eManual Newsgroup FAQ by DarkMass V2.0459



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+                  *NEW*  Full list of technical manual books                 +
|                  posted on the eBook and eManual newsgroups!                |
+               The list is sorted by Subject and by Book Title.              +
|                                                                             |

  | SOME QUICK KOODOS:  |                   
|                                                                             |
|   free.ebooks.emanuals would like to thank Patricia (patw34@excite.com),    |
|   for without her persistence and the quality of posts she leaves in        |
|   free.ebooks-2000, this newsgroup would not be necessary.                  |
|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |
|   free.email.emanuals was started to provide computer users with a new      |
|   location to trade manuals, tutorials, helpfiles and e-Texts relating      |
|   to computers, software, hardware, and electronic equipment.               |
|   alt.binaries.emanuals has sprung forth as another great resource          |
|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |
|   we have few rules.  postings are not moderated, but please note a few     |
|   guidelines.  posting emanuals can be in the form of text or archived      |
|   into binary files.  subject field should clearly indicate what is in      |
|   the body of the message or in the attachment.  users who break these      |
|   minor rules should not be flamed, rather ignored so they will go away.    |
|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |
|   ebooks posted in free.ebooks.emanuals and alt.binaries.emanuals should    |
|   be "manuals" or "training materials" for computer or electronic related   |
|   subjects.                                                                 |
|                                                                             |
|   if you are interested in posting and collecting novels, fiction, prose,   |
|   etc, you would be better served by lurking in alt.binaries.e-books,       |
|   alt.binaries.e-book, alt.binaries.ebooks, alt.binaries.ebook, etc.        |
|                                                                             |

  | NFO (info) FILES: |
|                                                                             |
|   you are strongly encouraged to post NFO files when you post your ebooks   |
|   or emanuals.                                                              |
|                                                                             |
|   an nfo or "info" file gives details to perspective downloaders as to      |
|   the properties of the file.  nfo files should be posted in a message by   |
|   itself which is clearly mark as the nfo file.  the custom darkmass nfo    |
|   maker quickly creates very small nfo files which you can customize if     |
|   needed.  the darkmass ebook NFO file generator creates very small NFO     |
|   files without having to actually do much typing.  The files can be        |
|   customized and it can even gives you credit for your work.  the NFO       |
|   generating program is free and can be downloaded at our website:          |
|   https://www.angelfire.com/zine/darkmass/nfomaker.html.                     |
|                                                                             |
|   the following information is encouraged for all NFO files:                |
|   book subject, book title, author(s), publisher, file name, archive type,  |
|   number of parts, part size(s), file format, number of pages, etc.         |
|                                                                             |

