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Colombian Artist
César Martínez


Colombian Artist - César Martínez Portacio

César Martínez Portacio, was born on October 16, 1946 in Sampués, Sucre, Colombia. It was in 1957 when César Martínez's first interest awoke for the plastic arts and ceramics. It was at this time when he tried his hand with colored pencils and watercolors.

After entering school in 1960, his interest for the art really started to blossom. In 1963 he withdrew from his school studies for economic reasons and took off for Cartagena de Indias for the sole purpose of looking for work and to study art, which was at that time was very difficult to do because of the lack of art books and art schools.

Since he couldn't achieving his objective of studying art he decided to paint his first oil work, called "The Mill."

Later in Cartagena around 1968, he demonstrated his artwork in his first public art exhibition. Which, too his surprise, was well received and this was springboard that started to expand and be known in the cultural extension of the Department of Bolivar and other parts of Colombia.

He has carried out countless exhibitions in many parts of the country like Santa Fé de Bogotá, Sampués, Sogamosa, Cartagena, Sincelejo, San Marcos, and Monteriá.


Painted Dec.1-15 1988
Size: 50 CM X 82CM

Inspired by the customs and traditions of his native town of Sampués, Sucre. This Fiesta is celebrated every year in honor of the Patron Saint (St. Agaton), which begins December 28 and concludes the 1st of January of the following year.

The Fiesta is five afternoons of bulls/rodeos where the whole town celebrates by participating in this Criollo or (homegrown) bullfighting and in the night, Fandango dances are held in the townsquare, these dances are typically done with lit candles that are held in the dancers hands as Porro (typical florcoric music) is played by local bands.


Painted Feb. 5, 2000
Size: 77CM X 102 CM

In this work, César Martínez, trys to capture the beauty of nature with the coloring of a tropical earth, with their palm houses, their powdery streets, their people and customs of Sampués his home town.


Painted Nov. 20,2000
Size: 1 M X 111CM

Gathering on the beauty of nature with its freshness of flowers and trying in this way to demonstrate the true importance of life of the fauna, it leaves no doubt to the importantance nature plays on our planet.

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CocoViche's ColArtist
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