because something hasn't worked before doesn't mean you should discredit it from having a better chance at operating again in its true form.

ENE: Did you guys have anything to do with shooting Ronald Regan?

BSF: Have anything to do with shooting Ronald Regan? No.

ENE: Do you have a dog and if so can we explore that alittle bit more?

BSF: No.

ENE: No pets at all?

BSF: Nope.

ENE: I'm starting an emo band called "I Like Famous Amos Cookies." What do you think of that name?

BSF: I think it's pretty bad.

ENE: You don't have any ideas of a name for my emo band?

BSF: Nah. I hate emo. I hate bands altogether.

ENE: Who would win in a race, All Out War or Hatebreed?

BSF: A foot race?

ENE: Yea, a foot race.

BSF: I think All Out War might win.

ENE: Why's that?

BSF: Because I haven't seen Hatebreed. I haven't seen them live, I've never met those guys. All Out War, they seem like pretty fit dudes. They could probably pull off a 5K foot race pretty well.

ENE: What's your favorie city to play?

BSF: Our favorite city would probably be Detroit.

ENE: What's so special about Detroit?

BSF: The kids there are just very very energetic and very positive. They want to go out and have a good time. We've never had any type of problems in Detroit or anything like that. They've always been very respectful and very outgoing. It makes for a very fun show.

ENE: I hear that you guys like Richmond, VA. Is that true?

BSF: Do we like it? Yea, we played there probably about like 5 times in the past couple years and it's great.

ENE: What do you think of the whole guy/girl scene down there?

BSF: Guy/Girl scene?

ENE: You know, how the girls look. Stuff like that.

BSF: How they look? I don't think anything really of it. Actually, Richmond has alot of tattoes. Tattoes are huge in Richmond. Any city in the States, Richmond has the most. Every other person you see has like a sleeve or something like that. Even the girls. So as far as people look, that's the only thing that really stands out.

ENE: I heard a rumor, through the hardcore grapevine, that you guys stayed at some guys house in Richmond, the last time you guys played there, and the dude walked in on your lead singer, Nathan, jackin off on his couch. Is that true, if it is can you create a better image for us?

BSF: Who knows? Who cares?

ENE: We just wanted to know. It's kind of a funny situtation and we wanted to know if it was true or not.

BSF: I have no idea. I don't normally sit around and watch Nathan jerkin off.

ENE: It never came up? Like he said he might be emabarrassed or anything?

BSF: Might want to ask him about it. I have no idea.

ENE: What are your future plans for Boy Sets Fire?

BSF: The plans are to keep touring, keep writing. Just like the first question, just remain busy. Stay positive and keep workin hard.