  | USING AGENTPOST:  |                   
|                                                                             |
|   i use the autopost utility called AgentPost.  AgentPost is a plug-in      |
|   for forte' agent, it cannot be used without Agent being installed and     |
|   running on your system.  AgentPost automatically puts the filename in     |
|   the "Subject" field.  this is the easiest way to tell newsgroup members   |
|   what is in your message without them having to download the entire file.  |  
|                                                                             |
|   here's how to set up and configre AgentPost:                              |
|      1.  download it: AgentPost22.zip                                       |
|      2.  create a sub directroy in your main Agent directroy called         |
|          "autopost"                                                         |
|      3.  extract the zip archive into this directory                        |
|      4.  execute the program by double clicking on AGENTPST.EXE             |
|          (note: if you need, you can put a shortcut to this file on your    |
|          desktop or on your start menu, the program will not do this on     |
|          its own).                                                          |
|      5.  highlight the two default groups in the "newsgroup list" box and   |
|          click on the red "x" to remove them.  u can add them back later    |
|          if you actually use either of those groups.                        |
|      6.  add newsgroups to the list by typing them in, one by one, into     |
|          the "newsgroups" text box and then press the green "o".  each      |
|          newsgroup will be added to the list.                               |
|                                                                             |
|   using AgentPost:                                                          |
|      1.  select all of the newsgroups you want the files to go to.          |
|          you can click on one, hold down the shift key, and click the       |
|          rest.  make sure all the groups are in the "Newsgroups:" textbox.  |
|      2.  add some very brief text to the "Subject:" field.  the filename    |
|          will be added here automatically, so be brief.  i suggest putting  |
|          something such as:                                                 |
|                                                                             |
|              "Computer eManuals: (subject-type) - "                         |
|                                                                             |
|          where "subject-type" is the subject matter of the books you are    |
|          posting.  the file name will be added to the end of this later.    |
|      3.  use the navigation boxes to locate the directory of the files      |
|          you want to add.                                                   |
|      4.  check "Post selected files only" and then highlight all of the     |
|          filenames you wish to send out.                                    |
|      5.  if you wish to send a 0 file, you can either create one in a text  |
|          editor, or use autopost's editor.  i strongly suggest you edit a   |
|          file and use that as the 0 file.  in the past, agentpost has       |
|          posted what was on my "clipboard" rather than what i wrote in      |
|          the agentpost text editor.  who knows why.                         |
|      6.  make sure agent is running on your computer, then press "Post"     |
|                                                                             |
|   occasionally, you will encounter an error of one sort or another the      |
|   first time you try to post something.  if you cancel and then press       |
|   "Stop" on AgentPoster, then press post again, it will work correctly      |
|   on the 2nd try.                                                           |
|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |
|   text/reader file types include (but not limited to):                      |
|       HTML : internet hyperlink text used to construct web pages.           |
|                  examples: *.htm or *.html files.                           |
|       PDF  : electronic documents in Adobe PDF files can be viewed,         |
|              annotated, and printed on any computer (free download at       |
|              www.adobe.com)                                                 |
|                  example: *.pdf                                             |
|       TEXT : simple text construction, such as the one you're reading now.  |
|              can be read using notepad.exe which comes with Windows         |
|                  example: *.txt, *.asc, *.nfo, *.diz                        |
|       DOC  : document files can be viewed with microsoft word or word-      |
|              viewer which is available for free, download from microsoft    |
|              at http://download.microsoft.com.                              |
|                  example: *.doc, *.dot, *.rtf, *.wps                        |
|       CHM  : the new help format.  files can be viewed with microsoft's     |
|              HTML help program (and you need IE5+).  download it at         |
|              msdn.microsoft.com.                                            |
|                  example: *.chm                                             |
|       LIT  : microsoft's new proprietary eBook format for the pocket PC     |
|       PDB  : files are Palm document format files.  these files can be      |
|              read on the PC with Easy Doc Viewer                            |
|                                                                             |
|   archive/zip file types include (but not limited to):                      |
|       RAR  : rared file types allow posters to distribute large files by    |
|              slicing them into bite-sized portions.  this helps users       |
|              because if they download a corrupt file, they only have to     |
|              replace the one file that was corrupt, not the entire ebook.   |
|              rar files are de-archived using WinRAR available for download  |
|              at http://www.rarsoft.com. rar files are named using the       |
|              following convention:                                          |
|                 1st file:         *.rar                                     |
|                 next 100 files:   *.r00 to *.99                             |
|                 next 100 files:   *.s00 to *.s99                            |
|                 (and so on)                                                 |
|       ACE  : with a naming convention similar to RAR files, WinACE isn’t    |
|              quite as well known or well used as RAR.  however, if someone  |
