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Michael, a former professional scout, has been a fan of minor league baseball all his life. His work on the OPES system of prospect evaluation grew out of an interest in objectively evaluating minor league players. His hope is that it will enlighten what for many is a dark corner of the baseball world.

Michael wishes to thank John Benson and Tony Bergamino for there groundbreaking work in the area of prospect evaluation, Bill James, the father of Sabermetrics, for his dedication to the cause of understanding this great game, and John Sickels of ESPN/Stats Inc. for the inspiration to start this website. He would also like to thank Brian and Joanna for there help in getting the site up and running. It has been a a yeoman's effort made better by their presence. They both are truly exceptional people.

Michael a life long Yankee fan lives in Denver Co, home of the never ending search for pitching that can last in Coors Field.



In the mold of television postman Cliff Clavin, Brian is one of those annoying people who remembers all sorts of entirely useless information.   Little did he know that this would be such a boon in the world of baseball.   Also a Yankee fan from birth, Brian currently lives just outside Boston on the Red Line.  Hence, his day is peppered with countless, faceless Sox fans all claiming that this is their year.  He knows better.  A graduate of Colby College, Brian manages product design and marketing for a small pen-based software company and is in the midst of writing his first novel.  Brian would like to thank Michael for being guillable enough to actually believe he knew anything about Web development. 

Brian is not married, but he does have a dog.



Joanna is the founder and sole proprietor of Anouk Design. Her web sites have won numerous awards from various professional organizations. Diamond Futures new look and feel, as well as the graphics, animation, and sound it contains are completely her doing. Michael and I are very proud of the new look and blessed to have a desinger of such talent aid in developing this site.