About Me!

I am a student in New York City and I have always been interested in music, art, writing, and as you can see, putting together my website. In my spare time I enjoy playing the piano, painting, writing short stories, watching movies, hanging with my friends and playing with my pets!

Why did I do this page?: Entertainment has been a part of human culture for many years, no matter what form it comes in, whether it is song, dance, acting, or a little comic relief, which is why I choose to represent many of these forms on my page. I hope you enjoy what is given here and I intend to only make it better as the months go by with more sections of interest.

Who is responsible?: I want to give a shout out to all of my friends at school and beyond...Gigi, we've alwayz been the best of friends, I'll miss ya!, Rob, your such a cool person to hang out with ...keep playin' that sax!, Johnny, I'm glad we hang out at school!, Carmen, thanx for the site help....JC rulez!...., Viv, you're probably only here for the feebies! :o), (P.S. I'm winning Intel!), Eric and "Chain", I'm glad we keep in touch. I'd also like to pay tribute to my mentors...my teachers, past and present, my music teachers, my family and...can't forget.... my hamsters, cat and bird. :o)

S.I.T. with me!: I love getting feedback from site visitors so Stay In Touch! Please sign the guestbook that is found on the homepage or write me an email!

Thanx for visiting my site!

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