|              posts an *.ACE file, you can download their archive utility    |
|              at http://www.winace.com/.                                     |
|       ZIP  : a history book could be written on the zip archiving utility,  |
|              originally started by the pkware company.  you can download    |
|              WinZip from www.winzip.com, or you can try my absolute         |
|              favorite zip application, ZipMagic at                          |
|                                    |
|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |
|   if you post binary files, they should be compressed in a popular          |
|   compression form such as ZIP, RAR, or ACE.  you are encouraged to post    |
|   your emanuals as attachments so they can be saved to diskette or written  |
|   to CDROM.  file size should be limited to 1.44Mb chunks.  WinRar supports |
|   splitting archived files for easier file management and posting.          |
|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |
|   for users of forte agent (www.forteinc.com):                              |
|       1.) select the files you want to download                             |
|       2.) right click                                                       |
|       3.) select "Save all attachments ..."                                 |
|       the file will be downloaded and saved to the Agent work directory of  |
|       your hard drive.                                                      |
|                                                                             |
|   for users of freeagent: (thanks to the great procrastinator!)             |
|       1.) select all the files                                              |
|       2.) right-click on one of the files                                   |
|       3.) select 'Decode Binary Attachements'                               |
|       4.) on the toolbar, click "Get Marked Message Bodies" (the blue       |
|           arrow pointing down with a lightning bolt...3rd from the left     |
|           in the default configuration.)                                    |
|           several seconds, minutes or hours later (depending upon file      |
|           size and your connection speed), the decoded file(s) will have    |
|           been saved in either freeagent's data directory or the directory  |
|           specified at "Group | [Default] Properties | Attachments |        |
|           Binary Attachments Directory".                                    |
|                                                                             |
|   for users of outlook: (thanks chris and also michael schafes!)            |
|       1.) highlight the individual components                               |
|       2.) *right-click* and select 'combine and decode'.                    |
|                                                                             |
|       however, if you see a file in multiple parts, that is then further    |
|       split by the news software, for example:                              |
|                                                                             |
|          Windows NT Internet and Intranet Development.rar (1/2),            |
|          Windows NT Internet and Intranet Development.rar (2/2),            |
|          Windows NT Internet and Intranet Development.r00 (1/2),            |
|          Windows NT Internet and Intranet Development.r00 (2/2),            |
|          Windows NT Internet and Intranet Development.r01 (1/2),            |
|          Windows NT Internet and Intranet Development.r01 (2/2), etc...     |
|                                                                             |
|       then:                                                                 |
|       1.) select all the files                                              |
|       2.) right-click                                                       |
|       3.) select 'combine and decode'                                       |
|           several seconds, minutes or hours laters (depending upon file     |
|           size and your connection speed) a new window will be opened       |
|           containing all the files as attachments.                          |
|       4.) right-click NEXT to one of the file names                         |
|       5.) select 'save all...'                                              |
|       6.) choose where to save them.                                        |
|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |
|   sometimes messages get routed in different directions, thus some parts    |
|   will arrive much later than other parts.  also files in a batch upload    |
|   don't always arrive in numerical order, usually the newsreader you use    |
|   sorts them for you.  sometimes due to propagation problems between the    |
|   large news servers, files may not reach individual ISP servers at all.    |
|                                                                             |
|   i have had to set some rules for reposts.  people demanding reposts only  |
|   moments after files have been posted,  proving they've done nothing to    |
|   find the file on their own.  people have actually asked for reposts       |
|   the files had even finished uploading!                                    |
|                                                                             |
|   it is bad form to post something multiple times in a short period for     |
|   several reasons.  it clogs servers, monopolizes the poster's bandwidth    |
|   and prevents the poster from honoring requests for previously un-posted   |
|   material.                                                                 |
|                                                                             |
|   if you are trying to download a batch of files and you notice that some   |
|   files or parts of files are missing, do not ask for a repost until you    |
|   have preformed the following steps:                                       |
|                                                                             |
|   1.) wait at least 48 hours before posting the request:                    |
|       --------------------------------------------------                    |
|       as explained above, sometimes files don't make it to your server in   |
|       order, needed files may propagate after a period of time; hours or    |
|       even days may pass before all of the files become available. i will   |
|       ignore repost requests made on the same day or the day after a post!  |
|                                                                             |
|   2.) check other newsgroups:                                               |
|       -----------------------                                               |
|       the groups I post in are alt.binaries.e-book, alt.binaries.e-books,   |
|       a.b.emanuals and free.ebooks.emanuals.  everyone should get at least  |
|       two of these newsgroups, else wise, they absolutely must find a       |
|       different *(better)* news host.                                       |
|                                                                             |
|       sometimes, files are posted in other e-book newsgroups as well.  see  |
|       the section "OTHER NEWSGROUPS" for more information.                  |
|                                                                             |
|       posters cross-post messages (or files) because many newsgroup hosts   |
|       refuse to support "rogue" newsgroups (newsgroups that were created    |
|       outside of the normal "official" channels of newsgroup creation).     |
|       for example, these sorts of news hosts carry nothing in the free.*    |
|       hierarchy.  they also may refuse to carry the alt.binaries.emanuals.  |
|                                                                             |
|   3.) check at least 3 other news servers:                                  |
|       ------------------------------------                                  |
|       the only way you can tell if a problem with missing files is your     |
|       news host or a propagation problem among ALL of the news hosts is to  |
|       do some research; start by looking for the files on other servers.    |
|                                                                             |
|       there are hundreds of servers available, many are free, and its very  |
|       simple to temporarily configure your news reader to access other      |
|       servers (see the section in this FAQ titled "USING MULTIPLE NEWSGROUP |
|       SERVERS").                                                            |
|                                                                             |
|       typically, i use Newscene (www.newscene.com).  they are about 12 bux  |
|       a month.  there are other pay-free news hosts available, search the   |
|       complete list at http://www.newzbot.com/search.html.  these free      |
|       servers will only be a temporary solution; free news servers don't    |
|       always stay free.  they also often have very short message retention  |
|       schedule, so get the files you need, and get them quick.              |
|                                                                             |
|       if your news server is constantly losing files or their retention     |
|       schedule drop posts to quickly (sooner than 5 or 7 days), the you     |
|       need to find a new host. people who spend time posting can't be held  |
|       responsible (and thus, expect to repost files over and over) if the   |
|       user has a lame server and refuses to find a better one!              |
|                                                                             |
|   4.) re-download all the message headers:                                  |
|       ------------------------------------                                  |
|       if you downloaded message headers when the file is at the same time   |
|       being propagated, it will appear that parts are "missing".  by down-  |
|       loading the message headers again later (perhaps hours later), the    |
|       propagation may be complete.                                          |
|                                                                             |
|   5.) before requesting files, how many files you've contributed lately?:   |
|       -------------------------------------------------------------------   |
|       be a hero.  if you enjoy the newsgroup and the files you’ve gathered  |
|       from e-book postings, please show your gratitude by honoring other    |
|       people’s repost requests.  the fewer reposts posters have to do, the  |
|       more new files they can provide.                                      |
|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |
|  sometimes we need to have multiple newsgroup servers to get the job done.  |
|  when one server clogs up, its nice to have a "backup" ... or multiple      |
|  backups.                                                                   |
|                                                                             |
|  you can do this in outlook by setting up another "account", easy enough.   |
|                                                                             |
|  here’s the steps for using forte agent:                                    |
|   1.) create a new subdirectory (or subfolder) in the agent directory.  i   |
|       suggest naming the folder familiar to the newsgroup server, such as   |
|       c:\program files\agent\newsservername.                                |
|   2.) send a copy of your agent.ini file into this directory                |
|   3.) copy a shortcut to forte agent's exe file to your desktop (you can    |
|       move it later, just put it here for the moment).  rename it from      |
|       "copy of shortcut to agent" to something like "newshost shortcut".    |
|   4.) right-click this new shortcut and select "properties"                 |
|   5.) change the "Target:" information to something similar to:             |
|                                                                             |
|   "D:\Program Files\Agent\agent.exe" "D:\Program Files\Agent\newshost"      |
|                                                                             |
|   NOTE: you must use quotation marks in this manner!                        |
|                                                                             |
|   6.) change the "Start in:" information to something similar to:           |
|                                                                             |
|   "D:\Program Files\Agent\newshost"                                         |
|                                                                             |
|   NOTE: again, pay attention to quotation marks, they must be there!        |
|                                                                             |
|   7.) click "OK"                                                            |
|   8.) double-click on the new agent icon                                    |
|   9.) configure forte agent to use your alternate newsgroup host.  you may  |
|       have to re-enter your registration number the first time.             |
|  10.) click "options", select the system tab and type in the server name    |
|       or ip address of the alternate newsgroup server.  click "ok".         |
|  11.) click the "online" menu, then "refresh newsgroup list..."             |
|  12.) after your new server's group list is updated, you're ready to go!    |
|                                                                             |

  | ON TOPIC: |
|                                                                             |
|   there is no specific subject matter requirement for posting.  on topic    |
|   messages include subjects such as computer programming, video games,      |
|   cheats, cracks, hacks, hardware installation, software use/manipulation,  |
|   beta test results, networking equipment manuals, etc, are all on-topic.   |
|   emanuals, tutorials, ebooks, and help files are allowed.  the posting of  |
|   links to web sites, FTP sites or other resources containing emanual files |
|   are also considered "on topic" even if the post is in the form of an      |
|   advertisement for a web site, product, or service.                        |
|                                                                             |

  | OFF TOPIC:  |
|                                                                             |
|   ebooks such as novels, short stories, poetry, or flaming other posters    |
|   are off topic.  posting of porn links, get-rich-quick offers, etc are     |
|   off-topic and should be ignored.                                          |
|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |
|   there are several other newsgroups to distribute or locate ebooks,        |
|   such as:                                                                  |
|       alt.binaries.ebooks             alt.binaries.ebook                    |
|       alt.binaries.e-books            alt.binaries.e-book                   |
|       alt.binaries.emanuals           alt.ebook                             |
|       alt.ebook.nuvomedia.rocketbook  alt.ebook.readers                     |
|       free.ebooks.emanuals            rocket.ebook                          |
|       alt.ebook                       alt.etext                             |
|                                                                             |
|   if you are looking for a place to DISCUSS ebooks, but NOT distribute      |
|   them check out free.ebooks-2000.  tell patricia that I sent you.          |
|                                                                             |
|   not all news servers carry these groups.  if you check your news          |
|   server’s list and one or more of these groups are missing, consider       |
|   switching to a different server.                                          |
|                                                                             |
|   i use newscene (www.newscene.com) and they carry all of these groups.     |
|   Some pay-free servers exist, however, their retention of messages is      |
|   very short.  to find free news servers, do a search at                    |
|   http://www.newzbot.com/search.html.                                       |
|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |
|   not sure how much help these will be, some of them seem to have interest- |
|   ing material.  The rest are spam houses trying to sell you treebooks.     |
|   post anything you find in the newsgroups (please):                        |
|                                                                             |
|   http://www.abandonwarering.com/llol/pcapps/pcapps_main.htm                |
|   http://www.itknowledge.com/                                               |
|   http://www.trainingtools.com/                                             |
|   http://www.fossick.com/eText.htm                                          |
|   http://www.homestead.com/kerrsoftware/KERRSOFTWARE.html                   |
|   http://www.informit.com/itlibrary/                                        |
|   http://www.ceth.rutgers.edu/intromat/xml/resources.htm                    |
|   http://planeta.clix.pt/testeeee/                                          |
|   http://www.abandonwarering.com/llol/pcapps/pcapps_main.htm                |
|   Nubooks                                                                   |
|   http://www.techrepublic.com                                               |
|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |
|   for the leaches of non-technical ebooks, search here:                     |
|     Rocket-library.com                                                      |
|     Project Gutenburg                                                       |
|     First Books Library                                                     |
|     Saftek Electronic Books                                                 |
|     Project Bartleby                                                        |
|     On-line Books Library                                                   |
|     Internet Classic Archive                                                |
|     University of Pennsylvania                                              |
|     ElectricBooks                                                           |
|     American Literary Classics                                              |
|     The Alex Library                                                        |
|     HyperText from Virginia.edu                                             |
|     OnLine Literature Library                                               |
|     Philosophy e-texts                                                      |
|     Banned Books On-line                                                    |
|     BookValley.com                                                          |
|     William Blake Archive                                                   |
|     The World of Dante                                                      |
|     Shelley Complete Poetical Works                                         |
|     Jane Austen                                                             |
|     H P Lovecraft                                                           |
|     Alive & Free                                                            |
|     Great Writers and Poets                                                 |
|     CELT - library of Irish literature                                      |
|     Blackmask Online                                                        |
|     African American Women Writers the 19th Century                         |
|     Victorian Women Writers Project (VWWP) [Indiana]                        |
|      The National Womens History Project                                    |
|     Women and the Civil War - Resources at Duke                             |
|     Free Library of Classics                                                |
|     FreeLit -                                                               |
|     Lady Liberty: The Changing Face of American Freedom                     |
|     Concordances of Great Books                                             |
|     Corpus Of Modern English Texts                                          |
|     Digitized Library of Southern Literature: Beginnings to 1920            |
|     The Wilkie Collins Etext Page                                           |
|     Free Library of Classics                                                |
|     Gibson Digital Library                                                  |
|     Internet Public Library Catalog                                         |
|     Internet Library of Early Journals                                      |
|     Kirkpatrick Library                                                     |
|     Litrix Reading Room                                                     |
|     Le Chateau                                                              |
|     Libros en Red                                                           |
|     Luminarium                                                              |
|     Marxists Internet Archive                                               |
|     Mission Creep Online Publishin                                          |
|     Naked Word                                                              |
|     National Academy Press Reading Room                                     |
|     National Library of Canada Electronic Collection                        |
|     Native-American Texts                                                   |
|     Online Literature Library                                               |
|     Online Medieval and Classical Library                                   |
|     Perseus Project                                                         |
|     Read It Connected                                                       |
|     Renascence Editions                                                     |
|     Restoration Movement Writers                                            |
|     Edmund Spenser Home Page                                                |
|     Project Runeberg                                                        |
|     Russian Classical Library                                               |
|     Southwestern U.S. Classics Online                                       |
|     Stony Run                                                               |
|     Texts about the American Civil War                                      |
|     Texts by Women Authors                                                  |
|     Thomas Jefferson Resources                                              |
|     Unforgettable Letters                                                   |
|     Browser Books                                                           |
|     Lost Poets of the Great War                                             |
|     http://digital.library.upenn.edu/                                       |
|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |
|   i am interested in any good websites which discuss the building of        |
|   ebooks from regular texts.  here is one i have found so far:              | 
|    Ebook Compilers                                                          |
|                                                                             |

  | SPAM: |
|                                                                             |
|  deliberately posting the same file(s) or message(s) multiple times in an   |
|  abusive manner is considered spam.  advertisements for non-ebook or non-   |
|  emanual web sites or products is considered spam.  if you are not sure     |
|  what is considered "spam", please refer to the spam threshold website at   |
|  http://www.faqs.org/faqs/usenet/spam-faq/.                                 |
|                                                                             |

  | AUTHOR: |   
|                                                                             |
|              this FAQ was written by D@rkM@ss on 7-1-2000                   |
|              last updated by D@rkM@ss on 8-15-2000                          |
|                                                                             |

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